Optimizing the Mission Profile of a Conventional Aircraft#
Building upon our previous example, this notebook introduces more complexity into the Aviary optimization process. Please see the simple mission example if you haven’t already.
Increasing Complexity in Phase Information#
We will now modify the phase_info
object from our prior example by increasing num_segments
to 3 and setting optimize_mach
to True
in each of the three phases.
This means that we’ll query the aircraft performance at more points along the mission and also give the optimizer the freedom to choose an optimal Mach profile.
We are still using a polynomial_control_order
of 1, which means that the optimal Mach profiles for each phase will be linear (straight lines).
Later in this example, we increase this order which will allow the optimizer to choose a more complex Mach profile.
phase_info = {
"pre_mission": {"include_takeoff": False, "optimize_mass": True},
"climb_1": {
"subsystem_options": {"core_aerodynamics": {"method": "computed"}},
"user_options": {
"optimize_mach": True,
"optimize_altitude": False,
"polynomial_control_order": 1,
"num_segments": 3,
"order": 3,
"solve_for_distance": False,
"initial_mach": (0.2, "unitless"),
"final_mach": (0.72, "unitless"),
"mach_bounds": ((0.18, 0.74), "unitless"),
"initial_altitude": (0.0, "ft"),
"final_altitude": (30500.0, "ft"),
"altitude_bounds": ((0.0, 31000.0), "ft"),
"throttle_enforcement": "path_constraint",
"fix_initial": True,
"constrain_final": False,
"fix_duration": False,
"initial_bounds": ((0.0, 0.0), "min"),
"duration_bounds": ((27.0, 81.0), "min"),
"initial_guesses": {"time": ([0, 54], "min")},
"cruise": {
"subsystem_options": {"core_aerodynamics": {"method": "computed"}},
"user_options": {
"optimize_mach": True,
"optimize_altitude": False,
"polynomial_control_order": 1,
"num_segments": 3,
"order": 3,
"solve_for_distance": False,
"initial_mach": (0.72, "unitless"),
"final_mach": (0.72, "unitless"),
"mach_bounds": ((0.7, 0.74), "unitless"),
"initial_altitude": (30500.0, "ft"),
"final_altitude": (31000.0, "ft"),
"altitude_bounds": ((30000.0, 31500.0), "ft"),
"throttle_enforcement": "boundary_constraint",
"fix_initial": False,
"constrain_final": False,
"fix_duration": False,
"initial_bounds": ((27.0, 81.0), "min"),
"duration_bounds": ((85.5, 256.5), "min"),
"initial_guesses": {"time": ([54, 171], "min")},
"descent_1": {
"subsystem_options": {"core_aerodynamics": {"method": "computed"}},
"user_options": {
"optimize_mach": True,
"optimize_altitude": False,
"polynomial_control_order": 1,
"num_segments": 3,
"order": 3,
"solve_for_distance": False,
"initial_mach": (0.72, "unitless"),
"final_mach": (0.2, "unitless"),
"mach_bounds": ((0.18, 0.74), "unitless"),
"initial_altitude": (31000.0, "ft"),
"final_altitude": (500.0, "ft"),
"altitude_bounds": ((0.0, 31500.0), "ft"),
"throttle_enforcement": "path_constraint",
"fix_initial": False,
"constrain_final": True,
"fix_duration": False,
"initial_bounds": ((112.5, 337.5), "min"),
"duration_bounds": ((26.5, 79.5), "min"),
"initial_guesses": {"time": ([225, 53], "min")},
"post_mission": {
"include_landing": False,
"constrain_range": True,
"target_range": (1915, "nmi"),
Running Aviary with Updated Parameters#
Let’s run the Aviary optimization with our updated phase_info
object in the same way as before.
import aviary.api as av
prob = av.run_aviary('models/test_aircraft/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm.csv',
phase_info, optimizer="SLSQP", make_plots=True, gen_n2=False)
Unable to locate 'models/test_aircraft/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm.csv' as an absolute or relative path. Trying Aviary package path: /home/runner/work/Aviary/Aviary/aviary/models/test_aircraft/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm.csv
Using /home/runner/work/Aviary/Aviary/aviary/models/test_aircraft/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm.csv for file.
User has specified Design.NUM_* passenger values but CrewPyaload.NUM_* has been left blank or set to zero.
Assuming they are equal to maintain backwards compatibility with GASP and FLOPS output files.
If you intended to have no passengers on this flight, please set Aircraft.CrewPayload.TOTAL_PAYLOAD_MASS to zero in aviary_values.
/home/runner/work/Aviary/Aviary/aviary/utils/process_input_decks.py:221: UserWarning: Variable 'aircraft:wing:BENDING_MATERIAL_MASS_SCALER' is not in meta_data nor in 'guess_names'. It will be ignored.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:905: OMDeprecationWarning:None: The method `add_polynomial_control` is deprecated and will be removed in Dymos 2.1. Please use `add_control` with the appropriate options to define a polynomial control.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:2360: RuntimeWarning: Invalid options for non-optimal control 'altitude' in phase 'climb_1': lower, upper, ref
warnings.warn(f"Invalid options for non-optimal control '{name}' in phase "
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:2360: RuntimeWarning: Invalid options for non-optimal control 'altitude' in phase 'cruise': lower, upper, ref
warnings.warn(f"Invalid options for non-optimal control '{name}' in phase "
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:2360: RuntimeWarning: Invalid options for non-optimal control 'altitude' in phase 'descent_1': lower, upper, ref
warnings.warn(f"Invalid options for non-optimal control '{name}' in phase "
The following variables have been overridden:
'aircraft:design:touchdown_mass 152800.0 lbm
'aircraft:engine:mass [7400.] lbm
'aircraft:fins:mass 0.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuel:auxiliary_fuel_capacity 0.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuel:fuselage_fuel_capacity 0.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuel:total_capacity 45694.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuselage:planform_area 1578.24 ft**2
'aircraft:fuselage:wetted_area 4158.62 ft**2
'aircraft:horizontal_tail:wetted_area 592.65 ft**2
'aircraft:landing_gear:main_gear_oleo_length 102.0 inch
'aircraft:landing_gear:nose_gear_oleo_length 67.0 inch
'aircraft:vertical_tail:wetted_area 581.13 ft**2
'aircraft:wing:aspect_ratio 11.22091 unitless
'aircraft:wing:control_surface_area 137.0 ft**2
'aircraft:wing:wetted_area 2396.56 ft**2
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/solvers/linear/linear_rhs_checker.py:177: SolverWarning:DirectSolver in 'traj.phases.cruise.indep_states' <class StateIndependentsComp>: 'rhs_checking' is active but no redundant adjoint dependencies were found, so caching has been disabled.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/solvers/linear/linear_rhs_checker.py:177: SolverWarning:DirectSolver in 'traj.phases.descent_1.indep_states' <class StateIndependentsComp>: 'rhs_checking' is active but no redundant adjoint dependencies were found, so caching has been disabled.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/recorders/sqlite_recorder.py:231: UserWarning:The existing case recorder file, /home/runner/work/Aviary/Aviary/aviary/docs/examples/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm_out/problem_history.db, is being overwritten.
Jacobian shape: (89, 66) (8.39% nonzero)
FWD solves: 7 REV solves: 0
Total colors vs. total size: 7 vs 66 (89.39% improvement)
Sparsity computed using tolerance: 1e-25.
Dense total jacobian for AviaryProblem 'aircraft_for_bench_FwFm' was computed 3 times.
Time to compute sparsity: 0.4608 sec
Time to compute coloring: 0.0720 sec
Memory to compute coloring: 0.0000 MB
Coloring created on: 2025-03-25 20:08:03
Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 2.4776520445788455
Iterations: 10
Function evaluations: 10
Gradient evaluations: 10
Optimization Complete
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/core/driver.py:143: OMDeprecationWarning:boolean evaluation of DriverResult is temporarily implemented to mimick the previous `failed` return behavior of run_driver.
Use the `success` attribute of the returned DriverResult object to test for successful driver completion.
Now that we’ve run Aviary, we can look at the results.
Open up the automatically generated traj_results_report.html
and scroll through it to visualize the results.
Here are the altitude and Mach profiles:
We note two major changes compared to our first example.
The first is that we have many more points where the flight dynamics were evaluated because we increased num_segments
to 3.
This means that we have more points shown on the resulting plots.
The second is that the optimizer chose the optimal Mach profile.
Again, each phase’s Mach profile is constrained to be linear because we set polynomial_control_order
to 1.
However, we see that the optimizer chose to decrease the Mach number during the cruise-climb segment to minimize fuel burn.
Remember, we did not allow the optimizer to control the altitude profile, so that remains fixed.
Let’s take a look at the optimization objective, mission:summary:fuel_burned
print(prob.get_val(av.Mission.Summary.FUEL_BURNED, units='kg')[0])
We can print fuel_burned
in pounds easily, thanks to OpenMDAO’s automatic unit conversion feature:
print(prob.get_val(av.Mission.Summary.FUEL_BURNED, units='lb')[0])
Modifying the Aircraft Configuration#
Next, we’ll modify the aircraft configuration by decreasing the wing aspect ratio by 0.2.
This results in a less slender wing, which will increase the induced drag.
We’ve made this change and have a modified aircraft data file called modified_aircraft.csv
Show code cell source
import csv
filename = 'models/test_aircraft/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm.csv'
filename = av.get_path(filename)
# Read the file
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
lines = list(reader)
# Find the index of the line containing 'aircraft:wing:span'
index = None
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if 'aircraft:wing:aspect_ratio' in line:
index = i
# Modify the value in the line
if index is not None:
aspect_ratio = float(lines[index][1]) - 0.2
lines[index][1] = str(aspect_ratio)
# Write the modified content to a new CSV file
with open(new_filename, 'w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
Re-running the Optimization with Modified Aircraft#
Now, let’s re-run the optimization with the modified aircraft configuration.
We’ll use the same phase_info
object as before, but we’ll change the input deck to point to our new aircraft file.
prob = av.run_aviary('modified_aircraft.csv', phase_info,
optimizer="SLSQP", make_plots=True, gen_n2=False)
/home/runner/work/Aviary/Aviary/aviary/utils/process_input_decks.py:221: UserWarning: Variable 'aircraft:wing:BENDING_MATERIAL_MASS_SCALER' is not in meta_data nor in 'guess_names'. It will be ignored.
Using modified_aircraft.csv for file.
User has specified Design.NUM_* passenger values but CrewPyaload.NUM_* has been left blank or set to zero.
Assuming they are equal to maintain backwards compatibility with GASP and FLOPS output files.
If you intended to have no passengers on this flight, please set Aircraft.CrewPayload.TOTAL_PAYLOAD_MASS to zero in aviary_values.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:905: OMDeprecationWarning:None: The method `add_polynomial_control` is deprecated and will be removed in Dymos 2.1. Please use `add_control` with the appropriate options to define a polynomial control.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:2360: RuntimeWarning: Invalid options for non-optimal control 'altitude' in phase 'climb_1': lower, upper, ref
warnings.warn(f"Invalid options for non-optimal control '{name}' in phase "
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:2360: RuntimeWarning: Invalid options for non-optimal control 'altitude' in phase 'cruise': lower, upper, ref
warnings.warn(f"Invalid options for non-optimal control '{name}' in phase "
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:2360: RuntimeWarning: Invalid options for non-optimal control 'altitude' in phase 'descent_1': lower, upper, ref
warnings.warn(f"Invalid options for non-optimal control '{name}' in phase "
The following variables have been overridden:
'aircraft:design:touchdown_mass 152800.0 lbm
'aircraft:engine:mass [7400.] lbm
'aircraft:fins:mass 0.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuel:auxiliary_fuel_capacity 0.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuel:fuselage_fuel_capacity 0.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuel:total_capacity 45694.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuselage:planform_area 1578.24 ft**2
'aircraft:fuselage:wetted_area 4158.62 ft**2
'aircraft:horizontal_tail:wetted_area 592.65 ft**2
'aircraft:landing_gear:main_gear_oleo_length 102.0 inch
'aircraft:landing_gear:nose_gear_oleo_length 67.0 inch
'aircraft:vertical_tail:wetted_area 581.13 ft**2
'aircraft:wing:aspect_ratio 11.02091 unitless
'aircraft:wing:control_surface_area 137.0 ft**2
'aircraft:wing:wetted_area 2396.56 ft**2
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/solvers/linear/linear_rhs_checker.py:177: SolverWarning:DirectSolver in 'traj.phases.cruise.indep_states' <class StateIndependentsComp>: 'rhs_checking' is active but no redundant adjoint dependencies were found, so caching has been disabled.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/solvers/linear/linear_rhs_checker.py:177: SolverWarning:DirectSolver in 'traj.phases.descent_1.indep_states' <class StateIndependentsComp>: 'rhs_checking' is active but no redundant adjoint dependencies were found, so caching has been disabled.
Jacobian shape: (89, 66) (8.39% nonzero)
FWD solves: 7 REV solves: 0
Total colors vs. total size: 7 vs 66 (89.39% improvement)
Sparsity computed using tolerance: 1e-25.
Dense total jacobian for AviaryProblem 'modified_aircraft' was computed 3 times.
Time to compute sparsity: 0.4506 sec
Time to compute coloring: 0.0697 sec
Memory to compute coloring: 0.0000 MB
Coloring created on: 2025-03-25 20:08:11
Iteration limit reached (Exit mode 9)
Current function value: 2.4932837756435444
Iterations: 50
Function evaluations: 232
Gradient evaluations: 50
Optimization FAILED.
Iteration limit reached
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/core/driver.py:143: OMDeprecationWarning:boolean evaluation of DriverResult is temporarily implemented to mimick the previous `failed` return behavior of run_driver.
Use the `success` attribute of the returned DriverResult object to test for successful driver completion.
The case again converged in relatively few iterations. Let’s take a look at the fuel burn value:
print(prob.get_val(av.Mission.Summary.FUEL_BURNED, units='kg')[0])
As expected, it’s a bit higher than our prior run that had a larger aspect ratio.
Increasing the Polynomial Control Order#
Next, we’ll increase the polynomial_control_order
to 3 for the climb and descent phases.
This means that the optimizer will be able to choose a cubic Mach profile per phase instead of a line.
We’ll use the original aircraft configuration for this run.
We’ll use the IPOPT optimizer for this problem as it will handle the increased complexity better than SLSQP.
phase_info['climb_1']['user_options']['polynomial_control_order'] = 3
phase_info['cruise']['user_options']['polynomial_control_order'] = 1
phase_info['descent_1']['user_options']['polynomial_control_order'] = 3
prob = av.run_aviary('models/test_aircraft/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm.csv',
phase_info, optimizer="IPOPT", make_plots=True, gen_n2=False)
/home/runner/work/Aviary/Aviary/aviary/utils/process_input_decks.py:221: UserWarning: Variable 'aircraft:wing:BENDING_MATERIAL_MASS_SCALER' is not in meta_data nor in 'guess_names'. It will be ignored.
Unable to locate 'models/test_aircraft/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm.csv' as an absolute or relative path. Trying Aviary package path: /home/runner/work/Aviary/Aviary/aviary/models/test_aircraft/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm.csv
Using /home/runner/work/Aviary/Aviary/aviary/models/test_aircraft/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm.csv for file.
User has specified Design.NUM_* passenger values but CrewPyaload.NUM_* has been left blank or set to zero.
Assuming they are equal to maintain backwards compatibility with GASP and FLOPS output files.
If you intended to have no passengers on this flight, please set Aircraft.CrewPayload.TOTAL_PAYLOAD_MASS to zero in aviary_values.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:905: OMDeprecationWarning:None: The method `add_polynomial_control` is deprecated and will be removed in Dymos 2.1. Please use `add_control` with the appropriate options to define a polynomial control.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:2360: RuntimeWarning: Invalid options for non-optimal control 'altitude' in phase 'climb_1': lower, upper, ref
warnings.warn(f"Invalid options for non-optimal control '{name}' in phase "
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:2360: RuntimeWarning: Invalid options for non-optimal control 'altitude' in phase 'cruise': lower, upper, ref
warnings.warn(f"Invalid options for non-optimal control '{name}' in phase "
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dymos/phase/phase.py:2360: RuntimeWarning: Invalid options for non-optimal control 'altitude' in phase 'descent_1': lower, upper, ref
warnings.warn(f"Invalid options for non-optimal control '{name}' in phase "
The following variables have been overridden:
'aircraft:design:touchdown_mass 152800.0 lbm
'aircraft:engine:mass [7400.] lbm
'aircraft:fins:mass 0.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuel:auxiliary_fuel_capacity 0.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuel:fuselage_fuel_capacity 0.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuel:total_capacity 45694.0 lbm
'aircraft:fuselage:planform_area 1578.24 ft**2
'aircraft:fuselage:wetted_area 4158.62 ft**2
'aircraft:horizontal_tail:wetted_area 592.65 ft**2
'aircraft:landing_gear:main_gear_oleo_length 102.0 inch
'aircraft:landing_gear:nose_gear_oleo_length 67.0 inch
'aircraft:vertical_tail:wetted_area 581.13 ft**2
'aircraft:wing:aspect_ratio 11.22091 unitless
'aircraft:wing:control_surface_area 137.0 ft**2
'aircraft:wing:wetted_area 2396.56 ft**2
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/solvers/linear/linear_rhs_checker.py:177: SolverWarning:DirectSolver in 'traj.phases.cruise.indep_states' <class StateIndependentsComp>: 'rhs_checking' is active but no redundant adjoint dependencies were found, so caching has been disabled.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/solvers/linear/linear_rhs_checker.py:177: SolverWarning:DirectSolver in 'traj.phases.descent_1.indep_states' <class StateIndependentsComp>: 'rhs_checking' is active but no redundant adjoint dependencies were found, so caching has been disabled.
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/recorders/sqlite_recorder.py:231: UserWarning:The existing case recorder file, /home/runner/work/Aviary/Aviary/aviary/docs/examples/aircraft_for_bench_FwFm_out/problem_history.db, is being overwritten.
Jacobian shape: (89, 70) (9.78% nonzero)
FWD solves: 9 REV solves: 0
Total colors vs. total size: 9 vs 70 (87.14% improvement)
Sparsity computed using tolerance: 1e-25.
Dense total jacobian for AviaryProblem 'aircraft_for_bench_FwFm' was computed 3 times.
Time to compute sparsity: 0.4630 sec
Time to compute coloring: 0.0741 sec
Memory to compute coloring: 0.0000 MB
Coloring created on: 2025-03-25 20:08:53
This is Ipopt version 3.14.17, running with linear solver MUMPS 5.7.3.
Number of nonzeros in equality constraint Jacobian...: 1323
Number of nonzeros in inequality constraint Jacobian.: 620
Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............: 0
Total number of variables............................: 70
variables with only lower bounds: 2
variables with lower and upper bounds: 68
variables with only upper bounds: 0
Total number of equality constraints.................: 62
Total number of inequality constraints...............: 26
inequality constraints with only lower bounds: 0
inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds: 26
inequality constraints with only upper bounds: 0
iter objective inf_pr inf_du lg(mu) ||d|| lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr ls
0 3.0000000e-01 1.91e+02 1.45e-01 -5.0 0.00e+00 - 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0
10 1.6525679e+00 8.90e+01 1.06e+00 -5.0 2.06e+00 - 3.75e-02 1.99e-01h 1
20 2.4521890e+00 8.70e-05 1.97e-01 -5.0 3.59e-01 - 1.21e-01 1.00e+00f 1
30 2.4399606e+00 1.48e-09 7.09e-06 -7.0 2.55e-05 - 1.00e+00 5.00e-01h 2
Number of Iterations....: 31
(scaled) (unscaled)
Objective...............: 2.4399625347506171e+00 2.4399625347506171e+00
Dual infeasibility......: 5.3272567394159259e-08 5.3272567394159259e-08
Constraint violation....: 3.1409181559390586e-11 3.1409181559390586e-11
Variable bound violation: 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00
Complementarity.........: 9.0916068279718999e-08 9.0916068279718999e-08
Overall NLP error.......: 9.0916068279718999e-08 9.0916068279718999e-08
Number of objective function evaluations = 34
Number of objective gradient evaluations = 32
Number of equality constraint evaluations = 34
Number of inequality constraint evaluations = 34
Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 32
Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 32
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations = 0
Total seconds in IPOPT = 10.026
EXIT: Optimal Solution Found.
minimal_print is not available for this solution
Optimization Problem -- Optimization using pyOpt_sparse
Objective Function: _objfunc
Total Time: 10.0274
User Objective Time : 7.5635
User Sensitivity Time : 2.3304
Interface Time : 0.0832
Opt Solver Time: 0.0503
Calls to Objective Function : 35
Calls to Sens Function : 33
Index Name Value
0 mission:objectives:fuel 2.439963E+00
Variables (c - continuous, i - integer, d - discrete)
Index Name Type Lower Bound Value Upper Bound Status
0 mission:design:gross_mass_0 c 5.714286E-05 9.060298E-01 1.000000E+30
1 mission:summary:gross_mass_0 c 5.714286E-05 9.060298E-01 1.000000E+30
2 traj.climb_1.t_duration_0 c 5.000000E-01 5.000015E-01 1.500000E+00
3 traj.climb_1.states:mass_0 c 0.000000E+00 7.191943E+00 1.000000E+17
4 traj.climb_1.states:mass_1 c 0.000000E+00 7.170816E+00 1.000000E+17
5 traj.climb_1.states:mass_2 c 0.000000E+00 7.148940E+00 1.000000E+17
6 traj.climb_1.states:mass_3 c 0.000000E+00 7.141411E+00 1.000000E+17
7 traj.climb_1.states:mass_4 c 0.000000E+00 7.115129E+00 1.000000E+17
8 traj.climb_1.states:mass_5 c 0.000000E+00 7.080061E+00 1.000000E+17
9 traj.climb_1.states:mass_6 c 0.000000E+00 7.069525E+00 1.000000E+17
10 traj.climb_1.states:mass_7 c 0.000000E+00 7.055025E+00 1.000000E+17
11 traj.climb_1.states:mass_8 c 0.000000E+00 7.035676E+00 1.000000E+17
12 traj.climb_1.states:mass_9 c 0.000000E+00 7.029647E+00 1.000000E+17
13 traj.climb_1.states:distance_0 c 0.000000E+00 1.401625E-02 1.000000E+15
14 traj.climb_1.states:distance_1 c 0.000000E+00 4.220495E-02 1.000000E+15
15 traj.climb_1.states:distance_2 c 0.000000E+00 5.275879E-02 1.000000E+15
16 traj.climb_1.states:distance_3 c 0.000000E+00 9.678232E-02 1.000000E+15
17 traj.climb_1.states:distance_4 c 0.000000E+00 1.656637E-01 1.000000E+15
18 traj.climb_1.states:distance_5 c 0.000000E+00 1.883451E-01 1.000000E+15
19 traj.climb_1.states:distance_6 c 0.000000E+00 2.210148E-01 1.000000E+15
20 traj.climb_1.states:distance_7 c 0.000000E+00 2.667981E-01 1.000000E+15
21 traj.climb_1.states:distance_8 c 0.000000E+00 2.814396E-01 1.000000E+15
22 traj.climb_1.controls:mach_0 c 3.600000E-01 4.000000E-01 1.480000E+00
23 traj.climb_1.controls:mach_1 c 3.600000E-01 9.514307E-01 1.480000E+00
24 traj.climb_1.controls:mach_2 c 3.600000E-01 1.302329E+00 1.480000E+00
25 traj.climb_1.controls:mach_3 c 3.600000E-01 1.400001E+00 1.480000E+00
26 traj.cruise.t_duration_0 c 5.000000E-01 1.378671E+00 1.500000E+00
27 traj.cruise.states:mass_0 c 0.000000E+00 6.951271E+00 1.000000E+17
28 traj.cruise.states:mass_1 c 0.000000E+00 6.844162E+00 1.000000E+17
29 traj.cruise.states:mass_2 c 0.000000E+00 6.810508E+00 1.000000E+17
30 traj.cruise.states:mass_3 c 0.000000E+00 6.686817E+00 1.000000E+17
31 traj.cruise.states:mass_4 c 0.000000E+00 6.518608E+00 1.000000E+17
32 traj.cruise.states:mass_5 c 0.000000E+00 6.465932E+00 1.000000E+17
33 traj.cruise.states:mass_6 c 0.000000E+00 6.391836E+00 1.000000E+17
34 traj.cruise.states:mass_7 c 0.000000E+00 6.290438E+00 1.000000E+17
35 traj.cruise.states:mass_8 c 0.000000E+00 6.258544E+00 1.000000E+17
36 traj.cruise.states:distance_0 c 0.000000E+00 5.754088E-01 1.000000E+15
37 traj.cruise.states:distance_1 c 0.000000E+00 9.809237E-01 1.000000E+15
38 traj.cruise.states:distance_2 c 0.000000E+00 1.109243E+00 1.000000E+15
39 traj.cruise.states:distance_3 c 0.000000E+00 1.584579E+00 1.000000E+15
40 traj.cruise.states:distance_4 c 0.000000E+00 2.240176E+00 1.000000E+15
41 traj.cruise.states:distance_5 c 0.000000E+00 2.447605E+00 1.000000E+15
42 traj.cruise.states:distance_6 c 0.000000E+00 2.741113E+00 1.000000E+15
43 traj.cruise.states:distance_7 c 0.000000E+00 3.145991E+00 1.000000E+15
44 traj.cruise.states:distance_8 c 0.000000E+00 3.274108E+00 1.000000E+15
45 traj.cruise.controls:mach_0 c 1.400000E+00 1.400001E+00 1.480000E+00 l
46 traj.cruise.controls:mach_1 c 1.400000E+00 1.400000E+00 1.480000E+00 l
47 traj.descent_1.t_duration_0 c 5.000000E-01 6.179850E-01 1.500000E+00
48 traj.descent_1.states:mass_0 c 0.000000E+00 6.254338E+00 1.000000E+17
49 traj.descent_1.states:mass_1 c 0.000000E+00 6.248928E+00 1.000000E+17
50 traj.descent_1.states:mass_2 c 0.000000E+00 6.247230E+00 1.000000E+17
51 traj.descent_1.states:mass_3 c 0.000000E+00 6.241101E+00 1.000000E+17
52 traj.descent_1.states:mass_4 c 0.000000E+00 6.233194E+00 1.000000E+17
53 traj.descent_1.states:mass_5 c 0.000000E+00 6.230893E+00 1.000000E+17
54 traj.descent_1.states:mass_6 c 0.000000E+00 6.227680E+00 1.000000E+17
55 traj.descent_1.states:mass_7 c 0.000000E+00 6.222957E+00 1.000000E+17
56 traj.descent_1.states:mass_8 c 0.000000E+00 6.221273E+00 1.000000E+17
57 traj.descent_1.states:distance_0 c 0.000000E+00 3.312484E+00 1.000000E+15
58 traj.descent_1.states:distance_1 c 0.000000E+00 3.359070E+00 1.000000E+15
59 traj.descent_1.states:distance_2 c 0.000000E+00 3.372684E+00 1.000000E+15
60 traj.descent_1.states:distance_3 c 0.000000E+00 3.419684E+00 1.000000E+15
61 traj.descent_1.states:distance_4 c 0.000000E+00 3.477251E+00 1.000000E+15
62 traj.descent_1.states:distance_5 c 0.000000E+00 3.493998E+00 1.000000E+15
63 traj.descent_1.states:distance_6 c 0.000000E+00 3.515639E+00 1.000000E+15
64 traj.descent_1.states:distance_7 c 0.000000E+00 3.540369E+00 1.000000E+15
65 traj.descent_1.states:distance_8 c 0.000000E+00 3.546580E+00 1.000000E+15
66 traj.descent_1.controls:mach_0 c 3.600000E-01 1.400000E+00 1.480000E+00
67 traj.descent_1.controls:mach_1 c 3.600000E-01 1.015228E+00 1.480000E+00
68 traj.descent_1.controls:mach_2 c 3.600000E-01 7.178231E-01 1.480000E+00
69 traj.descent_1.controls:mach_3 c 3.600000E-01 4.000000E-01 1.480000E+00
Constraints (i - inequality, e - equality)
Index Name Type Lower Value Upper Status Lagrange Multiplier (N/A)
0 mission:constraints:range_residual e 0.000000E+00 -2.273737E-14 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
1 gtow_constraint.GTOW e 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
2 link_climb_1_mass.mass e 0.000000E+00 -2.910383E-16 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
3 mission:constraints:mass_residual e 0.000000E+00 -5.820766E-16 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
4 traj.linkages.climb_1:mach_final|cruise:mach_initial e 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
5 traj.linkages.cruise:mach_final|descent_1:mach_initial e 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
6 traj.climb_1.mach[initial] e 2.000000E-01 2.000000E-01 2.000000E-01 9.00000E+100
7 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 -1.548005E-16 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
8 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 2.054158E-12 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
9 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 8.752457E-12 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
10 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 1.772572E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
11 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 2.484858E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
12 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 1.706484E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
13 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 7.882889E-12 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
14 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 4.764325E-12 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
15 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 2.277996E-12 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
16 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 1.463496E-18 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
17 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -1.825330E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
18 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -3.127428E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
19 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -5.337340E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
20 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -5.151092E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
21 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -3.105255E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
22 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -1.451089E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
23 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -8.721803E-16 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
24 traj.climb_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -4.138513E-16 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
25 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 1.642879E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
26 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 1.563785E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
27 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 1.455226E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
28 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 2.299241E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
29 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 2.095091E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
30 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 1.815731E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
31 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 1.067896E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
32 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 9.846095E-12 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
33 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 8.802854E-12 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
34 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -1.880121E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
35 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -1.794560E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
36 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -1.675664E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
37 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -2.642959E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
38 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -2.418218E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
39 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -2.115266E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
40 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -1.212856E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
41 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -1.165631E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
42 traj.cruise.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -1.033956E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
43 traj.descent_1.mach[final] e 2.000000E-01 2.000000E-01 2.000000E-01 9.00000E+100
44 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 1.054176E-12 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
45 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 -1.143533E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
46 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 -1.743211E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
47 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 -2.963973E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
48 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 -3.140918E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
49 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 -1.389075E-11 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
50 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 -5.726956E-12 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
51 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 -2.391105E-12 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
52 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:mass e 0.000000E+00 -1.787940E-13 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
53 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 1.192717E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
54 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -1.748258E-14 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
55 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -3.597370E-14 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
56 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -6.500363E-14 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
57 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -7.873893E-14 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
58 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -7.034820E-14 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
59 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -3.799697E-14 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
60 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -2.738351E-14 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
61 traj.descent_1.collocation_constraint.defects:distance e 0.000000E+00 -7.455367E-15 0.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
62 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 6.815913E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
63 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 5.030957E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
64 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 5.085216E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
65 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 5.268627E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
66 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 5.268627E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
67 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 5.928249E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
68 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 7.070927E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
69 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 7.478084E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
70 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 7.478084E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
71 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 8.220685E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
72 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 9.472318E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
73 traj.climb_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 9.999980E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
74 traj.cruise.throttle[initial] i 0.000000E+00 6.532217E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
75 traj.cruise.throttle[final] i 0.000000E+00 6.175645E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
76 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 2.259456E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
77 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 1.862015E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
78 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 1.570243E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
79 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 1.486994E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
80 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 1.486994E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
81 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 1.195121E-01 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
82 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 6.383234E-02 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
83 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 3.657651E-02 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
84 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 3.657651E-02 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
85 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 2.959326E-06 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
86 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 1.924565E-06 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
87 traj.descent_1.throttle[path] i 0.000000E+00 4.824172E-02 1.000000E+00 9.00000E+100
/usr/share/miniconda/envs/test/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openmdao/core/driver.py:143: OMDeprecationWarning:boolean evaluation of DriverResult is temporarily implemented to mimick the previous `failed` return behavior of run_driver.
Use the `success` attribute of the returned DriverResult object to test for successful driver completion.
And let’s print out the objective value, fuel burned:
print(prob.get_val(av.Mission.Summary.FUEL_BURNED, units='kg')[0])
The added flexibility in the mission allowed the optimizer to reduce the fuel burn compared to the linear Mach profile case.
Looking at the altitude and Mach profiles, we see that the optimizer chose a more subtly complex Mach profile:
This example demonstrated how to use Aviary to optimize a more complex mission. We increased the number of segments in the mission, allowed the optimizer to choose the optimal Mach profile, and increased the polynomial control order to allow for more complex Mach profiles. We also modified the aircraft configuration to demonstrate how Aviary can be used to quickly evaluate the impact of design changes on the mission performance.