Codebase Overview

Codebase Overview#

Repository structure#

Within the Aviary repository and package, the codebase is structured as follows:

  • docs contains the doc files for Aviary

  • examples contains example code for using Aviary, including external subsystem examples

  • interface is where most code that users interact with is located

  • mission contains OpenMDAO components and groups for modeling the aircraft mission

  • models contains aircraft and propulsion models for use in Aviary examples and tests

  • subsystems is where the aerodynamic, atmosphere, energy, propulsion, mass, and geometry core subsystems are located

  • utils contains utility functions for use in Aviary code, examples, and tests

  • validation_cases contains validation cases for testing and benchmarking Aviary

  • variable_info contains the variable meta data as well as several variable classes that are used in Aviary

  • visualization is where the Aviary dashboard is located