Software Quality Assurance, Cont.

BPM.jl Comparisons for the Pettingill et al. Ideally Twisted Rotor

See here or here for details on the Ideally Twisted Rotor.

Figure 22b

using AcousticAnalogies
using AcousticMetrics: AcousticMetrics
using GLMakie
using KinematicCoordinateTransformations: compose, SteadyRotXTransformation, SteadyRotYTransformation, SteadyRotZTransformation, ConstantVelocityTransformation
using FileIO: load
using FLOWMath: Akima
using StaticArrays: @SVector

# Copied from BPM.jl (would like to add BPM.jl as a dependency if it's registered in General some day).
# tip vortex noise correction data based on "Airfoil Tip Vortex Formation Noise"
const bm_tip_alpha_aspect_data = [2.0,2.67,4.0,6.0,12.0,24.0]
const bm_tip_alpha_aratio_data = [0.54,0.62,0.71,0.79,0.89,0.95]
const bm_tip_alpha_aspect_ratio_correction = Akima(bm_tip_alpha_aspect_data, bm_tip_alpha_aratio_data)

function bm_tip_vortex_alpha_correction_nonsmooth(aspect_ratio)
    # compute tip lift curve slope
    if aspect_ratio < 2.0
        aratio = 0.5*one(aspect_ratio)
    elseif 2.0 <= aspect_ratio <= 24.0
        aratio = bm_tip_alpha_aspect_ratio_correction(aspect_ratio)
    elseif aspect_ratio > 24.0
        aratio = 1.0*one(aspect_ratio)

    return aratio

struct BMTipAlphaCorrection{TCorrection} <: AbstractTipAlphaCorrection

    function BMTipAlphaCorrection(aspect_ratio)
        # correction = BPM._tip_vortex_alpha_correction_nonsmooth(aspect_ratio)
        correction = bm_tip_vortex_alpha_correction_nonsmooth(aspect_ratio)
        return new{typeof(correction)}(correction)

function AcousticAnalogies.tip_vortex_alpha_correction(blade_tip::AbstractBladeTip{<:BMTipAlphaCorrection}, alphatip)
    a0l = AcousticAnalogies.alpha_zerolift(blade_tip)
    correction_factor = AcousticAnalogies.tip_alpha_correction(blade_tip).correction
    return correction_factor * (alphatip - a0l) + a0l

# Pettingill et al., "Acoustic And Performance Characteristics of an Ideally Twisted Rotor in Hover", 2021
# Parameters from Table 1
B = 4  # number of blades
Rtip = 0.1588 # meters
chord = 0.2*Rtip

# Standard day:
Tamb = 15 + 273.15 # 15°C in Kelvin
pamb = 101325.0  # Pa
R = 287.052874 # J/(kg*K)
rho = pamb/(R*Tamb)
asound = sqrt(1.4*R*Tamb)
# Dynamic and kinematic viscosity
mu = rho*1.4502e-5
nu = mu/rho

# This is a hover case, so the freestream velocity should be zero.
# CCBlade.jl will run with a zero freestream, but I've found that it compares a bit better with experiment if I give it a small non-zero value.
Vinf = 0.001*asound

# Figure 22 caption says Ω_c = 5465 RPM.
rpm = 5465.0
omega = rpm * (2*pi/60)

# Get "cell-centered" radial locations, and also the radial spacing.
num_radial = 50
r_Rtip_ = range(0.2, 1.0; length=num_radial+1)
r_Rtip = 0.5 .* (r_Rtip_[2:end] .+ r_Rtip_[1:end-1])
radii = r_Rtip .* Rtip
dradii = (r_Rtip_[2:end] .- r_Rtip_[1:end-1]) .* Rtip
Rhub = r_Rtip_[1]*Rtip

# From Pettingill Equation (1), and value for Θ_tip in Table 1.
Θ_tip = 6.9 * pi/180
twist = Θ_tip ./ (r_Rtip)

# Need some aerodynamic quantities.
# Got these using CCBlade.jl: see `AcousticAnalogies.jl/test/gen_bpmjl_data/itr_with_bpmjl.jl`.
data_bpmjl = load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "test", "gen_bpmjl_data", "figure22b.jld2"))
# Angle of attack at each radial station, radians.
alpha = data_bpmjl["alpha"]
# Flow speed normal to span at each radial station, m/s.
U = data_bpmjl["U"]

# In the Figure 22 caption, "for these predictions, bluntness thickness H was set to 0.8 mm and trailing edge angle Ψ was set to 16 degrees."
h = 0.8e-3  # meters
Psi = 16*pi/180  # radians

# We'll run for 1 blade pass, 20 time steps per blade pass.
num_blade_pass = 1
num_src_times_blade_pass = 20
bpp = 1/(B/(2*pi)*omega)  # 1/(B blade_passes/rev * 1 rev / (2*pi rad) * omega rad/s)
period_src = num_blade_pass*bpp
num_src_times = num_src_times_blade_pass * num_blade_pass
t0 = 0.0
dt = period_src/num_src_times
src_times = t0 .+ (0:num_src_times-1).*dt

# BPM.jl uses a different tip alpha correction which appears to require the blade aspect ratio.
# Need to find the blade aspect ratio of the ITR to apply the tip vortex angle of attack correction.
# The aspect ratio is defined as the blade tip radius divided by the average chord, but the chord is constant for this case.
aspect_ratio = Rtip / chord

# Now we can create the tip object.
alpha0lift = 0.0
blade_tip = AcousticAnalogies.FlatTip(BMTipAlphaCorrection(aspect_ratio), alpha0lift)

# Start with a rotation about the negative x axis.
positive_x_rotation = false
rot_trans = SteadyRotXTransformation(t0, omega*ifelse(positive_x_rotation, 1, -1), 0)

# Then translate along the positive x axis.
y0_hub = @SVector [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # m
v0_hub = @SVector [Vinf, 0.0, 0.0]
const_vel_trans = ConstantVelocityTransformation(t0, y0_hub, v0_hub)

# Then a 90° rotation about the negative z axis.
trans_z90deg = SteadyRotZTransformation(0.0, 0.0, -0.5*pi)

# Then a 90° rotation about the negative y axis.
trans_y90deg = SteadyRotYTransformation(0.0, 0.0, -0.5*pi)

# Put them all together:
trans = compose.(src_times, Ref(trans_y90deg),
            compose.(src_times, Ref(trans_z90deg),
                compose.(src_times, Ref(const_vel_trans), Ref(rot_trans))))

# Use the M_c = 0.8*M that BPM report and BPM.jl use.
U = @. 0.8*sqrt(Vinf^2 + (omega*radii)^2)

# In the text describing Figure 22, "For these predictions, the trip flag was set to “tripped”, due to the rough surface quality of the blade."
# So we'll use a tripped boundary layer for all radial stations along the blade.
bl = AcousticAnalogies.TrippedN0012BoundaryLayer()

# Need to do the LBLVS with the untripped boundary layer to match what BPM.jl is doing.
# BPM.jl uses the untripped boundary layer properties for the laminar boundary layer-vortex shedding noise source, so do that here too.
bl_lblvs = AcousticAnalogies.UntrippedN0012BoundaryLayer()

# Paper doesn't specify the microphone used for Figure 22, but earlier at the beginning of "C. Noise Characteristics and Trends" there is this:
#   > For the purposes of this paper, presented acoustic spectra will correspond to an observer located −35° below the plane of the rotor (microphone 5).
# So I'll just assume that holds for Figure 22.
# The observer (microphone 5) is 35 deg behind/downstream of the rotor rotation plane.
r_obs = 2.27 # meters
theta_obs = -35*pi/180
# So, the docstring for BPM.jl says that `V` argument is the wind velocity in the y direction.
# So I guess we should assume that the blades are rotating about the y axis.
# And if the freestream velocity is in the positive y axis, then, from the perspective of the fluid, the blades are translating in the negative y direction.
# And I want the observer to be downstream/behind the blades, so that would mean they would have a positive y position.
# So I want to rotate the observer around the positive x axis, so I'm going to switch the sign on `theta_obs`.
t0_obs = 0.0
x0_obs = @SVector [0.0, r_obs*sin(-theta_obs), r_obs*cos(-theta_obs)]
# The observer is moving in the same direction as the blades, which is the negative y axis.
v_obs = @SVector [0.0, -Vinf, 0.0]
obs = AcousticAnalogies.ConstVelocityAcousticObserver(t0_obs, x0_obs, v_obs)

# Azimuthal offset for each blade.
θs = (0:(B-1)) .* (2*pi/B) .* ifelse(positive_x_rotation, 1, -1)

# Reshape the inputs to the source element constructors so that everything will line up with (num_times, num_radial, num_blades).
θs_rs = reshape(θs, 1, 1, :)
radii_rs = reshape(radii, 1, :, 1)
dradii_rs = reshape(dradii, 1, :, 1)
# chord_rs = reshape(chord, 1, :, 1)
twist_rs = reshape(twist, 1, :, 1)
# hs_rs = reshape(hs, 1, :, 1)
# Psis_rs = reshape(Psis, 1, :, 1)
Us_rs = reshape(U, 1, :, 1)
alphas_rs = reshape(alpha, 1, :, 1)
# bls_rs = reshape(bls, 1, :, 1)
# bls_untripped_rs = reshape(bls_untripped, 1, :, 1)

# Separate things into tip and no-tip.
radii_rs_no_tip = @view radii_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
dradii_rs_no_tip = @view dradii_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
# chord_rs_no_tip = @view chord_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
twist_rs_no_tip = @view twist_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
# hs_rs_no_tip = @view hs_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
# Psis_rs_no_tip = @view Psis_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
Us_rs_no_tip = @view Us_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
alphas_rs_no_tip = @view alphas_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
# bls_rs_no_tip = @view bls_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]

radii_rs_with_tip = @view radii_rs[:, end:end, :]
dradii_rs_with_tip = @view dradii_rs[:, end:end, :]
# chord_rs_with_tip = @view chord_rs[:, end:end, :]
twist_rs_with_tip = @view twist_rs[:, end:end, :]
# hs_rs_with_tip = @view hs_rs[:, end:end, :]
# Psis_rs_with_tip = @view Psis_rs[:, end:end, :]
Us_rs_with_tip = @view Us_rs[:, end:end, :]
alphas_rs_with_tip = @view alphas_rs[:, end:end, :]
# bls_rs_with_tip = @view bls_rs[:, end:end, :]

direct = AcousticAnalogies.BPMDirectivity
use_UInduction = false
use_Doppler = false
mach_correction = AcousticAnalogies.NoMachCorrection
ses_no_tip = CombinedNoTipBroadbandSourceElement{direct,use_UInduction,mach_correction,use_Doppler}.(asound, nu, radii_rs_no_tip, θs_rs, dradii_rs_no_tip, chord, twist_rs_no_tip, h, Psi, Us_rs_no_tip, alphas_rs_no_tip, src_times, dt, Ref(bl), positive_x_rotation) .|> trans

ses_with_tip = CombinedWithTipBroadbandSourceElement{direct,use_UInduction,mach_correction,use_Doppler}.(asound, nu, radii_rs_with_tip, θs_rs, dradii_rs_with_tip, chord, twist_rs_with_tip, h, Psi, Us_rs_with_tip, alphas_rs_with_tip, src_times, dt, Ref(bl), Ref(blade_tip), positive_x_rotation) .|> trans

# Put the source elements together:
ses = cat(ses_no_tip, ses_with_tip; dims=2)

# Need to do the LBLVS with the untripped boundary layer to match what BPM.jl is doing.
lblvs_ses = AcousticAnalogies.LBLVSSourceElement{direct,use_UInduction,use_Doppler}.(asound, nu, radii_rs, θs_rs, dradii_rs, chord, twist_rs, Us_rs, alphas_rs, src_times, dt, Ref(bl_lblvs), positive_x_rotation) .|> trans

# Define the frequencies we'd like to evaluate.
# BPM.jl uses the approximate 1/3rd-octave bands.
freqs_obs = AcousticMetrics.ApproximateThirdOctaveCenterBands(100.0, 40000.0)
freqs_src = freqs_obs

# Now do the noise prediction.
bpm_outs = AcousticAnalogies.noise.(ses, Ref(obs), Ref(freqs_src))
pbs_lblvss = AcousticAnalogies.noise.(lblvs_ses, Ref(obs), Ref(freqs_src))

# Separate out each source.
pbs_tblte_ps = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_pressure.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tblte_ss = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_suction.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tblte_alphas = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_alpha.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tebs = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_teb.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tips = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_tip.(bpm_outs[:, end:end, :])

# Combine each noise prediction.
time_axis = 1
pbs_pressure = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tblte_ps, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_suction = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tblte_ss, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_alpha = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tblte_alphas, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_teb = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tebs, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_tip = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tips, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_lblvs = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_lblvss, freqs_obs, time_axis)

# Now I need to account for the fact that Figure 22b is actually comparing to narrowband experimental data with a frequency spacing of 20 Hz.
# So, to do that, I need to multiply the mean-squared pressure by Δf_nb/Δf_pbs, where `Δf_nb` is the 20 Hz narrowband and `Δf_pbs` is the bandwidth of each 1/3-octave proportional band.
# (Dividing the MSP by Δf_pbs aka the 1/3 octave spacing is like getting a power-spectral density, then multiplying by the narrowband spacing Δf_nb gives us the MSP associated with the narrowband.)
# I think the paper describes that, right?
# Right, here's something:
#   > The current prediction method is limited to one-third octave bands, but it is compared to the narrowband experiment with Δf = 20 Hz.
#   > This is done by dividing the energy from the one-third octave bands by the number of bands in Δf = 20 Hz.
# So, `Δf_pbs/Δf_nb` would represent the number of `Δf_nb`-width bands that could fit in a proportional band of bin width `Δf_pbs`.
# And then I'm dividing by that.
# So that seems like the right thing.
# So, first thing is to get the proportional band spacing.
freqs_l = AcousticMetrics.lower_bands(freqs_obs)
freqs_u = AcousticMetrics.upper_bands(freqs_obs)
df_pbs = freqs_u .- freqs_l
# Also need the experimental narrowband spacing.
df_nb = 20.0
# Now multiply each by that.
nb_pressure = pbs_pressure .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_suction = pbs_suction .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_alpha = pbs_alpha .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_teb = pbs_teb .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_tip = pbs_tip .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_lblvs_untripped = pbs_lblvs .* df_nb ./ df_pbs

# Now I want the SPL, which should just be this:
pref = 20e-6
spl_pressure = 10 .* log10.(nb_pressure./(pref^2))
spl_suction = 10 .* log10.(nb_suction./(pref^2))
spl_alpha = 10 .* log10.(nb_alpha./(pref^2))
spl_teb = 10 .* log10.(nb_teb./(pref^2))
spl_tip = 10 .* log10.(nb_tip./(pref^2))
spl_lblvs_untripped = 10 .* log10.(nb_lblvs_untripped./(pref^2))

# Finally, let's get the BPM.jl predictions for this case, which we've run and saved previously in a JLD2/HDF5 file.
freq_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["freqs"]
spl_pressure_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_pressure"]
spl_suction_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_suction"]
spl_separation_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_separation"]
spl_lblvs_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_lblvs"]
spl_blunt_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_blunt"]
spl_tip_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_tip"]

# Now let's plot.
fig = Figure()
ax1 = fig[2, 1] = Axis(fig, xlabel="frequency, Hz", ylabel="SPL (dB Ref: 20 μPa), Δf = 20 Hz", xscale=log10, xticks=[10^3, 10^4], xminorticksvisible=true, xminorgridvisible=true, xminorticks=IntervalsBetween(9), yticks=10:10:70)#, aspect=3)

s_pressure = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_pressure_bpmjl, color=:blue, marker=:rtriangle)
s_suction = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_suction_bpmjl, color=:red, marker=:ltriangle)
s_separation = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_separation_bpmjl, color=:yellow, marker=:diamond)
s_lblvs = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_lblvs_bpmjl, color=:purple, marker=:rect)
s_blunt = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_blunt_bpmjl, color=:green, marker=:star6)
s_tip = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_tip_bpmjl, color=:cyan, marker=:circle)

l_pressure = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_pressure, color=:blue)
l_suction = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_suction, color=:red)
l_alpha = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_alpha, color=:yellow)
l_lblvs = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_lblvs_untripped, color=:purple)
l_teb = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_teb, color=:green)
l_tip = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_tip, color=:cyan)

xlims!(ax1, 2e2, 6e4)
ylims!(ax1, 10.0, 70.0)

leg = Legend(fig[1, 1], [
        [s_pressure, l_pressure],
        [s_suction, l_suction],
        [s_separation, l_alpha],
        [s_lblvs, l_lblvs],
        [s_blunt, l_teb],
        [s_tip, l_tip],
    ]; orientation=:horizontal, tellwidth=false, tellheight=true, nbanks=2)

text!(ax1, 210, 62; text="markers: CCBlade.jl+BPM.jl\nlines: CCBlade.jl+AcousticAnalogies.jl")

save("figure22b-spl-bpmjl.png", fig)

Figure 23c

using AcousticAnalogies
using AcousticMetrics: AcousticMetrics
using GLMakie
using KinematicCoordinateTransformations: compose, SteadyRotXTransformation, SteadyRotYTransformation, SteadyRotZTransformation, ConstantVelocityTransformation
using FileIO: load
using FLOWMath: Akima
using StaticArrays: @SVector

# Copied from BPM.jl (would like to add BPM.jl as a dependency if it's registered in General some day).
# tip vortex noise correction data based on "Airfoil Tip Vortex Formation Noise"
const bm_tip_alpha_aspect_data = [2.0,2.67,4.0,6.0,12.0,24.0]
const bm_tip_alpha_aratio_data = [0.54,0.62,0.71,0.79,0.89,0.95]
const bm_tip_alpha_aspect_ratio_correction = Akima(bm_tip_alpha_aspect_data, bm_tip_alpha_aratio_data)

function bm_tip_vortex_alpha_correction_nonsmooth(aspect_ratio)
    # compute tip lift curve slope
    if aspect_ratio < 2.0
        aratio = 0.5*one(aspect_ratio)
    elseif 2.0 <= aspect_ratio <= 24.0
        aratio = bm_tip_alpha_aspect_ratio_correction(aspect_ratio)
    elseif aspect_ratio > 24.0
        aratio = 1.0*one(aspect_ratio)

    return aratio

struct BMTipAlphaCorrection{TCorrection} <: AbstractTipAlphaCorrection

    function BMTipAlphaCorrection(aspect_ratio)
        # correction = BPM._tip_vortex_alpha_correction_nonsmooth(aspect_ratio)
        correction = bm_tip_vortex_alpha_correction_nonsmooth(aspect_ratio)
        return new{typeof(correction)}(correction)

function AcousticAnalogies.tip_vortex_alpha_correction(blade_tip::AbstractBladeTip{<:BMTipAlphaCorrection}, alphatip)
    a0l = AcousticAnalogies.alpha_zerolift(blade_tip)
    correction_factor = AcousticAnalogies.tip_alpha_correction(blade_tip).correction
    return correction_factor * (alphatip - a0l) + a0l

# Pettingill et al., "Acoustic And Performance Characteristics of an Ideally Twisted Rotor in Hover", 2021
# Parameters from Table 1
B = 4  # number of blades
Rtip = 0.1588 # meters
chord = 0.2*Rtip

# Standard day:
Tamb = 15 + 273.15 # 15°C in Kelvin
pamb = 101325.0  # Pa
R = 287.052874 # J/(kg*K)
rho = pamb/(R*Tamb)
asound = sqrt(1.4*R*Tamb)
# Dynamic and kinematic viscosity
mu = rho*1.4502e-5
nu = mu/rho

# This is a hover case, so the freestream velocity should be zero.
# CCBlade.jl will run with a zero freestream, but I've found that it compares a bit better with experiment if I give it a small non-zero value.
Vinf = 0.001*asound

# Figure 23 caption says Ω_c = 5510 RPM.
rpm = 5510.0
omega = rpm * (2*pi/60)

# Get "cell-centered" radial locations, and also the radial spacing.
num_radial = 50
r_Rtip_ = range(0.2, 1.0; length=num_radial+1)
r_Rtip = 0.5 .* (r_Rtip_[2:end] .+ r_Rtip_[1:end-1])
radii = r_Rtip .* Rtip
dradii = (r_Rtip_[2:end] .- r_Rtip_[1:end-1]) .* Rtip
Rhub = r_Rtip_[1]*Rtip

# From Pettingill Equation (1), and value for Θ_tip in Table 1.
Θ_tip = 6.9 * pi/180
twist = Θ_tip ./ (r_Rtip)

# Need some aerodynamic quantities.
# Got these using CCBlade.jl: see `AcousticAnalogies.jl/test/gen_bpmjl_data/itr_with_bpmjl.jl`.
data_bpmjl = load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "test", "gen_bpmjl_data", "figure23c.jld2"))
# Angle of attack at each radial station, radians.
alpha = data_bpmjl["alpha"]
# Flow speed normal to span at each radial station, m/s.
U = data_bpmjl["U"]

# In the Figure 23 caption, "for these predictions, bluntness thickness H was set to 0.5 mm and trailing edge angle Ψ was set to 14 degrees."
h = 0.5e-3  # meters
Psi = 14*pi/180  # radians

# We'll run for 1 blade pass, 20 time steps per blade pass.
num_blade_pass = 1
num_src_times_blade_pass = 20
bpp = 1/(B/(2*pi)*omega)  # 1/(B blade_passes/rev * 1 rev / (2*pi rad) * omega rad/s)
period_src = num_blade_pass*bpp
num_src_times = num_src_times_blade_pass * num_blade_pass
t0 = 0.0
dt = period_src/num_src_times
src_times = t0 .+ (0:num_src_times-1).*dt

# BPM.jl uses a different tip alpha correction which appears to require the blade aspect ratio.
# Need to find the blade aspect ratio of the ITR to apply the tip vortex angle of attack correction.
# The aspect ratio is defined as the blade tip radius divided by the average chord, but the chord is constant for this case.
aspect_ratio = Rtip / chord

# Now we can create the tip object.
alpha0lift = 0.0
blade_tip = AcousticAnalogies.FlatTip(BMTipAlphaCorrection(aspect_ratio), alpha0lift)

# Start with a rotation about the negative x axis.
positive_x_rotation = false
rot_trans = SteadyRotXTransformation(t0, omega*ifelse(positive_x_rotation, 1, -1), 0)

# Then translate along the positive x axis.
y0_hub = @SVector [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # m
v0_hub = @SVector [Vinf, 0.0, 0.0]
const_vel_trans = ConstantVelocityTransformation(t0, y0_hub, v0_hub)

# Then a 90° rotation about the negative z axis.
trans_z90deg = SteadyRotZTransformation(0.0, 0.0, -0.5*pi)

# Then a 90° rotation about the negative y axis.
trans_y90deg = SteadyRotYTransformation(0.0, 0.0, -0.5*pi)

# Put them all together:
trans = compose.(src_times, Ref(trans_y90deg),
            compose.(src_times, Ref(trans_z90deg),
                compose.(src_times, Ref(const_vel_trans), Ref(rot_trans))))

# Use the M_c = 0.8*M that BPM report and BPM.jl use.
U = @. 0.8*sqrt(Vinf^2 + (omega*radii)^2)

# For the boundary layer we want to use untripped for the 95% of the blade from the hub to almost tip, and then tripped for the last 5% of the blade at the tip.
# First figure out how many of each we'll actually have with the `num_radial = 50` radial stations.
num_untripped = Int(round(0.95*num_radial))
num_tripped = num_radial - num_untripped
# Now create a length-`num_radial` vector of untripped and then tripped boundary layer objects.
bls = vcat(fill(AcousticAnalogies.UntrippedN0012BoundaryLayer(), num_untripped), fill(AcousticAnalogies.TrippedN0012BoundaryLayer(), num_tripped))

# Now, the other trick: for this case, we're only going to include the LBLVS source where the local Reynolds number (with the chord as the length scale) is < 160000.
low_Re_c = 160000.0
# So we need the Reynolds number for each section.
Re_c = U .* chord / nu
# Now we'll get a length-`num_radial` vector of Bools indicating if that criteria is satisfied or not.
lblvs_flags = Re_c .< low_Re_c

# Also we'll always be using the untripped boundary layer for LBLVS, like BPM.jl does.
bl_lblvs = AcousticAnalogies.UntrippedN0012BoundaryLayer()

# Paper doesn't specify the microphone used for Figure 23, but earlier at the beginning of "C. Noise Characteristics and Trends" there is this:
#   > For the purposes of this paper, presented acoustic spectra will correspond to an observer located −35° below the plane of the rotor (microphone 5).
# So I'll just assume that holds for Figure 23.
# The observer (microphone 5) is 35 deg behind/downstream of the rotor rotation plane.
r_obs = 2.27 # meters
theta_obs = -35*pi/180
# So, the docstring for BPM.jl says that `V` argument is the wind velocity in the y direction.
# So I guess we should assume that the blades are rotating about the y axis.
# And if the freestream velocity is in the positive y axis, then, from the perspective of the fluid, the blades are translating in the negative y direction.
# And I want the observer to be downstream/behind the blades, so that would mean they would have a positive y position.
# So I want to rotate the observer around the positive x axis, so I'm going to switch the sign on `theta_obs`.
t0_obs = 0.0
x0_obs = @SVector [0.0, r_obs*sin(-theta_obs), r_obs*cos(-theta_obs)]
# The observer is moving in the same direction as the blades, which is the negative y axis.
v_obs = @SVector [0.0, -Vinf, 0.0]
obs = AcousticAnalogies.ConstVelocityAcousticObserver(t0_obs, x0_obs, v_obs)

# Azimuthal offset for each blade.
θs = (0:(B-1)) .* (2*pi/B) .* ifelse(positive_x_rotation, 1, -1)

# Reshape the inputs to the source element constructors so that everything will line up with (num_times, num_radial, num_blades).
θs_rs = reshape(θs, 1, 1, :)
radii_rs = reshape(radii, 1, :, 1)
dradii_rs = reshape(dradii, 1, :, 1)
# chord_rs = reshape(chord, 1, :, 1)
twist_rs = reshape(twist, 1, :, 1)
# hs_rs = reshape(hs, 1, :, 1)
# Psis_rs = reshape(Psis, 1, :, 1)
Us_rs = reshape(U, 1, :, 1)
alphas_rs = reshape(alpha, 1, :, 1)
bls_rs = reshape(bls, 1, :, 1)

# Separate things into tip and no-tip.
radii_rs_no_tip = @view radii_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
dradii_rs_no_tip = @view dradii_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
twist_rs_no_tip = @view twist_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
Us_rs_no_tip = @view Us_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
alphas_rs_no_tip = @view alphas_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
bls_rs_no_tip = @view bls_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]

radii_rs_with_tip = @view radii_rs[:, end:end, :]
dradii_rs_with_tip = @view dradii_rs[:, end:end, :]
twist_rs_with_tip = @view twist_rs[:, end:end, :]
Us_rs_with_tip = @view Us_rs[:, end:end, :]
alphas_rs_with_tip = @view alphas_rs[:, end:end, :]
bls_rs_with_tip = @view bls_rs[:, end:end, :]

direct = AcousticAnalogies.BPMDirectivity
use_UInduction = false
use_Doppler = false
mach_correction = AcousticAnalogies.NoMachCorrection
ses_no_tip = CombinedNoTipBroadbandSourceElement{direct,use_UInduction,mach_correction,use_Doppler}.(asound, nu, radii_rs_no_tip, θs_rs, dradii_rs_no_tip, chord, twist_rs_no_tip, h, Psi, Us_rs_no_tip, alphas_rs_no_tip, src_times, dt, bls_rs_no_tip, positive_x_rotation) .|> trans

ses_with_tip = CombinedWithTipBroadbandSourceElement{direct,use_UInduction,mach_correction,use_Doppler}.(asound, nu, radii_rs_with_tip, θs_rs, dradii_rs_with_tip, chord, twist_rs_with_tip, h, Psi, Us_rs_with_tip, alphas_rs_with_tip, src_times, dt, bls_rs_with_tip, Ref(blade_tip), positive_x_rotation) .|> trans

# Put the source elements together:
ses = cat(ses_no_tip, ses_with_tip; dims=2)

# Need to do the LBLVS with the untripped boundary layer to match what BPM.jl is doing, and only where `lblvs_flags` is true.
# So extract the radial locations where that's true.
radii_lblvs = @view radii[lblvs_flags]
dradii_lblvs = @view dradii[lblvs_flags]
twist_lblvs = @view twist[lblvs_flags]
Us_lblvs = @view U[lblvs_flags]
alphas_lblvs = @view alpha[lblvs_flags]

# Now do the usual reshaping.
radii_lblvs_rs = reshape(radii_lblvs, 1, :, 1)
dradii_lblvs_rs = reshape(dradii_lblvs, 1, :, 1)
twist_lblvs_rs = reshape(twist_lblvs, 1, :, 1)
Us_lblvs_rs = reshape(Us_lblvs, 1, :, 1)
alphas_lblvs_rs = reshape(alphas_lblvs, 1, :, 1)

# Now we can construct the lblvs source elements.
lblvs_ses = AcousticAnalogies.LBLVSSourceElement{direct,use_UInduction,use_Doppler}.(asound, nu, radii_lblvs_rs, θs_rs, dradii_lblvs_rs, chord, twist_lblvs_rs, Us_lblvs_rs, alphas_lblvs_rs, src_times, dt, Ref(bl_lblvs), positive_x_rotation) .|> trans

# Define the frequencies we'd like to evaluate.
# BPM.jl uses the approximate 1/3rd-octave bands.
freqs_obs = AcousticMetrics.ApproximateThirdOctaveCenterBands(100.0, 40000.0)
freqs_src = freqs_obs

# Now do the noise prediction.
bpm_outs = AcousticAnalogies.noise.(ses, Ref(obs), Ref(freqs_src))
pbs_lblvss = AcousticAnalogies.noise.(lblvs_ses, Ref(obs), Ref(freqs_src))

# Separate out each source.
pbs_tblte_ps = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_pressure.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tblte_ss = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_suction.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tblte_alphas = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_alpha.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tebs = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_teb.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tips = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_tip.(bpm_outs[:, end:end, :])

# Combine each noise prediction.
time_axis = 1
pbs_pressure = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tblte_ps, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_suction = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tblte_ss, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_alpha = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tblte_alphas, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_teb = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tebs, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_tip = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tips, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_lblvs = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_lblvss, freqs_obs, time_axis)

# Now I need to account for the fact that Figure 23c is actually comparing to narrowband experimental data with a frequency spacing of 20 Hz.
# So, to do that, I need to multiply the mean-squared pressure by Δf_nb/Δf_pbs, where `Δf_nb` is the 20 Hz narrowband and `Δf_pbs` is the bandwidth of each 1/3-octave proportional band.
# (Dividing the MSP by Δf_pbs aka the 1/3 octave spacing is like getting a power-spectral density, then multiplying by the narrowband spacing Δf_nb gives us the MSP associated with the narrowband.)
# I think the paper describes that, right?
# Right, here's something:
#   > The current prediction method is limited to one-third octave bands, but it is compared to the narrowband experiment with Δf = 20 Hz.
#   > This is done by dividing the energy from the one-third octave bands by the number of bands in Δf = 20 Hz.
# So, `Δf_pbs/Δf_nb` would represent the number of `Δf_nb`-width bands that could fit in a proportional band of bin width `Δf_pbs`.
# And then I'm dividing by that.
# So that seems like the right thing.
# So, first thing is to get the proportional band spacing.
freqs_l = AcousticMetrics.lower_bands(freqs_obs)
freqs_u = AcousticMetrics.upper_bands(freqs_obs)
df_pbs = freqs_u .- freqs_l
# Also need the experimental narrowband spacing.
df_nb = 20.0
# Now multiply each by that.
nb_pressure = pbs_pressure .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_suction = pbs_suction .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_alpha = pbs_alpha .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_teb = pbs_teb .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_tip = pbs_tip .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_lblvs_untripped = pbs_lblvs .* df_nb ./ df_pbs

# Now I want the SPL, which should just be this:
pref = 20e-6
spl_pressure = 10 .* log10.(nb_pressure./(pref^2))
spl_suction = 10 .* log10.(nb_suction./(pref^2))
spl_alpha = 10 .* log10.(nb_alpha./(pref^2))
spl_teb = 10 .* log10.(nb_teb./(pref^2))
spl_tip = 10 .* log10.(nb_tip./(pref^2))
spl_lblvs_untripped = 10 .* log10.(nb_lblvs_untripped./(pref^2))

# Finally, let's get the BPM.jl predictions for this case, which we've run and saved previously in a JLD2/HDF5 file.
freq_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["freqs"]
spl_pressure_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_pressure"]
spl_suction_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_suction"]
spl_separation_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_separation"]
spl_lblvs_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_lblvs"]
spl_blunt_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_blunt"]
spl_tip_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_tip"]

# Now let's plot.
fig = Figure()
ax1 = fig[2, 1] = Axis(fig, xlabel="frequency, Hz", ylabel="SPL (dB Ref: 20 μPa), Δf = 20 Hz", xscale=log10, xticks=[10^3, 10^4], xminorticksvisible=true, xminorgridvisible=true, xminorticks=IntervalsBetween(9), yticks=10:10:70)#, aspect=3)

s_pressure = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_pressure_bpmjl, color=:blue, marker=:rtriangle)
s_suction = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_suction_bpmjl, color=:red, marker=:ltriangle)
s_separation = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_separation_bpmjl, color=:yellow, marker=:diamond)
s_lblvs = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_lblvs_bpmjl, color=:purple, marker=:rect)
s_blunt = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_blunt_bpmjl, color=:green, marker=:star6)
s_tip = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_tip_bpmjl, color=:cyan, marker=:circle)

l_pressure = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_pressure, color=:blue)
l_suction = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_suction, color=:red)
l_alpha = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_alpha, color=:yellow)
l_lblvs = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_lblvs_untripped, color=:purple)
l_teb = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_teb, color=:green)
l_tip = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_tip, color=:cyan)

xlims!(ax1, 2e2, 6e4)
ylims!(ax1, 10.0, 70.0)

leg = Legend(fig[1, 1], [
        [s_pressure, l_pressure],
        [s_suction, l_suction],
        [s_separation, l_alpha],
        [s_lblvs, l_lblvs],
        [s_blunt, l_teb],
        [s_tip, l_tip],
    ]; orientation=:horizontal, tellwidth=false, tellheight=true, nbanks=2)

text!(ax1, 210, 62; text="markers: CCBlade.jl+BPM.jl\nlines: CCBlade.jl+AcousticAnalogies.jl")

save("figure23c-spl-bpmjl.png", fig)

Figure 24b

using AcousticAnalogies
using AcousticMetrics: AcousticMetrics
using GLMakie
using KinematicCoordinateTransformations: compose, SteadyRotXTransformation, SteadyRotYTransformation, SteadyRotZTransformation, ConstantVelocityTransformation
using FileIO: load
using FLOWMath: Akima
using StaticArrays: @SVector

# Copied from BPM.jl (would like to add BPM.jl as a dependency if it's registered in General some day).
# tip vortex noise correction data based on "Airfoil Tip Vortex Formation Noise"
const bm_tip_alpha_aspect_data = [2.0,2.67,4.0,6.0,12.0,24.0]
const bm_tip_alpha_aratio_data = [0.54,0.62,0.71,0.79,0.89,0.95]
const bm_tip_alpha_aspect_ratio_correction = Akima(bm_tip_alpha_aspect_data, bm_tip_alpha_aratio_data)

function bm_tip_vortex_alpha_correction_nonsmooth(aspect_ratio)
    # compute tip lift curve slope
    if aspect_ratio < 2.0
        aratio = 0.5*one(aspect_ratio)
    elseif 2.0 <= aspect_ratio <= 24.0
        aratio = bm_tip_alpha_aspect_ratio_correction(aspect_ratio)
    elseif aspect_ratio > 24.0
        aratio = 1.0*one(aspect_ratio)

    return aratio

struct BMTipAlphaCorrection{TCorrection} <: AbstractTipAlphaCorrection

    function BMTipAlphaCorrection(aspect_ratio)
        # correction = BPM._tip_vortex_alpha_correction_nonsmooth(aspect_ratio)
        correction = bm_tip_vortex_alpha_correction_nonsmooth(aspect_ratio)
        return new{typeof(correction)}(correction)

function AcousticAnalogies.tip_vortex_alpha_correction(blade_tip::AbstractBladeTip{<:BMTipAlphaCorrection}, alphatip)
    a0l = AcousticAnalogies.alpha_zerolift(blade_tip)
    correction_factor = AcousticAnalogies.tip_alpha_correction(blade_tip).correction
    return correction_factor * (alphatip - a0l) + a0l

# Pettingill et al., "Acoustic And Performance Characteristics of an Ideally Twisted Rotor in Hover", 2021
# Parameters from Table 1
B = 4  # number of blades
Rtip = 0.1588 # meters
chord = 0.2*Rtip

# Standard day:
Tamb = 15 + 273.15 # 15°C in Kelvin
pamb = 101325.0  # Pa
R = 287.052874 # J/(kg*K)
rho = pamb/(R*Tamb)
asound = sqrt(1.4*R*Tamb)
# Dynamic and kinematic viscosity
mu = rho*1.4502e-5
nu = mu/rho

# This is a hover case, so the freestream velocity should be zero.
# CCBlade.jl will run with a zero freestream, but I've found that it compares a bit better with experiment if I give it a small non-zero value.
Vinf = 0.001*asound

# Figure 24 caption says Ω_c = 2938 RPM.
rpm = 2938.0
omega = rpm * (2*pi/60)

# Get "cell-centered" radial locations, and also the radial spacing.
num_radial = 50
r_Rtip_ = range(0.2, 1.0; length=num_radial+1)
r_Rtip = 0.5 .* (r_Rtip_[2:end] .+ r_Rtip_[1:end-1])
radii = r_Rtip .* Rtip
dradii = (r_Rtip_[2:end] .- r_Rtip_[1:end-1]) .* Rtip
Rhub = r_Rtip_[1]*Rtip

# From Pettingill Equation (1), and value for Θ_tip in Table 1.
Θ_tip = 6.9 * pi/180
twist = Θ_tip ./ (r_Rtip)

# Need some aerodynamic quantities.
# Got these using CCBlade.jl: see `AcousticAnalogies.jl/test/gen_bpmjl_data/itr_with_bpmjl.jl`.
data_bpmjl = load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", "test", "gen_bpmjl_data", "figure24b.jld2"))
# Angle of attack at each radial station, radians.
alpha = data_bpmjl["alpha"]
# Flow speed normal to span at each radial station, m/s.
U = data_bpmjl["U"]

# In the Figure 24 caption, "for these predictions, bluntness thickness H was set to 0.5 mm and trailing edge angle Ψ was set to 14 degrees."
h = 0.5e-3  # meters
Psi = 14*pi/180  # radians

# We'll run for 1 blade pass, 20 time steps per blade pass.
num_blade_pass = 1
num_src_times_blade_pass = 20

# Get the time levels we'll run.
# First, get the blade passing period.
bpp = 1/(B/(2*pi)*omega)  # 1/(B blade_passes/rev * 1 rev / (2*pi rad) * omega rad/s)

# Now we can get the total period of source time we'll run over.
period_src = num_blade_pass*bpp
# And th number of source times.
num_src_times = num_src_times_blade_pass * num_blade_pass

# We know the total time period and number of source times, so we can get the time step.
dt = period_src/num_src_times

# We'll arbitrarily start at time 0.0 seconds.
t0 = 0.0

# And now we can finally get each source time.
src_times = t0 .+ (0:num_src_times-1).*dt

# BPM.jl uses a different tip alpha correction which appears to require the blade aspect ratio.
# Need to find the blade aspect ratio of the ITR to apply the tip vortex angle of attack correction.
# The aspect ratio is defined as the blade tip radius divided by the average chord, but the chord is constant for this case.
aspect_ratio = Rtip / chord

# Now we can create the tip object.
alpha0lift = 0.0
blade_tip = AcousticAnalogies.FlatTip(BMTipAlphaCorrection(aspect_ratio), alpha0lift)

# Start with a rotation about the negative x axis.
positive_x_rotation = false
rot_trans = SteadyRotXTransformation(t0, omega*ifelse(positive_x_rotation, 1, -1), 0)

# Then translate along the positive x axis.
y0_hub = @SVector [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # m
v0_hub = @SVector [Vinf, 0.0, 0.0]
const_vel_trans = ConstantVelocityTransformation(t0, y0_hub, v0_hub)

# Then a 90° rotation about the negative z axis.
trans_z90deg = SteadyRotZTransformation(0.0, 0.0, -0.5*pi)

# Then a 90° rotation about the negative y axis.
trans_y90deg = SteadyRotYTransformation(0.0, 0.0, -0.5*pi)

# Put them all together:
trans = compose.(src_times, Ref(trans_y90deg),
            compose.(src_times, Ref(trans_z90deg),
                compose.(src_times, Ref(const_vel_trans), Ref(rot_trans))))

# Use the M_c = 0.8*M that BPM report and BPM.jl use.
U = @. 0.8*sqrt(Vinf^2 + (omega*radii)^2)

# For the boundary layer we want to use untripped for the 95% of the blade from the hub to almost tip, and then tripped for the last 5% of the blade at the tip.
# First figure out how many of each we'll actually have with the `num_radial = 50` radial stations.
num_untripped = Int(round(0.95*num_radial))
num_tripped = num_radial - num_untripped
# Now create a length-`num_radial` vector of untripped and then tripped boundary layer objects.
bls = vcat(fill(AcousticAnalogies.UntrippedN0012BoundaryLayer(), num_untripped), fill(AcousticAnalogies.TrippedN0012BoundaryLayer(), num_tripped))

# Also we'll always be using the untripped boundary layer for LBLVS, like BPM.jl does.
bl_lblvs = AcousticAnalogies.UntrippedN0012BoundaryLayer()

# Paper doesn't specify the microphone used for Figure 24, but earlier at the beginning of "C. Noise Characteristics and Trends" there is this:
#   > For the purposes of this paper, presented acoustic spectra will correspond to an observer located −35° below the plane of the rotor (microphone 5).
# So I'll just assume that holds for Figure 23.
# The observer (microphone 5) is 35 deg behind/downstream of the rotor rotation plane.
r_obs = 2.27 # meters
theta_obs = -35*pi/180
# So, the docstring for BPM.jl says that `V` argument is the wind velocity in the y direction.
# So I guess we should assume that the blades are rotating about the y axis.
# And if the freestream velocity is in the positive y axis, then, from the perspective of the fluid, the blades are translating in the negative y direction.
# And I want the observer to be downstream/behind the blades, so that would mean they would have a positive y position.
# So I want to rotate the observer around the positive x axis, so I'm going to switch the sign on `theta_obs`.
t0_obs = 0.0
x0_obs = @SVector [0.0, r_obs*sin(-theta_obs), r_obs*cos(-theta_obs)]
# The observer is moving in the same direction as the blades, which is the negative y axis.
v_obs = @SVector [0.0, -Vinf, 0.0]
obs = AcousticAnalogies.ConstVelocityAcousticObserver(t0_obs, x0_obs, v_obs)

# Azimuthal offset for each blade.
θs = (0:(B-1)) .* (2*pi/B) .* ifelse(positive_x_rotation, 1, -1)

# Reshape the inputs to the source element constructors so that everything will line up with (num_times, num_radial, num_blades).
θs_rs = reshape(θs, 1, 1, :)
radii_rs = reshape(radii, 1, :, 1)
dradii_rs = reshape(dradii, 1, :, 1)
# chord_rs = reshape(chord, 1, :, 1)
twist_rs = reshape(twist, 1, :, 1)
# hs_rs = reshape(hs, 1, :, 1)
# Psis_rs = reshape(Psis, 1, :, 1)
Us_rs = reshape(U, 1, :, 1)
alphas_rs = reshape(alpha, 1, :, 1)
bls_rs = reshape(bls, 1, :, 1)

# Separate things into tip and no-tip.
radii_rs_no_tip = @view radii_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
dradii_rs_no_tip = @view dradii_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
twist_rs_no_tip = @view twist_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
Us_rs_no_tip = @view Us_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
alphas_rs_no_tip = @view alphas_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]
bls_rs_no_tip = @view bls_rs[:, begin:end-1, :]

radii_rs_with_tip = @view radii_rs[:, end:end, :]
dradii_rs_with_tip = @view dradii_rs[:, end:end, :]
twist_rs_with_tip = @view twist_rs[:, end:end, :]
Us_rs_with_tip = @view Us_rs[:, end:end, :]
alphas_rs_with_tip = @view alphas_rs[:, end:end, :]
bls_rs_with_tip = @view bls_rs[:, end:end, :]

# Use the directivity functions from the BPM report.
direct = AcousticAnalogies.BPMDirectivity

# Don't include induction for the velocity scale U.
use_UInduction = false

# Don't doppler-shift the source frequencies and source time steps to get observer frequencies & timesteps.
use_Doppler = false

# Don't use the Prandtl-Glauret Mach number correction that Brooks & Burley recommend.
mach_correction = AcousticAnalogies.NoMachCorrection

ses_no_tip = CombinedNoTipBroadbandSourceElement{direct,use_UInduction,mach_correction,use_Doppler}.(asound, nu, radii_rs_no_tip, θs_rs, dradii_rs_no_tip, chord, twist_rs_no_tip, h, Psi, Us_rs_no_tip, alphas_rs_no_tip, src_times, dt, bls_rs_no_tip, positive_x_rotation) .|> trans

ses_with_tip = CombinedWithTipBroadbandSourceElement{direct,use_UInduction,mach_correction,use_Doppler}.(asound, nu, radii_rs_with_tip, θs_rs, dradii_rs_with_tip, chord, twist_rs_with_tip, h, Psi, Us_rs_with_tip, alphas_rs_with_tip, src_times, dt, bls_rs_with_tip, Ref(blade_tip), positive_x_rotation) .|> trans

# Put the source elements together:
ses = cat(ses_no_tip, ses_with_tip; dims=2)

# Need to do the LBLVS with the untripped boundary layer to match what BPM.jl is doing.
lblvs_ses = AcousticAnalogies.LBLVSSourceElement{direct,use_UInduction,use_Doppler}.(asound, nu, radii_rs, θs_rs, dradii_rs, chord, twist_rs, Us_rs, alphas_rs, src_times, dt, Ref(bl_lblvs), positive_x_rotation) .|> trans

# Define the frequencies we'd like to evaluate.
# BPM.jl uses the approximate 1/3rd-octave bands.
freqs_obs = AcousticMetrics.ApproximateThirdOctaveCenterBands(100.0, 40000.0)
freqs_src = freqs_obs

# Now do the noise prediction.
bpm_outs = AcousticAnalogies.noise.(ses, Ref(obs), Ref(freqs_src))
pbs_lblvss = AcousticAnalogies.noise.(lblvs_ses, Ref(obs), Ref(freqs_src))

# Separate out each source.
pbs_tblte_ps = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_pressure.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tblte_ss = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_suction.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tblte_alphas = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_alpha.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tebs = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_teb.(bpm_outs)
pbs_tips = AcousticAnalogies.pbs_tip.(bpm_outs[:, end:end, :])

# Combine each noise prediction.
time_axis = 1
pbs_pressure = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tblte_ps, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_suction = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tblte_ss, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_alpha = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tblte_alphas, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_teb = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tebs, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_tip = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_tips, freqs_obs, time_axis)
pbs_lblvs = AcousticMetrics.combine(pbs_lblvss, freqs_obs, time_axis)

# Now I need to account for the fact that Figure 24b is actually comparing to narrowband experimental data with a frequency spacing of 20 Hz.
# So, to do that, I need to multiply the mean-squared pressure by Δf_nb/Δf_pbs, where `Δf_nb` is the 20 Hz narrowband and `Δf_pbs` is the bandwidth of each 1/3-octave proportional band.
# (Dividing the MSP by Δf_pbs aka the 1/3 octave spacing is like getting a power-spectral density, then multiplying by the narrowband spacing Δf_nb gives us the MSP associated with the narrowband.)
# I think the paper describes that, right?
# Right, here's something:
#   > The current prediction method is limited to one-third octave bands, but it is compared to the narrowband experiment with Δf = 20 Hz.
#   > This is done by dividing the energy from the one-third octave bands by the number of bands in Δf = 20 Hz.
# So, `Δf_pbs/Δf_nb` would represent the number of `Δf_nb`-width bands that could fit in a proportional band of bin width `Δf_pbs`.
# And then I'm dividing by that.
# So that seems like the right thing.
# So, first thing is to get the proportional band spacing.
freqs_l = AcousticMetrics.lower_bands(freqs_obs)
freqs_u = AcousticMetrics.upper_bands(freqs_obs)
df_pbs = freqs_u .- freqs_l
# Also need the experimental narrowband spacing.
df_nb = 20.0
# Now multiply each by that.
nb_pressure = pbs_pressure .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_suction = pbs_suction .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_alpha = pbs_alpha .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_teb = pbs_teb .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_tip = pbs_tip .* df_nb ./ df_pbs
nb_lblvs_untripped = pbs_lblvs .* df_nb ./ df_pbs

# Now I want the SPL, which should just be this:
pref = 20e-6
spl_pressure = 10 .* log10.(nb_pressure./(pref^2))
spl_suction = 10 .* log10.(nb_suction./(pref^2))
spl_alpha = 10 .* log10.(nb_alpha./(pref^2))
spl_teb = 10 .* log10.(nb_teb./(pref^2))
spl_tip = 10 .* log10.(nb_tip./(pref^2))
spl_lblvs_untripped = 10 .* log10.(nb_lblvs_untripped./(pref^2))

# Finally, let's get the BPM.jl predictions for this case, which we've run and saved previously in a JLD2/HDF5 file.
freq_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["freqs"]
spl_pressure_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_pressure"]
spl_suction_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_suction"]
spl_separation_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_separation"]
spl_lblvs_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_lblvs"]
spl_blunt_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_blunt"]
spl_tip_bpmjl = data_bpmjl["spl_nb_tip"]

# Now let's plot.
fig = Figure()
ax1 = fig[2, 1] = Axis(fig, xlabel="frequency, Hz", ylabel="SPL (dB Ref: 20 μPa), Δf = 20 Hz", xscale=log10, xticks=[10^3, 10^4], xminorticksvisible=true, xminorgridvisible=true, xminorticks=IntervalsBetween(9), yticks=10:10:70)#, aspect=3)

s_pressure = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_pressure_bpmjl, color=:blue, marker=:rtriangle)
s_suction = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_suction_bpmjl, color=:red, marker=:ltriangle)
s_separation = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_separation_bpmjl, color=:yellow, marker=:diamond)
s_lblvs = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_lblvs_bpmjl, color=:purple, marker=:rect)
s_blunt = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_blunt_bpmjl, color=:green, marker=:star6)
s_tip = scatter!(ax1, freq_bpmjl, spl_tip_bpmjl, color=:cyan, marker=:circle)

l_pressure = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_pressure, color=:blue)
l_suction = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_suction, color=:red)
l_alpha = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_alpha, color=:yellow)
l_lblvs = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_lblvs_untripped, color=:purple)
l_teb = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_teb, color=:green)
l_tip = lines!(ax1, freqs_obs, spl_tip, color=:cyan)

xlims!(ax1, 2e2, 6e4)
ylims!(ax1, 0.0, 50.0)

leg = Legend(fig[1, 1], [
        [s_pressure, l_pressure],
        [s_suction, l_suction],
        [s_separation, l_alpha],
        [s_lblvs, l_lblvs],
        [s_blunt, l_teb],
        [s_tip, l_tip],
    ]; orientation=:horizontal, tellwidth=false, tellheight=true, nbanks=2)

text!(ax1, 210, 44; text="markers: CCBlade.jl+BPM.jl\nlines: CCBlade.jl+AcousticAnalogies.jl")

save("figure24b-spl-bpmjl.png", fig)