Source code for aviary.utils.data_interpolator_builder

import warnings
import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om

from pathlib import Path

from aviary.utils.named_values import get_keys, get_items
from aviary.utils.csv_data_file import read_data_file
from aviary.utils.functions import get_path
from aviary.utils.named_values import NamedValues

[docs] def build_data_interpolator(num_nodes, interpolator_data=None, interpolator_outputs=None, method='slinear', extrapolate=True, structured=None, connect_training_data=False): """ Builder for openMDAO metamodel components using data provided via data file, directly provided as an argument, or training data passed through openMDAO connections. If using a structured grid, data can either be converted from a semistructured grid format, or directly provided in structured grid format. Parameters ---------- num_nodes : int Number of points that will be simultaneously interpolated during model executuion. interpolator_data : (str, Path, NamedValues) Path to the Aviary csv file containing all data required for interpolation, or the data directly given as a NamedValues object. interpolator_outputs : dict Dictionary describing the names of dependent variables (keys) and their units (values). If connect_training_data is False, these variable names must reference variables in data_file or interpolator_data. If connect_training_data is True, then this dictionary describes the names and units for training data that will be provided via openMDAO connections during model execution. method : str, optional Interpolation method for metamodel. See openMDAO documentation for valid options. extrapolate : bool, optional Flag that sets if metamodel should allow extrapolation structured : bool, optional Flag to set if interpolation data is a structure grid. If True, the structured metamodel component is used, if False, the semistructured metamodel is used. If None, the builder chooses based on provided data structure. connect_training_data : bool, optional Flag that sets if dependent data for interpolation will be passed via openMDAO connections. If True, any provided values for dependent variables will be ignored. Returns ------- interp_comp : om.MetaModelSemiStructuredComp, om.MetaModelStructuredComp OpenMDAO metamodel component using the provided data and flags """ # Argument checking # if interpolator_outputs is None: raise UserWarning('Independent variables for interpolation were not provided.') # if interpolator data is a filepath, get data from file if isinstance(interpolator_data, str): interpolator_data = get_path(interpolator_data) if isinstance(interpolator_data, Path): interpolator_data = read_data_file(interpolator_data) # Pre-format data: Independent variables placed before dependent variables - position # of these variables relative to others of their type is preserved # All data converted to numpy arrays indep_vars = NamedValues() dep_vars = NamedValues() for (key, (val, units)) in get_items(interpolator_data): if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): val = np.array(val) if key in interpolator_outputs: dep_vars.set_val(key, val, units) else: indep_vars.set_val(key, val, units) # update interpolator_data with correctly ordered indep/dep vars in numpy arrays interpolator_data.update(indep_vars) for (key, (val, units)) in get_items(dep_vars): interpolator_data.set_val(key, val, units) # TODO investigate creating structured grid from semistructured grid via extrapolation # is data already in structured format? # assume data is structured until proven otherwise data_pre_structured = True shape = [] # check inputs, should be vector of unique values only for (key, (val, units)) in get_items(interpolator_data): if len(val.shape) == 1: if key not in interpolator_outputs: # try: if np.array_equal(np.unique(val), val): # if vector is only unique values, could be structured! # Store shape and keep going shape.append(len(np.unique(val))) else: # Data is not structured. Stop looping through inputs data_pre_structured = False break # check outputs, should be array matching shape of input vector lengths # if we already know data needs formatting, don't bother checking outputs if data_pre_structured: for key in interpolator_outputs: (val, units) = interpolator_data.get_item(key) if np.shape(val) != tuple(shape): if len(np.shape(val)) > 1: # we assume user was *trying* to set up a structured grid # if output is multi-dimensional array. If output is 1d it could # be a strucured grid with one input, or a semistructured grid raise ValueError(f'shape of output <{key}>, {np.shape(val)}, does ' f'not match expected shape {tuple(shape)}') else: # We don't know if data is structured or not if 1d. No harm # in sorting and "reformatting", so assume it needs to be converted data_pre_structured = False break if structured is None and data_pre_structured: # If the data is already structured, just use a structured grid - it's faster # with no downsides structured = True elif structured is None: # In case structured is still None, set it to False - we know data is unstructured structured = False if not connect_training_data: # Sort and format data. Only if not using training data - since we have control # over both input and output data they are guarenteed to match after reformatting # sort data in semistructured grid format # always sort unless data is in structured format if not data_pre_structured: # first check that data are all vectors of the same length for idx, item in enumerate(get_items(interpolator_data)): key = item[0] units = item[1][1] if idx != 0: prev_model_length = model_length else: prev_model_length = len(interpolator_data.get_val(key, units)) model_length = len(interpolator_data.get_val(key, units)) if model_length != prev_model_length: raise IndexError('Lengths of data provided for interpolation do not ' 'match.') # get data into column array format sorted_values = np.array([val for (key, (val, units)) in get_items(interpolator_data)]).transpose() # get all the independent values in format needed for sorting independent_vals = np.array([val for (key, (val, units)) in get_items(indep_vars)]) # Sort by dependent variables in priority order of their appearance sorted_values = sorted_values[np.lexsort(np.flip(independent_vals, 0))] # reset interpolator_data with sorted values for idx, (var, (val, units)) in enumerate(get_items(interpolator_data)): interpolator_data.set_val(var, sorted_values[:, idx], units) # If user wants structured data, but provided data is not formatted correctly, # convert it! if structured and not data_pre_structured: # Use assumptions for structured grid to format data # Only need to reformat data when not using training data, user is responsible # for formatting in that case # Assumes independent variables are first columns (length, var_count) = np.shape(sorted_values) indep_var_count = np.shape(independent_vals)[0] structured_data = [] # only need unique independent variables unique_data = [] for i in range(indep_var_count): unique_data.append(np.unique(sorted_values[:, i])) structured_data.append(unique_data[i]) shape = tuple([np.size(unique_data[i]) for i in range(indep_var_count)]) # output data needs to be in nd array format for i in range(indep_var_count, var_count): structured_data.append(np.reshape(sorted_values[:, i], shape)) # reset interpolator_data with structured grid formatted values for idx, (var, (val, units)) in enumerate(get_items(interpolator_data)): interpolator_data.set_val(var, structured_data[idx], units) if connect_training_data and structured and not data_pre_structured: # User has asked for structured data but not provided it. Use of training data # means we can't do any processing on the data including ensuring sorted order, # since that might misalign inputs with future connections we can't control here # Just convert inputs to structure grid format for key in get_keys(indep_vars): (val, units) = interpolator_data.get_item(key) # take unique values only, put back into interpolator_data val = np.unique(val) interpolator_data.set_val(key, val, units) # create interpolation component if structured: interp_comp = om.MetaModelStructuredComp(method=method, extrapolate=extrapolate, vec_size=num_nodes, training_data_gradients=connect_training_data) else: interp_comp = om.MetaModelSemiStructuredComp(method=method, extrapolate=extrapolate, vec_size=num_nodes, training_data_gradients=connect_training_data) # add interpolator inputs for key in get_keys(indep_vars): values, units = interpolator_data.get_item(key) interp_comp.add_input(key, training_data=values, units=units) # add interpolator outputs for key in interpolator_outputs: if key in interpolator_data: values, units = interpolator_data.get_item(key) if connect_training_data: units = interpolator_outputs[key] interp_comp.add_output(key, units=units) else: interp_comp.add_output(key, training_data=values, units=units) return interp_comp