Source code for aviary.interface.methods_for_level2

from dymos.transcriptions.transcription_base import TranscriptionBase
import csv
import warnings
import inspect
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
import importlib.util
import sys
import json
import enum
import os

import numpy as np

import dymos as dm
from dymos.utils.misc import _unspecified

import openmdao.api as om
from openmdao.core.component import Component
from openmdao.utils.mpi import MPI
from openmdao.utils.reports_system import _default_reports

from aviary.constants import GRAV_ENGLISH_LBM, RHO_SEA_LEVEL_ENGLISH
from aviary.interface.default_phase_info.two_dof_fiti import add_default_sgm_args
from aviary.interface.utils.check_phase_info import check_phase_info
from aviary.mission.flops_based.phases.energy_phase import EnergyPhase
from aviary.mission.flops_based.phases.build_landing import Landing
from aviary.mission.flops_based.phases.build_takeoff import Takeoff
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.phases.twodof_phase import TwoDOFPhase
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.idle_descent_estimation import add_descent_estimation_as_submodel
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.ode.params import ParamPort
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.phases.time_integration_traj import FlexibleTraj
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.phases.groundroll_phase import GroundrollPhase
from aviary.mission.flops_based.phases.groundroll_phase import GroundrollPhase as GroundrollPhaseVelocityIntegrated
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.phases.rotation_phase import RotationPhase
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.phases.climb_phase import ClimbPhase
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.phases.cruise_phase import CruisePhase
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.phases.accel_phase import AccelPhase
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.phases.ascent_phase import AscentPhase
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.phases.descent_phase import DescentPhase
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.ode.landing_ode import LandingSegment
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.ode.taxi_ode import TaxiSegment
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.ode.v_rotate_comp import VRotateComp
from aviary.mission.gasp_based.polynomial_fit import PolynomialFit
from aviary.mission.phase_builder_base import PhaseBuilderBase

from aviary.subsystems.aerodynamics.aerodynamics_builder import CoreAerodynamicsBuilder
from aviary.subsystems.geometry.geometry_builder import CoreGeometryBuilder
from aviary.subsystems.mass.mass_builder import CoreMassBuilder
from aviary.subsystems.premission import CorePreMission
from aviary.subsystems.propulsion.utils import build_engine_deck
from aviary.subsystems.propulsion.propulsion_builder import CorePropulsionBuilder

from aviary.utils.aviary_values import AviaryValues
from aviary.utils.functions import create_opts2vals, add_opts2vals, promote_aircraft_and_mission_vars, wrapped_convert_units
from aviary.utils.functions import convert_strings_to_data, set_value
from aviary.utils.merge_variable_metadata import merge_meta_data
from aviary.utils.preprocessors import preprocess_options
from aviary.utils.process_input_decks import create_vehicle, update_GASP_options, initialization_guessing

from aviary.variable_info.enums import AnalysisScheme, ProblemType, EquationsOfMotion, LegacyCode, Verbosity
from aviary.variable_info.functions import setup_trajectory_params, override_aviary_vars, setup_model_options
from aviary.variable_info.variables import Aircraft, Mission, Dynamic, Settings
from aviary.variable_info.variable_meta_data import _MetaData as BaseMetaData

FLOPS = LegacyCode.FLOPS
GASP = LegacyCode.GASP

SOLVED_2DOF = EquationsOfMotion.SOLVED_2DOF

if hasattr(TranscriptionBase, 'setup_polynomial_controls'):
    use_new_dymos_syntax = False
    use_new_dymos_syntax = True

[docs] class PreMissionGroup(om.Group): """OpenMDAO group that holds all pre-mission systems"""
[docs] def configure(self): """ Configure this group for pre-mission. Promote aircraft and mission variables. Override output aviary variables. """ external_outputs = promote_aircraft_and_mission_vars(self) pre_mission = self.core_subsystems override_aviary_vars( pre_mission, pre_mission.options["aviary_options"], external_overrides=external_outputs, manual_overrides=pre_mission.manual_overrides, )
[docs] class PostMissionGroup(om.Group): """OpenMDAO group that holds all post-mission systems"""
[docs] def configure(self): """ Congigure this group for post-mission. Promote aircraft and mission variables. """ promote_aircraft_and_mission_vars(self)
[docs] class AviaryGroup(om.Group): """ A standard OpenMDAO group that handles Aviary's promotions in the configure method. This assures that we only call set_input_defaults on variables that are present in the model. """
[docs] def initialize(self): """declare options""" self.options.declare( 'aviary_options', types=AviaryValues, desc='collection of Aircraft/Mission specific options') self.options.declare( 'aviary_metadata', types=dict, desc='metadata dictionary of the full aviary problem.') self.options.declare( 'phase_info', types=dict, desc='phase-specific settings.')
[docs] def configure(self): """ Configure the Aviary group """ aviary_options = self.options['aviary_options'] aviary_metadata = self.options['aviary_metadata'] # Find promoted name of every input in the model. all_prom_inputs = [] # We can call list_inputs on the subsystems. for system in self.system_iter(recurse=False): var_abs = system.list_inputs(out_stream=None, val=False) var_prom = [v['prom_name'] for k, v in var_abs] all_prom_inputs.extend(var_prom) # Calls to promotes aren't handled until this group resolves. # Here, we address anything promoted with an alias in AviaryProblem. input_meta = system._var_promotes['input'] var_prom = [v[0][1] for v in input_meta if isinstance(v[0], tuple)] all_prom_inputs.extend(var_prom) var_prom = [v[0] for v in input_meta if not isinstance(v[0], tuple)] all_prom_inputs.extend(var_prom) if MPI and self.comm.size > 1: # Under MPI, promotion info only lives on rank 0, so broadcast. all_prom_inputs = self.comm.bcast(all_prom_inputs, root=0) for key in aviary_metadata: if ':' not in key or key.startswith('dynamic:'): continue if aviary_metadata[key]['option']: continue # Skip anything that is not presently an input. if key not in all_prom_inputs: continue if key in aviary_options: val, units = aviary_options.get_item(key) else: val = aviary_metadata[key]['default_value'] units = aviary_metadata[key]['units'] if val is None: # optional, but no default value continue self.set_input_defaults(key, val=val, units=units) # The section below this contains some manipulations of the dymos solver # structure for height energy. if aviary_options.get_val(Settings.EQUATIONS_OF_MOTION) is not HEIGHT_ENERGY: return phase_info = self.options['phase_info'] # Set a more appropriate solver for dymos when the phases are linked. if MPI and isinstance(self.traj.phases.linear_solver, om.PETScKrylov): # When any phase is connected with input_initial = True, dymos puts # a jacobi solver in the phases group. This is necessary in case # the phases are cyclic. However, this causes some problems # with the newton solvers in Aviary, exacerbating issues with # solver tolerances at multiple levels. Since Aviary's phases # are basically in series, the jacobi solver is a much better # choice and should be able to handle it in a couple of # iterations. self.traj.phases.linear_solver = om.LinearBlockJac(maxiter=5) # Due to recent changes in dymos, there is now a solver in any phase # that has connected initial states. It is not clear that this solver # is necessary except in certain corner cases that do not apply to the # Aviary trajectory. In our case, this solver merely addresses a lag # in the state input component. Since this solver can cause some # numerical problems, and can slow things down, we need to move it down # into the state interp component. # TODO: Future updates to dymos may make this unneccesary. for phase in self.traj.phases.system_iter(recurse=False): # Don't move the solvers if we are using solve segements. if phase_info[]['user_options'].get('solve_for_distance'): continue phase.nonlinear_solver = om.NonlinearRunOnce() phase.linear_solver = om.LinearRunOnce() if isinstance(phase.indep_states, om.ImplicitComponent): phase.indep_states.nonlinear_solver = \ om.NewtonSolver(solve_subsystems=True) phase.indep_states.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver(rhs_checking=True)
[docs] class AviaryProblem(om.Problem): """ Main class for instantiating, formulating, and solving Aviary problems. On a basic level, this problem object is all the conventional user needs to interact with. Looking at the three "levels" of use cases, from simplest to most complicated, we have: Level 1: users interact with Aviary through input files (.csv or .yaml, TBD) Level 2: users interact with Aviary through a Python interface Level 3: users can modify Aviary's workings through Python and OpenMDAO This Problem object is simply a specialized OpenMDAO Problem that has additional methods to help users create and solve Aviary problems. """
[docs] def __init__(self, analysis_scheme=AnalysisScheme.COLLOCATION, **kwargs): # Modify OpenMDAO's default_reports for this session. new_reports = ['subsystems', 'mission', 'timeseries_csv', 'run_status'] for report in new_reports: if report not in _default_reports: _default_reports.append(report) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.timestamp = self.model = AviaryGroup() self.pre_mission = PreMissionGroup() self.post_mission = PostMissionGroup() self.aviary_inputs = None self.traj = None self.analysis_scheme = analysis_scheme self.regular_phases = [] self.reserve_phases = []
[docs] def load_inputs( self, aviary_inputs, phase_info=None, engine_builders=None, meta_data=BaseMetaData, verbosity=Verbosity.BRIEF): """ This method loads the aviary_values inputs and options that the user specifies. They could specify files to load and values to replace here as well. Phase info is also loaded if provided by the user. If phase_info is None, the appropriate default phase_info based on mission analysis method is used. This method is not strictly necessary; a user could also supply an AviaryValues object and/or phase_info dict of their own. """ # compatibility with being passed int for verbosity verbosity = Verbosity(verbosity) ## LOAD INPUT FILE ### # Create AviaryValues object from file (or process existing AviaryValues object # with default values from metadata) and generate initial guesses aviary_inputs, initialization_guesses = create_vehicle( aviary_inputs, meta_data=meta_data, verbosity=verbosity) # pull which methods will be used for subsystems and mission self.mission_method = mission_method = aviary_inputs.get_val( Settings.EQUATIONS_OF_MOTION) self.mass_method = mass_method = aviary_inputs.get_val(Settings.MASS_METHOD) if mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM or mass_method is GASP: # TODO this should be a preprocessor step if it is required here aviary_inputs = update_GASP_options(aviary_inputs) initialization_guesses = initialization_guessing( aviary_inputs, initialization_guesses, engine_builders) self.aviary_inputs = aviary_inputs self.initialization_guesses = initialization_guesses ## LOAD PHASE_INFO ### if phase_info is None: # check if the user generated a phase_info from gui # Load the phase info dynamically from the current working directory phase_info_module_path = Path.cwd() / '' if phase_info_module_path.exists(): spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( 'outputted_phase_info', phase_info_module_path) outputted_phase_info = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules['outputted_phase_info'] = outputted_phase_info spec.loader.exec_module(outputted_phase_info) # Access the phase_info variable from the loaded module phase_info = outputted_phase_info.phase_info # if verbosity level is BRIEF or higher, print that we're using the # outputted phase info if verbosity is not None and verbosity >= Verbosity.BRIEF: print('Using outputted phase_info from current working directory') else: if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.COLLOCATION: from aviary.interface.default_phase_info.two_dof import phase_info elif self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.SHOOTING: from aviary.interface.default_phase_info.two_dof_fiti import phase_info, \ phase_info_parameterization phase_info, _ = phase_info_parameterization( phase_info, None, self.aviary_inputs) elif self.mission_method is HEIGHT_ENERGY: from aviary.interface.default_phase_info.height_energy import phase_info if verbosity is not None and verbosity >= Verbosity.BRIEF: print('Loaded default phase_info for ' f'{self.mission_method.value.lower()} equations of motion') # create a new dictionary that only contains the phases from phase_info self.phase_info = {} for phase_name in phase_info: if 'external_subsystems' not in phase_info[phase_name]: phase_info[phase_name]['external_subsystems'] = [] if phase_name not in ['pre_mission', 'post_mission']: self.phase_info[phase_name] = phase_info[phase_name] # pre_mission and post_mission are stored in their own dictionaries. if 'pre_mission' in phase_info: self.pre_mission_info = phase_info['pre_mission'] else: self.pre_mission_info = {'include_takeoff': True, 'external_subsystems': []} if 'post_mission' in phase_info: self.post_mission_info = phase_info['post_mission'] else: self.post_mission_info = {'include_landing': True, 'external_subsystems': []} if engine_builders is None: engine_builders = build_engine_deck(aviary_inputs) self.engine_builders = engine_builders self.aviary_inputs = aviary_inputs if mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: aviary_inputs.set_val( Mission.Summary.CRUISE_MASS_FINAL, val=self.initialization_guesses['cruise_mass_final'], units='lbm') aviary_inputs.set_val( Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS, val=self.initialization_guesses['actual_takeoff_mass'], units='lbm') # Commonly referenced values self.cruise_alt = aviary_inputs.get_val( Mission.Design.CRUISE_ALTITUDE, units='ft') self.problem_type = aviary_inputs.get_val(Settings.PROBLEM_TYPE) self.mass_defect = aviary_inputs.get_val('mass_defect', units='lbm') self.cruise_mass_final = aviary_inputs.get_val( Mission.Summary.CRUISE_MASS_FINAL, units='lbm') if self.post_mission_info is True and 'target_range' in self.post_mission_info: self.target_range = wrapped_convert_units( phase_info['post_mission']['target_range'], 'NM') aviary_inputs.set_val(Mission.Summary.RANGE, self.target_range, units='NM') else: self.target_range = aviary_inputs.get_val( Mission.Design.RANGE, units='NM') aviary_inputs.set_val(Mission.Summary.RANGE, aviary_inputs.get_val( Mission.Design.RANGE, units='NM'), units='NM') self.cruise_mach = aviary_inputs.get_val(Mission.Design.MACH) self.require_range_residual = True elif mission_method is HEIGHT_ENERGY: self.problem_type = aviary_inputs.get_val(Settings.PROBLEM_TYPE) aviary_inputs.set_val( Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS, val=self.initialization_guesses['actual_takeoff_mass'], units='lbm') if 'target_range' in self.post_mission_info: aviary_inputs.set_val(Mission.Summary.RANGE, wrapped_convert_units( phase_info['post_mission']['target_range'], 'NM'), units='NM') self.require_range_residual = True self.target_range = wrapped_convert_units( phase_info['post_mission']['target_range'], 'NM') else: self.require_range_residual = False # still instantiate target_range because it is used for default guesses # for phase comps self.target_range = aviary_inputs.get_val( Mission.Design.RANGE, units='NM') return aviary_inputs
def _update_metadata_from_subsystems(self): self.meta_data = BaseMetaData.copy() # loop through phase_info and external subsystems for phase_name in self.phase_info: external_subsystems = self._get_all_subsystems( self.phase_info[phase_name]['external_subsystems']) for subsystem in external_subsystems: meta_data = subsystem.meta_data.copy() self.meta_data = merge_meta_data([self.meta_data, meta_data])
[docs] def phase_separator(self): """ This method checks for reserve=True & False Returns an error if a non-reserve phase is specified after a reserve phase. return two dictionaries of phases: regular_phases and reserve_phases For shooting trajectories, this will also check if a phase is part of the descent """ # Check to ensure no non-reserve phases are specified after reserve phases start_reserve = False raise_error = False for idx, phase_name in enumerate(self.phase_info): if 'user_options' in self.phase_info[phase_name]: if 'reserve' in self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"]: if self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"]["reserve"] is False: # This is a regular phase self.regular_phases.append(phase_name) if start_reserve is True: raise_error = True else: # This is a reserve phase self.reserve_phases.append(phase_name) start_reserve = True else: # This is a regular phase by default self.regular_phases.append(phase_name) if start_reserve is True: raise_error = True if raise_error is True: raise ValueError( f'In phase_info, reserve=False cannot be specified after a phase where reserve=True. ' f'All reserve phases must happen after non-reserve phases. ' f'Regular Phases : {self.regular_phases} | ' f'Reserve Phases : {self.reserve_phases} ') if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.SHOOTING: self.descent_phases = {} for name, info in self.phase_info.items(): descent = info.get('descent_phase', False) if descent: self.descent_phases[name] = info
[docs] def check_and_preprocess_inputs(self): """ This method checks the user-supplied input values for any potential problems and preprocesses the inputs to prepare them for use in the Aviary problem. """ aviary_inputs = self.aviary_inputs # Target_distance verification for all phases # Checks to make sure target_distance is positive, for idx, phase_name in enumerate(self.phase_info): if 'user_options' in self.phase_info[phase_name]: if 'target_distance' in self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"]: target_distance = self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"][ "target_distance"] if target_distance[0] <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid target_distance in [{phase_name}].[user_options]. " f"Current (value: {target_distance[0]}), " f"(units: {target_distance[1]}) <= 0" ) # Checks to make sure target_duration is positive, # Sets duration_bounds, initial_guesses, and fixed_duration for idx, phase_name in enumerate(self.phase_info): if 'user_options' in self.phase_info[phase_name]: analytic = False if (self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.COLLOCATION) and ( self.mission_method is EquationsOfMotion.TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM): try: # if the user provided an option, use it analytic = self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"][ 'analytic'] except KeyError: # if it isn't specified, only the default 2DOF cruise for # collocation is analytic if 'cruise' in phase_name: analytic = self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"][ 'analytic'] = True else: analytic = self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"][ 'analytic'] = False if 'target_duration' in self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"]: target_duration = self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"][ "target_duration"] if target_duration[0] <= 0: raise ValueError( f'Invalid target_duration in phase_info[{phase_name}]' f'[user_options]. Current (value: {target_duration[0]}), ' f'(units: {target_duration[1]}) <= 0")' ) # Only applies to non-analytic phases (all HE and most 2DOF) if not analytic: # Set duration_bounds and initial_guesses for time: self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"].update({ "duration_bounds": ((target_duration[0], target_duration[0]), target_duration[1])}) self.phase_info[phase_name].update({"initial_guesses": {"time": ( (target_duration[0], target_duration[0]), target_duration[1])}}) # Set Fixed_duration to true: self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"].update( {"fix_duration": True} ) if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.COLLOCATION: check_phase_info(self.phase_info, self.mission_method) for phase_name in self.phase_info: for external_subsystem in self.phase_info[phase_name]['external_subsystems']: aviary_inputs = external_subsystem.preprocess_inputs( aviary_inputs) # PREPROCESSORS # # Fill in anything missing in the options with computed defaults. preprocess_options(aviary_inputs, engine_models=self.engine_builders) mission_method = aviary_inputs.get_val(Settings.EQUATIONS_OF_MOTION) mass_method = aviary_inputs.get_val(Settings.MASS_METHOD) ## Set Up Core Subsystems ## if mission_method in (HEIGHT_ENERGY, SOLVED_2DOF): everything_else_origin = FLOPS elif mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: everything_else_origin = GASP else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown mission method {self.mission_method}') prop = CorePropulsionBuilder( 'core_propulsion', engine_models=self.engine_builders) mass = CoreMassBuilder('core_mass', code_origin=self.mass_method) aero = CoreAerodynamicsBuilder( 'core_aerodynamics', code_origin=everything_else_origin) # TODO These values are currently hardcoded, in future should come from user both_geom = False code_origin_to_prioritize = None # which geometry methods should be used, or both? geom_code_origin = None if (everything_else_origin is FLOPS) and (mass_method is FLOPS): geom_code_origin = FLOPS elif (everything_else_origin is GASP) and (mass_method is GASP): geom_code_origin = GASP else: both_geom = True # which geometry method gets prioritized in case of conflicting outputs if not code_origin_to_prioritize: if everything_else_origin is GASP: code_origin_to_prioritize = GASP elif everything_else_origin is FLOPS: code_origin_to_prioritize = FLOPS geom = CoreGeometryBuilder('core_geometry', code_origin=geom_code_origin, use_both_geometries=both_geom, code_origin_to_prioritize=code_origin_to_prioritize) subsystems = self.core_subsystems = {'propulsion': prop, 'geometry': geom, 'mass': mass, 'aerodynamics': aero} # TODO optionally accept which subsystems to load from phase_info default_mission_subsystems = [ subsystems['aerodynamics'], subsystems['propulsion']] self.ode_args = {'aviary_options': aviary_inputs, 'core_subsystems': default_mission_subsystems} self._update_metadata_from_subsystems() if self.mission_method in (HEIGHT_ENERGY, SOLVED_2DOF, TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM): self.phase_separator()
[docs] def add_pre_mission_systems(self): """ Add pre-mission systems to the Aviary problem. These systems are executed before the mission. Depending on the mission model specified (`FLOPS` or `GASP`), this method adds various subsystems to the aircraft model. For the `FLOPS` mission model, a takeoff phase is added using the Takeoff class with the number of engines and airport altitude specified. For the `GASP` mission model, three subsystems are added: a TaxiSegment subsystem, an ExecComp to calculate the time to initiate gear and flaps, and an ExecComp to calculate the speed at which to initiate rotation. All subsystems are promoted with aircraft and mission inputs and outputs as appropriate. A user can override this method with their own pre-mission systems as desired. """ pre_mission = self.pre_mission self.model.add_subsystem('pre_mission', pre_mission, promotes_inputs=['aircraft:*', 'mission:*'], promotes_outputs=['aircraft:*', 'mission:*'],) if 'linear_solver' in self.pre_mission_info: pre_mission.linear_solver = self.pre_mission_info['linear_solver'] if 'nonlinear_solver' in self.pre_mission_info: pre_mission.nonlinear_solver = self.pre_mission_info['nonlinear_solver'] self._add_premission_external_subsystems() subsystems = self.core_subsystems # Propulsion isn't included in core pre-mission group to avoid override step in # configure() - instead add it now pre_mission.add_subsystem( 'core_propulsion', subsystems['propulsion'].build_pre_mission( self.aviary_inputs),) default_subsystems = [subsystems['geometry'], subsystems['aerodynamics'], subsystems['mass'],] pre_mission.add_subsystem( 'core_subsystems', CorePreMission( aviary_options=self.aviary_inputs, subsystems=default_subsystems, process_overrides=False, ), promotes_inputs=['*'], promotes_outputs=['*']) if not self.pre_mission_info['include_takeoff']: return # Check for 2DOF mission method # NOTE should solved trigger this as well? if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: self._add_two_dof_takeoff_systems() # Check for HE mission method elif self.mission_method is HEIGHT_ENERGY: self._add_height_energy_takeoff_systems()
def _add_height_energy_takeoff_systems(self): # Initialize takeoff options takeoff_options = Takeoff( airport_altitude=0., # ft num_engines=self.aviary_inputs.get_val(Aircraft.Engine.NUM_ENGINES) ) # Build and add takeoff subsystem takeoff = takeoff_options.build_phase(False) self.model.add_subsystem( 'takeoff', takeoff, promotes_inputs=['aircraft:*', 'mission:*'], promotes_outputs=['mission:*']) def _add_two_dof_takeoff_systems(self): # Create options to values OptionsToValues = create_opts2vals( [Aircraft.CrewPayload.NUM_PASSENGERS, Mission.Design.CRUISE_ALTITUDE, ]) add_opts2vals(self.model, OptionsToValues, self.aviary_inputs) if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.SHOOTING: self._add_fuel_reserve_component( post_mission=False, reserves_name='reserve_fuel_estimate') add_default_sgm_args(self.descent_phases, self.ode_args) add_descent_estimation_as_submodel( self, phases=self.descent_phases, cruise_mach=self.cruise_mach, cruise_alt=self.cruise_alt, reserve_fuel='reserve_fuel_estimate', all_subsystems=self._get_all_subsystems(), ) # Add thrust-to-weight ratio subsystem self.model.add_subsystem( 'tw_ratio', om.ExecComp( f'TW_ratio = Fn_SLS / (takeoff_mass * {GRAV_ENGLISH_LBM})', TW_ratio={'units': "unitless"}, Fn_SLS={'units': 'lbf'}, takeoff_mass={'units': 'lbm'}, ), promotes_inputs=[('Fn_SLS', Aircraft.Propulsion.TOTAL_SCALED_SLS_THRUST), ('takeoff_mass', Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS)], promotes_outputs=[('TW_ratio', Aircraft.Design.THRUST_TO_WEIGHT_RATIO)], ) self.cruise_alt = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Mission.Design.CRUISE_ALTITUDE, units='ft') if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.COLLOCATION: # Add event transformation subsystem self.model.add_subsystem( "event_xform", om.ExecComp( ["t_init_gear=m*tau_gear+b", "t_init_flaps=m*tau_flaps+b"], t_init_gear={"units": "s"}, # initial time that gear comes up t_init_flaps={"units": "s"}, # initial time that flaps retract tau_gear={"units": "unitless"}, tau_flaps={"units": "unitless"}, m={"units": "s"}, b={"units": "s"}, ), promotes_inputs=[ "tau_gear", # design var "tau_flaps", # design var ("m", Mission.Takeoff.ASCENT_DURATION), ("b", Mission.Takeoff.ASCENT_T_INTIIAL), ], promotes_outputs=["t_init_gear", "t_init_flaps"], # link to h_fit ) # Add taxi subsystem self.model.add_subsystem( "taxi", TaxiSegment(**(self.ode_args)), promotes_inputs=['aircraft:*', 'mission:*'], ) # Calculate speed at which to initiate rotation self.model.add_subsystem( "vrot", om.ExecComp( "Vrot = ((2 * mass * g) / (rho * wing_area * CLmax))**0.5 + dV1 + dVR", Vrot={"units": "ft/s"}, mass={"units": "lbm"}, CLmax={"units": "unitless"}, g={"units": "lbf/lbm", "val": GRAV_ENGLISH_LBM}, rho={"units": "slug/ft**3", "val": RHO_SEA_LEVEL_ENGLISH}, wing_area={"units": "ft**2"}, dV1={ "units": "ft/s", "desc": "Increment of engine failure decision speed above stall", }, dVR={ "units": "ft/s", "desc": "Increment of takeoff rotation speed above engine failure " "decision speed", }, ), promotes_inputs=[ ("wing_area", Aircraft.Wing.AREA), ("dV1", Mission.Takeoff.DECISION_SPEED_INCREMENT), ("dVR", Mission.Takeoff.ROTATION_SPEED_INCREMENT), ("CLmax", Mission.Takeoff.LIFT_COEFFICIENT_MAX), ], promotes_outputs=[('Vrot', Mission.Takeoff.ROTATION_VELOCITY)] ) def _add_premission_external_subsystems(self): """ This private method adds each external subsystem to the pre-mission subsystem and a mass component that captures external subsystem masses for use in mass buildups. Firstly, the method iterates through all external subsystems in the pre-mission information. For each subsystem, it builds the pre-mission instance of the subsystem. Secondly, the method collects the mass names of the added subsystems. This expression is then used to define an ExecComp (a component that evaluates a simple equation given input values). The method promotes the input and output of this ExecComp to the top level of the pre-mission object, allowing this calculated subsystem mass to be accessed directly from the pre-mission object. """ mass_names = [] # Loop through all the phases in this subsystem. for external_subsystem in self.pre_mission_info['external_subsystems']: # Get all the subsystem builders for this phase. subsystem_premission = external_subsystem.build_pre_mission( self.aviary_inputs) if subsystem_premission is not None: self.pre_mission.add_subsystem(, subsystem_premission) mass_names.extend(external_subsystem.get_mass_names()) if mass_names: formatted_names = [] for name in mass_names: formatted_name = name.replace(':', '_') formatted_names.append(formatted_name) # Define the expression for computing the sum of masses expr = 'subsystem_mass = ' + ' + '.join(formatted_names) promotes_inputs_list = [ (formatted_name, original_name) for formatted_name, original_name in zip(formatted_names, mass_names)] # Create the ExecComp self.pre_mission.add_subsystem( 'external_comp_sum', om.ExecComp(expr, units='kg'), promotes_inputs=promotes_inputs_list, promotes_outputs=[('subsystem_mass', Aircraft.Design. EXTERNAL_SUBSYSTEMS_MASS)]) def _add_groundroll_eq_constraint(self): """ Add an equality constraint to the problem to ensure that the TAS at the end of the groundroll phase is equal to the rotation velocity at the start of the rotation phase. """ self.model.add_subsystem( "groundroll_boundary", om.EQConstraintComp( "velocity", eq_units="ft/s", normalize=True, add_constraint=True, ), ) self.model.connect(Mission.Takeoff.ROTATION_VELOCITY, "groundroll_boundary.rhs:velocity") self.model.connect( "traj.groundroll.states:velocity", "groundroll_boundary.lhs:velocity", src_indices=[-1], flat_src_indices=True, ) def _get_phase(self, phase_name, phase_idx): base_phase_options = self.phase_info[phase_name] # We need to exclude some things from the phase_options that we pass down # to the phases. Intead of "popping" keys, we just create new outer dictionaries. phase_options = {} for key, val in base_phase_options.items(): phase_options[key] = val phase_options['user_options'] = {} for key, val in base_phase_options['user_options'].items(): phase_options['user_options'][key] = val # TODO optionally accept which subsystems to load from phase_info subsystems = self.core_subsystems default_mission_subsystems = [ subsystems['aerodynamics'], subsystems['propulsion']] if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: if 'groundroll' in phase_name: phase_builder = GroundrollPhase elif 'rotation' in phase_name: phase_builder = RotationPhase elif 'accel' in phase_name: phase_builder = AccelPhase elif 'ascent' in phase_name: phase_builder = AscentPhase elif 'climb' in phase_name: phase_builder = ClimbPhase elif 'cruise' in phase_name: phase_builder = CruisePhase elif 'desc' in phase_name: phase_builder = DescentPhase else: raise ValueError( f'{phase_name} does not have an associated phase_builder \n phase_name must ' 'include one of: groundroll, rotation, accel, ascent, climb, cruise, or desc') if self.mission_method is HEIGHT_ENERGY: if 'phase_builder' in phase_options: phase_builder = phase_options['phase_builder'] if not issubclass(phase_builder, PhaseBuilderBase): raise TypeError(f"phase_builder for the phase called " "{phase_name} must be a PhaseBuilderBase object.") else: phase_builder = EnergyPhase if self.mission_method is SOLVED_2DOF: if phase_options['user_options']['ground_roll'] and phase_options['user_options']['fix_initial']: phase_builder = GroundrollPhaseVelocityIntegrated else: phase_builder = TwoDOFPhase phase_object = phase_builder.from_phase_info( phase_name, phase_options, default_mission_subsystems, meta_data=self.meta_data) phase = phase_object.build_phase(aviary_options=self.aviary_inputs) self.phase_objects.append(phase_object) # TODO: add logic to filter which phases get which controls. # right now all phases get all controls added from every subsystem. # for example, we might only want ELECTRIC_SHAFT_POWER applied during the # climb phase. all_subsystems = self._get_all_subsystems( phase_options['external_subsystems']) # loop through all_subsystems and call `get_controls` on each subsystem for subsystem in all_subsystems: # add the controls from the subsystems to each phase arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(subsystem.get_controls) if 'phase_name' in arg_spec.args: control_dicts = subsystem.get_controls( phase_name=phase_name) else: control_dicts = subsystem.get_controls( phase_name=phase_name) for control_name, control_dict in control_dicts.items(): phase.add_control(control_name, **control_dict) user_options = AviaryValues(phase_options.get('user_options', ())) try: fix_initial = user_options.get_val('fix_initial') except KeyError: fix_initial = False try: fix_duration = user_options.get_val('fix_duration') except KeyError: fix_duration = False if 'ascent' in phase_name and self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: phase.set_time_options( units="s", targets="t_curr", input_initial=True, input_duration=True, ) elif 'cruise' in phase_name and self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: # Time here is really the independent variable through which we are integrating. # In the case of the Breguet Range ODE, it's mass. # We rely on mass being monotonically non-increasing across the phase. phase.set_time_options( name='mass', fix_initial=False, fix_duration=False, units="lbm", targets="mass", initial_bounds=(0., 1.e7), initial_ref=100.e3, duration_bounds=(-1.e7, -1), duration_ref=50000, ) elif 'descent' in phase_name and self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: duration_ref = user_options.get_val("duration_ref", 's') phase.set_time_options( duration_bounds=duration_bounds, fix_initial=fix_initial, input_initial=input_initial, units="s", duration_ref=duration_ref, ) else: # The rest of the phases includes all Height Energy method phases # and any 2DOF phases that don't fall into the naming patterns # above. input_initial = False time_units = phase.time_options['units'] # Make a good guess for a reasonable intitial time scaler. try: initial_bounds = user_options.get_val('initial_bounds', units=time_units) except KeyError: initial_bounds = (None, None) if initial_bounds[0] is not None and initial_bounds[1] != 0.0: # Upper bound is good for a ref. user_options.set_val('initial_ref', initial_bounds[1], units=time_units) else: user_options.set_val('initial_ref', 600., time_units) duration_bounds = user_options.get_val("duration_bounds", time_units) user_options.set_val( 'duration_ref', (duration_bounds[0] + duration_bounds[1]) / 2., time_units ) if phase_idx > 0: input_initial = True if fix_initial or input_initial: if self.comm.size > 1: # Phases are disconnected to run in parallel, so initial ref is # valid. initial_ref = user_options.get_val("initial_ref", time_units) else: # Redundant on a fixed input; raises a warning if specified. initial_ref = None phase.set_time_options( fix_initial=fix_initial, fix_duration=fix_duration, units=time_units, duration_bounds=user_options.get_val("duration_bounds", time_units), duration_ref=user_options.get_val("duration_ref", time_units), initial_ref=initial_ref, ) elif phase_name == 'descent' and self.mission_method is HEIGHT_ENERGY: # TODO: generalize this logic for all phases phase.set_time_options( fix_initial=False, fix_duration=False, units=time_units, duration_bounds=user_options.get_val("duration_bounds", time_units), duration_ref=user_options.get_val("duration_ref", time_units), initial_bounds=initial_bounds, initial_ref=user_options.get_val("initial_ref", time_units), ) else: # TODO: figure out how to handle this now that fix_initial is dict phase.set_time_options( fix_initial=fix_initial, fix_duration=fix_duration, units=time_units, duration_bounds=user_options.get_val("duration_bounds", time_units), duration_ref=user_options.get_val("duration_ref", time_units), initial_bounds=initial_bounds, initial_ref=user_options.get_val("initial_ref", time_units), ) if 'cruise' not in phase_name and self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: phase.add_control( Dynamic.Vehicle.Propulsion.THROTTLE, targets=Dynamic.Vehicle.Propulsion.THROTTLE, units='unitless', opt=False, ) return phase
[docs] def add_phases(self, phase_info_parameterization=None): """ Add the mission phases to the problem trajectory based on the user-specified phase_info dictionary. Parameters ---------- phase_info_parameterization (function, optional): A function that takes in the phase_info dictionary and aviary_inputs and returns modified phase_info. Defaults to None. Returns ------- traj: The Dymos Trajectory object containing the added mission phases. """ if phase_info_parameterization is not None: self.phase_info, self.post_mission_info = phase_info_parameterization( self.phase_info, self.post_mission_info, self.aviary_inputs) phase_info = self.phase_info if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.COLLOCATION: phases = list(phase_info.keys()) traj = self.model.add_subsystem('traj', dm.Trajectory()) elif self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.SHOOTING: vb = self.aviary_inputs.get_val(Settings.VERBOSITY) add_default_sgm_args(self.phase_info, self.ode_args, vb) full_traj = FlexibleTraj( Phases=self.phase_info, traj_final_state_output=[ Dynamic.Vehicle.MASS, Dynamic.Mission.DISTANCE, ], traj_initial_state_input=[ Dynamic.Vehicle.MASS, Dynamic.Mission.DISTANCE, Dynamic.Mission.ALTITUDE, ], traj_event_trigger_input=[ # specify ODE, output_name, with units that SimuPyProblem expects # assume event function is of form ODE.output_name - value # third key is event_idx associated with input ( 'groundroll', Dynamic.Mission.VELOCITY, 0, ), ( 'climb3', Dynamic.Mission.ALTITUDE, 0, ), ( 'cruise', Dynamic.Vehicle.MASS, 0, ), ], traj_intermediate_state_output=[ ('cruise', Dynamic.Mission.DISTANCE), ('cruise', Dynamic.Vehicle.MASS), ], ) traj = self.model.add_subsystem( 'traj', full_traj, promotes_inputs=[ ('altitude_initial', Mission.Design.CRUISE_ALTITUDE)]) self.model.add_subsystem( 'actual_descent_fuel', om.ExecComp( 'actual_descent_fuel = traj_cruise_mass_final - traj_mass_final', actual_descent_fuel={'units': 'lbm'}, traj_cruise_mass_final={'units': 'lbm'}, traj_mass_final={'units': 'lbm'},)) self.model.connect('start_of_descent_mass', 'traj.SGMCruise_mass_trigger') self.model.connect( 'traj.mass_final', 'actual_descent_fuel.traj_mass_final', src_indices=[-1], flat_src_indices=True, ) self.model.connect( 'traj.cruise_mass_final', 'actual_descent_fuel.traj_cruise_mass_final', src_indices=[-1], flat_src_indices=True, ) self.traj = full_traj return traj def add_subsystem_timeseries_outputs(phase, phase_name): phase_options = self.phase_info[phase_name] all_subsystems = self._get_all_subsystems( phase_options['external_subsystems']) for subsystem in all_subsystems: timeseries_to_add = subsystem.get_outputs() for timeseries in timeseries_to_add: phase.add_timeseries_output(timeseries) if self.mission_method in (TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM, HEIGHT_ENERGY, SOLVED_2DOF): if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.COLLOCATION: self.phase_objects = [] for phase_idx, phase_name in enumerate(phases): phase = traj.add_phase( phase_name, self._get_phase(phase_name, phase_idx)) add_subsystem_timeseries_outputs(phase, phase_name) if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: # In GASP, we still use the phase name to infer the phase type. # We need this information to be available in the builders. # TODO - Ultimately we should overhaul all of this. self.phase_info[phase_name]['phase_type'] = phase_name if phase_name == 'ascent': self._add_groundroll_eq_constraint() # loop through phase_info and external subsystems external_parameters = {} for phase_name in self.phase_info: external_parameters[phase_name] = {} all_subsystems = self._get_all_subsystems( self.phase_info[phase_name]['external_subsystems']) for subsystem in all_subsystems: parameter_dict = subsystem.get_parameters( phase_info=self.phase_info[phase_name], aviary_inputs=self.aviary_inputs ) for parameter in parameter_dict: external_parameters[phase_name][parameter] = parameter_dict[parameter] traj = setup_trajectory_params( self.model, traj, self.aviary_inputs, phases, meta_data=self.meta_data, external_parameters=external_parameters) if self.mission_method is HEIGHT_ENERGY: if not self.pre_mission_info['include_takeoff']: first_flight_phase_name = list(phase_info.keys())[0] first_flight_phase = traj._phases[first_flight_phase_name] first_flight_phase.set_state_options( Dynamic.Vehicle.MASS, fix_initial=False ) self.traj = traj return traj
[docs] def add_post_mission_systems(self, include_landing=True): """ Add post-mission systems to the aircraft model. This is akin to the pre-mission group or the "premission_systems", but occurs after the mission in the execution order. Depending on the mission model specified (`FLOPS` or `GASP`), this method adds various subsystems to the aircraft model. For the `FLOPS` mission model, a landing phase is added using the Landing class with the wing area and lift coefficient specified, and a takeoff constraints ExecComp is added to enforce mass, range, velocity, and altitude continuity between the takeoff and climb phases. The landing subsystem is promoted with aircraft and mission inputs and outputs as appropriate, while the takeoff constraints ExecComp is only promoted with mission inputs and outputs. For the `GASP` mission model, four subsystems are added: a LandingSegment subsystem, an ExecComp to calculate the reserve fuel required, an ExecComp to calculate the overall fuel burn, and three ExecComps to calculate various mission objectives and constraints. All subsystems are promoted with aircraft and mission inputs and outputs as appropriate. A user can override this with their own postmission systems. """ if self.pre_mission_info['include_takeoff'] and self.mission_method is HEIGHT_ENERGY: self._add_post_mission_takeoff_systems() if include_landing and self.post_mission_info['include_landing']: if self.mission_method is HEIGHT_ENERGY: self._add_height_energy_landing_systems() elif self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: self._add_two_dof_landing_systems() self.model.add_subsystem('post_mission', self.post_mission, promotes_inputs=['*'], promotes_outputs=['*']) # Loop through all the phases in this subsystem. for external_subsystem in self.post_mission_info['external_subsystems']: # Get all the subsystem builders for this phase. subsystem_postmission = external_subsystem.build_post_mission( self.aviary_inputs) if subsystem_postmission is not None: self.post_mission.add_subsystem(, subsystem_postmission) if self.mission_method in (HEIGHT_ENERGY, SOLVED_2DOF, TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM): # Check if regular_phases[] is accessible try: self.regular_phases[0] except BaseException: raise ValueError( f"regular_phases[] dictionary is not accessible." f" For HEIGHT_ENERGY and SOLVED_2DOF missions, check_and_preprocess_inputs()" f" must be called before add_post_mission_systems().") # Fuel burn in regular phases ecomp = om.ExecComp('fuel_burned = initial_mass - mass_final', initial_mass={'units': 'lbm'}, mass_final={'units': 'lbm'}, fuel_burned={'units': 'lbm'}) self.post_mission.add_subsystem( 'fuel_burned', ecomp, promotes=[('fuel_burned', Mission.Summary.FUEL_BURNED)]) if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.SHOOTING: # shooting method currently doesn't have timeseries self.post_mission.promotes('fuel_burned', [ ('initial_mass', Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS), ('mass_final', Mission.Landing.TOUCHDOWN_MASS), ]) else: if self.pre_mission_info['include_takeoff']: self.post_mission.promotes('fuel_burned', [ ('initial_mass', Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS), ]) else: # timeseries has to be used because Breguet cruise phases don't have # states self.model.connect(f"traj.{self.regular_phases[0]}.timeseries.mass", "fuel_burned.initial_mass", src_indices=[0]) self.model.connect(f"traj.{self.regular_phases[-1]}.timeseries.mass", "fuel_burned.mass_final", src_indices=[-1]) # Fuel burn in reserve phases if self.reserve_phases: ecomp = om.ExecComp('reserve_fuel_burned = initial_mass - mass_final', initial_mass={'units': 'lbm'}, mass_final={'units': 'lbm'}, reserve_fuel_burned={'units': 'lbm'}) self.post_mission.add_subsystem( 'reserve_fuel_burned', ecomp, promotes=[ ('reserve_fuel_burned', Mission.Summary.RESERVE_FUEL_BURNED)]) if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.SHOOTING: # shooting method currently doesn't have timeseries self.post_mission.promotes('reserve_fuel_burned', [ ('initial_mass', Mission.Landing.TOUCHDOWN_MASS), ]) self.model.connect( f"traj.{self.reserve_phases[-1]}.states:mass", "reserve_fuel_burned.mass_final", src_indices=[-1]) else: # timeseries has to be used because Breguet cruise phases don't have # states self.model.connect( f"traj.{self.reserve_phases[0]}.timeseries.mass", "reserve_fuel_burned.initial_mass", src_indices=[0]) self.model.connect( f"traj.{self.reserve_phases[-1]}.timeseries.mass", "reserve_fuel_burned.mass_final", src_indices=[-1]) self._add_fuel_reserve_component() # TODO: need to add some sort of check that this value is less than the fuel capacity # TODO: the overall_fuel variable is the burned fuel plus the reserve, but should # also include the unused fuel, and the hierarchy variable name should be # more clear ecomp = om.ExecComp('overall_fuel = (1 + fuel_margin/100)*fuel_burned + reserve_fuel', overall_fuel={'units': 'lbm', 'shape': 1}, fuel_margin={"units": "unitless", 'val': 0}, fuel_burned={'units': 'lbm'}, # from regular_phases only reserve_fuel={'units': 'lbm', 'shape': 1}, ) self.post_mission.add_subsystem( 'fuel_calc', ecomp, promotes_inputs=[ ("fuel_margin", Aircraft.Fuel.FUEL_MARGIN), ('fuel_burned', Mission.Summary.FUEL_BURNED), ("reserve_fuel", Mission.Design.RESERVE_FUEL), ], promotes_outputs=[('overall_fuel', Mission.Summary.TOTAL_FUEL_MASS)]) # If a target distance (or time) has been specified for this phase # distance (or time) is measured from the start of this phase to the end # of this phase for phase_name in self.phase_info: if 'target_distance' in self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"]: target_distance = wrapped_convert_units( self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"] ["target_distance"], 'nmi') self.post_mission.add_subsystem( f"{phase_name}_distance_constraint", om.ExecComp( "distance_resid = target_distance - (final_distance - initial_distance)", distance_resid={'units': 'nmi'}, target_distance={'val': target_distance, 'units': 'nmi'}, final_distance={'units': 'nmi'}, initial_distance={'units': 'nmi'},)) self.model.connect( f"traj.{phase_name}.timeseries.distance", f"{phase_name}_distance_constraint.final_distance", src_indices=[-1]) self.model.connect( f"traj.{phase_name}.timeseries.distance", f"{phase_name}_distance_constraint.initial_distance", src_indices=[0]) self.model.add_constraint( f"{phase_name}_distance_constraint.distance_resid", equals=0.0, ref=1e2) # this is only used for analytic phases with a target duration if 'target_duration' in self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"] and \ self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"].get("analytic", False): target_duration = wrapped_convert_units( self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"] ["target_duration"], 'min') self.post_mission.add_subsystem( f"{phase_name}_duration_constraint", om.ExecComp( "duration_resid = target_duration - (final_time - initial_time)", duration_resid={'units': 'min'}, target_duration={'val': target_duration, 'units': 'min'}, final_time={'units': 'min'}, initial_time={'units': 'min'},)) self.model.connect( f"traj.{phase_name}.timeseries.time", f"{phase_name}_duration_constraint.final_time", src_indices=[-1]) self.model.connect( f"traj.{phase_name}.timeseries.time", f"{phase_name}_duration_constraint.initial_time", src_indices=[0]) self.model.add_constraint( f"{phase_name}_duration_constraint.duration_resid", equals=0.0, ref=1e2) if self.mission_method in (TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM, HEIGHT_ENERGY): self._add_objectives() ecomp = om.ExecComp( 'mass_resid = operating_empty_mass + overall_fuel + payload_mass -' ' initial_mass', operating_empty_mass={'units': 'lbm'}, overall_fuel={'units': 'lbm'}, payload_mass={'units': 'lbm'}, initial_mass={'units': 'lbm'}, mass_resid={'units': 'lbm'}) payload_mass_src = Aircraft.CrewPayload.TOTAL_PAYLOAD_MASS self.post_mission.add_subsystem( 'mass_constraint', ecomp, promotes_inputs=[ ('operating_empty_mass', Aircraft.Design.OPERATING_MASS), ('overall_fuel', Mission.Summary.TOTAL_FUEL_MASS), ('payload_mass', payload_mass_src), ('initial_mass', Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS)], promotes_outputs=[("mass_resid", Mission.Constraints.MASS_RESIDUAL)]) if self.mission_method in (HEIGHT_ENERGY, TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM): self.post_mission.add_constraint( Mission.Constraints.MASS_RESIDUAL, equals=0.0, ref=1.e5) if self.mission_method is HEIGHT_ENERGY: # connect summary mass to the initial guess of mass in the first phase if not self.pre_mission_info['include_takeoff']: first_flight_phase_name = list(self.phase_info.keys())[0] eq = self.model.add_subsystem( f'link_{first_flight_phase_name}_mass', om.EQConstraintComp(), promotes_inputs=[('rhs:mass', Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS)]) eq.add_eq_output('mass', eq_units='lbm', normalize=False, ref=100000., add_constraint=True) self.model.connect( f'traj.{first_flight_phase_name}.states:mass', f'link_{first_flight_phase_name}_mass.lhs:mass', src_indices=[0], flat_src_indices=True, )
def _link_phases_helper_with_options(self, phases, option_name, var, **kwargs): # Initialize a list to keep track of indices where option_name is True true_option_indices = [] # Loop through phases to find where option_name is True for idx, phase_name in enumerate(phases): if self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options'].get(option_name, False): true_option_indices.append(idx) # Determine the groups of phases to link based on consecutive indices groups_to_link = [] current_group = [] for idx in true_option_indices: if not current_group or idx == current_group[-1] + 1: # If the current index is consecutive, add it to the current group current_group.append(idx) else: # Otherwise, start a new group and save the previous one groups_to_link.append(current_group) current_group = [idx] # Add the last group if it exists if current_group: groups_to_link.append(current_group) # Loop through each group and determine the phases to link for group in groups_to_link: # Extend the group to include the phase before the first True option and # after the last True option, if applicable if group[0] > 0: group.insert(0, group[0] - 1) if group[-1] < len(phases) - 1: group.append(group[-1] + 1) # Extract the phase names for the current group phases_to_link = [phases[idx] for idx in group] # Link the phases for the current group if len(phases_to_link) > 1: self.traj.link_phases(phases=phases_to_link, vars=[var], **kwargs)
[docs] def add_driver( self, optimizer=None, use_coloring=None, max_iter=50, verbosity=Verbosity.BRIEF): """ Add an optimization driver to the Aviary problem. Depending on the provided optimizer, the method instantiates the relevant driver (ScipyOptimizeDriver or pyOptSparseDriver) and sets the optimizer options. Options for 'SNOPT', 'IPOPT', and 'SLSQP' are specified. The method also allows for the declaration of coloring and setting debug print options. Parameters ---------- optimizer : str The name of the optimizer to use. It can be "SLSQP", "SNOPT", "IPOPT" or others supported by OpenMDAO. If "SLSQP", it will instantiate a ScipyOptimizeDriver, else it will instantiate a pyOptSparseDriver. use_coloring : bool, optional If True (default), the driver will declare coloring, which can speed up derivative computations. max_iter : int, optional The maximum number of iterations allowed for the optimization process. Default is 50. This option is applicable to "SNOPT", "IPOPT", and "SLSQP" optimizers. verbosity : Verbosity, int or list, optional If Verbosity.DEBUG, debug print options ['desvars','ln_cons','nl_cons','objs'] will be set. If a list is provided, it will be used as the debug print options. Returns ------- None """ # compatibility with being passed int for verbosity verbosity = Verbosity(verbosity) # Set defaults for optimizer and use_coloring based on analysis scheme if optimizer is None: optimizer = 'IPOPT' if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.SHOOTING else 'SNOPT' if use_coloring is None: use_coloring = False if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.SHOOTING else True # check if optimizer is SLSQP if optimizer == "SLSQP": driver = self.driver = om.ScipyOptimizeDriver() else: driver = self.driver = om.pyOptSparseDriver() driver.options["optimizer"] = optimizer if use_coloring: driver.declare_coloring() if driver.options["optimizer"] == "SNOPT": if verbosity == Verbosity.QUIET: isumm, iprint = 0, 0 elif verbosity == Verbosity.BRIEF: isumm, iprint = 6, 0 elif verbosity > Verbosity.BRIEF: isumm, iprint = 6, 9 driver.opt_settings["Major iterations limit"] = max_iter driver.opt_settings["Major optimality tolerance"] = 1e-4 driver.opt_settings["Major feasibility tolerance"] = 1e-7 driver.opt_settings["iSumm"] = isumm driver.opt_settings["iPrint"] = iprint elif driver.options["optimizer"] == "IPOPT": if verbosity == Verbosity.QUIET: print_level = 3 # minimum to get exit status driver.opt_settings['print_user_options'] = 'no' elif verbosity == Verbosity.BRIEF: print_level = 5 driver.opt_settings['print_user_options'] = 'no' driver.opt_settings['print_frequency_iter'] = 10 elif verbosity == Verbosity.VERBOSE: print_level = 5 else: # DEBUG print_level = 7 driver.opt_settings['tol'] = 1.0E-6 driver.opt_settings['mu_init'] = 1e-5 driver.opt_settings['max_iter'] = max_iter driver.opt_settings['print_level'] = print_level # for faster convergence driver.opt_settings['nlp_scaling_method'] = 'gradient-based' driver.opt_settings['alpha_for_y'] = 'safer-min-dual-infeas' driver.opt_settings['mu_strategy'] = 'monotone' elif driver.options["optimizer"] == "SLSQP": if verbosity == Verbosity.QUIET: disp = False else: disp = True driver.options["tol"] = 1e-9 driver.options["maxiter"] = max_iter driver.options["disp"] = disp if verbosity > Verbosity.QUIET: if isinstance(verbosity, list): driver.options['debug_print'] = verbosity elif verbosity == Verbosity.DEBUG: driver.options['debug_print'] = ['desvars', 'ln_cons', 'nl_cons', 'objs'] if optimizer in ("SNOPT", "IPOPT"): if verbosity == Verbosity.QUIET: driver.options['print_results'] = False elif verbosity < Verbosity.DEBUG: driver.options['print_results'] = 'minimal'
[docs] def add_design_variables(self): """ Adds design variables to the Aviary problem. Depending on the mission model and problem type, different design variables and constraints are added. If using the FLOPS model, a design variable is added for the gross mass of the aircraft, with a lower bound of 10 lbm and an upper bound of 900,000 lbm. If using the GASP model, the following design variables are added depending on the mission type: - the initial thrust-to-weight ratio of the aircraft during ascent - the duration of the ascent phase - the time constant for the landing gear actuation - the time constant for the flaps actuation In addition, two constraints are added for the GASP model: - the initial altitude of the aircraft with gear extended is constrained to be 50 ft - the initial altitude of the aircraft with flaps extended is constrained to be 400 ft If solving a sizing problem, a design variable is added for the gross mass of the aircraft, and another for the gross mass of the aircraft computed during the mission. A constraint is also added to ensure that the residual range is zero. If solving an alternate problem, only a design variable for the gross mass of the aircraft computed during the mission is added. A constraint is also added to ensure that the residual range is zero. In all cases, a design variable is added for the final cruise mass of the aircraft, with no upper bound, and a residual mass constraint is added to ensure that the mass balances. """ # add the engine builder `get_design_vars` dict to a collected dict from # the external subsystems # TODO : maybe in the most general case we need to handle DVs in the mission and post-mission as well. # for right now we just handle pre_mission all_subsystems = self._get_all_subsystems() # loop through all_subsystems and call `get_design_vars` on each subsystem for subsystem in all_subsystems: dv_dict = subsystem.get_design_vars() for dv_name, dv_dict in dv_dict.items(): self.model.add_design_var(dv_name, **dv_dict) if self.mission_method is SOLVED_2DOF: optimize_mass = self.pre_mission_info.get('optimize_mass') if optimize_mass: self.model.add_design_var(Mission.Design.GROSS_MASS, units='lbm', lower=10, upper=900.e3, ref=175.e3) elif self.mission_method in (HEIGHT_ENERGY, TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM): # vehicle sizing problem # size the vehicle (via design GTOW) to meet a target range using all fuel # capacity if self.problem_type is ProblemType.SIZING: self.model.add_design_var( Mission.Design.GROSS_MASS, lower=10.0, upper=None, units='lbm', ref=175e3, ) self.model.add_design_var( Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS, lower=10.0, upper=None, units='lbm', ref=175e3, ) self.model.add_subsystem( 'gtow_constraint', om.EQConstraintComp( 'GTOW', eq_units='lbm', normalize=True, add_constraint=True, ), promotes_inputs=[ ('lhs:GTOW', Mission.Design.GROSS_MASS), ('rhs:GTOW', Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS), ], ) if self.require_range_residual: self.model.add_constraint( Mission.Constraints.RANGE_RESIDUAL, equals=0, ref=10 ) # target range problem # fixed vehicle (design GTOW) but variable actual GTOW for off-design # mission range elif self.problem_type is ProblemType.ALTERNATE: self.model.add_design_var( Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS, lower=10., upper=900e3, units='lbm', ref=175e3, ) self.model.add_constraint( Mission.Constraints.RANGE_RESIDUAL, equals=0, ref=10 ) elif self.problem_type is ProblemType.FALLOUT: print('No design variables for Fallout missions') elif self.problem_type is ProblemType.MULTI_MISSION: self.model.add_design_var( Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS, lower=10., upper=900e3, units='lbm', ref=175e3, ) self.model.add_constraint( Mission.Constraints.RANGE_RESIDUAL, equals=0, ref=10 ) # We must ensure that design.gross_mass is greater than mission.summary.gross_mass # and this must hold true for each of the different missions that is flown # the result will be the design.gross_mass should be equal to the mission.summary.gross_mass # of the heaviest mission self.model.add_subsystem( "GROSS_MASS_constraint", om.ExecComp( "gross_mass_resid = design_mass - actual_mass", design_mass={"val": 1, "units": "kg"}, actual_mass={"val": 0, "units": "kg"}, gross_mass_resid={"val": 30, "units": "kg"}, ), promotes_inputs=[ ("design_mass", Mission.Design.GROSS_MASS), ("actual_mass", Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS), ], promotes_outputs=["gross_mass_resid"], ) self.model.add_constraint( "gross_mass_resid", lower=0 ) if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM and self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.COLLOCATION: # problem formulation to make the trajectory work self.model.add_design_var(Mission.Takeoff.ASCENT_T_INTIIAL, lower=0, upper=100, ref=30.0) self.model.add_design_var(Mission.Takeoff.ASCENT_DURATION, lower=1, upper=1000, ref=10.) self.model.add_design_var("tau_gear", lower=0.01, upper=1.0, units="unitless", ref=1) self.model.add_design_var("tau_flaps", lower=0.01, upper=1.0, units="unitless", ref=1) self.model.add_constraint( "h_fit.h_init_gear", equals=50.0, units="ft", ref=50.0) self.model.add_constraint("h_fit.h_init_flaps", equals=400.0, units="ft", ref=400.0)
[docs] def add_objective(self, objective_type=None, ref=None): """ Add the objective function based on the given objective_type and ref. NOTE: the ref value should be positive for values you're trying to minimize and negative for values you're trying to maximize. Please check and double-check that your ref value makes sense for the objective you're using. Parameters ---------- objective_type : str The type of objective to add. Options are 'mass', 'hybrid_objective', 'fuel_burned', and 'fuel'. ref : float The reference value for the objective. If None, a default value will be used based on the objective type. Please see the `default_ref_values` dict for these default values. Raises ------ ValueError: If an invalid problem type is provided. """ # Dictionary for default reference values default_ref_values = { 'mass': -5e4, 'hybrid_objective': -5e4, 'fuel_burned': 1e4, 'fuel': 1e4 } # Check if an objective type is specified if objective_type is not None: ref = ref if ref is not None else default_ref_values.get(objective_type, 1) final_phase_name = self.regular_phases[-1] if objective_type == 'mass': if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.COLLOCATION: self.model.add_objective( f"traj.{final_phase_name}.timeseries.{Dynamic.Vehicle.MASS}", index=-1, ref=ref ) else: last_phase = self.traj._phases.items()[final_phase_name] last_phase.add_objective( Dynamic.Vehicle.MASS, loc='final', ref=ref) elif objective_type == 'time': self.model.add_objective( f"traj.{final_phase_name}.timeseries.time", index=-1, ref=ref) elif objective_type == "hybrid_objective": self._add_hybrid_objective(self.phase_info) self.model.add_objective("obj_comp.obj") elif objective_type == "fuel_burned": self.model.add_objective(Mission.Summary.FUEL_BURNED, ref=ref) elif objective_type == "fuel": self.model.add_objective(Mission.Objectives.FUEL, ref=ref) else: raise ValueError( f"{objective_type} is not a valid objective.\nobjective_type must" " be one of mass, time, hybrid_objective, fuel_burned, or fuel") else: # If no 'objective_type' is specified, we handle based on 'problem_type' # If 'ref' is not specified, assign a default value ref = ref if ref is not None else 1 if self.problem_type is ProblemType.SIZING: self.model.add_objective(Mission.Objectives.FUEL, ref=ref) elif self.problem_type is ProblemType.ALTERNATE: self.model.add_objective(Mission.Objectives.FUEL, ref=ref) elif self.problem_type is ProblemType.FALLOUT: self.model.add_objective(Mission.Objectives.RANGE, ref=ref) else: raise ValueError(f'{self.problem_type} is not a valid problem type.')
def _add_bus_variables_and_connect(self): all_subsystems = self._get_all_subsystems() base_phases = list(self.phase_info.keys()) for external_subsystem in all_subsystems: bus_variables = external_subsystem.get_bus_variables() if bus_variables is not None: for bus_variable, variable_data in bus_variables.items(): mission_variable_name = variable_data['mission_name'] # check if mission_variable_name is a list if not isinstance(mission_variable_name, list): mission_variable_name = [mission_variable_name] # loop over the mission_variable_name list and add each variable to # the trajectory for mission_var_name in mission_variable_name: if mission_var_name not in self.meta_data: # base_units = self.model.get_io_metadata(includes=f'pre_mission.{}.{bus_variable}')[f'pre_mission.{}.{bus_variable}']['units'] base_units = variable_data['units'] shape = variable_data.get('shape', _unspecified) targets = mission_var_name if '.' in mission_var_name: # Support for non-hierarchy variables as parameters. mission_var_name = mission_var_name.split('.')[-1] if 'phases' in variable_data: # Support for connecting bus variables into a subset of # phases. for phase_name in variable_data['phases']: phase = getattr(self.traj.phases, phase_name) phase.add_parameter( mission_var_name, opt=False, static_target=True, units=base_units, shape=shape, targets=targets) self.model.connect( f'pre_mission.{bus_variable}', f'traj.{phase_name}.parameters:{mission_var_name}') else: self.traj.add_parameter( mission_var_name, opt=False, static_target=True, units=base_units, shape=shape, targets={phase_name: [mission_var_name] for phase_name in base_phases}) self.model.connect( f'pre_mission.{bus_variable}', f'traj.parameters:' + mission_var_name) if 'post_mission_name' in variable_data: self.model.connect( f'pre_mission.{}.{bus_variable}', f'post_mission.{}.' f'{variable_data["post_mission_name"]}', )
[docs] def setup(self, **kwargs): """ Lightly wrapped setup() method for the problem. """ # Use OpenMDAO's model options to pass all options through the system hierarchy. setup_model_options(self, self.aviary_inputs, self.meta_data) # suppress warnings: # "input variable '...' promoted using '*' was already promoted using 'aircraft:*' with warnings.catch_warnings(): self.model.options['aviary_options'] = self.aviary_inputs self.model.options['aviary_metadata'] = self.meta_data self.model.options['phase_info'] = self.phase_info warnings.simplefilter("ignore", om.OpenMDAOWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", om.PromotionWarning) super().setup(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_initial_guesses(self, parent_prob=None, parent_prefix=""): """ Call `set_val` on the trajectory for states and controls to seed the problem with reasonable initial guesses. This is especially important for collocation methods. This method first identifies all phases in the trajectory then loops over each phase. Specific initial guesses are added depending on the phase and mission method. Cruise is treated as a special phase for GASP-based missions because it is an AnalyticPhase in Dymos. For this phase, we handle the initial guesses first separately and continue to the next phase after that. For other phases, we set the initial guesses for states and controls according to the information available in the 'initial_guesses' attribute of the phase. """ setvalprob = self if parent_prob is not None and parent_prefix != "": setvalprob = parent_prob # Grab the trajectory object from the model if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.SHOOTING: if self.problem_type is ProblemType.SIZING: setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS, self.get_val(Mission.Design.GROSS_MASS)) setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + "traj.SGMClimb_" + Dynamic.Mission.ALTITUDE + "_trigger", val=self.cruise_alt, units="ft", ) return traj = self.model.traj # Determine which phases to loop over, fetching them from the trajectory phase_items = traj._phases.items() # Loop over each phase and set initial guesses for the state and control # variables for idx, (phase_name, phase) in enumerate(phase_items): if self.mission_method is SOLVED_2DOF: self.phase_objects[idx].apply_initial_guesses(self, 'traj', phase) if self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options']['ground_roll'] and self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options']['fix_initial']: continue # If not, fetch the initial guesses specific to the phase # check if guesses exist for this phase if "initial_guesses" in self.phase_info[phase_name]: guesses = self.phase_info[phase_name]['initial_guesses'] else: guesses = {} if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM and \ self.phase_info[phase_name]["user_options"].get("analytic", False): for guess_key, guess_data in guesses.items(): val, units = guess_data if 'mass' == guess_key: # Set initial and duration mass for the analytic cruise phase. # Note we are integrating over mass, not time for this phase. setvalprob.set_val( parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.t_initial', val[0], units=units) setvalprob.set_val( parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.t_duration', val[1], units=units) else: # Otherwise, set the value of the parameter in the trajectory # phase setvalprob.set_val( parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.parameters:{guess_key}', val, units=units) continue # If not cruise and GASP, add subsystem guesses self._add_subsystem_guesses(phase_name, phase, setvalprob, parent_prefix) # Set initial guesses for states and controls for each phase self._add_guesses(phase_name, phase, guesses, setvalprob, parent_prefix)
def _process_guess_var(self, val, key, phase): """ Process the guess variable, which can either be a float or an array of floats. This method is responsible for interpolating initial guesses when the user provides a list or array of values rather than a single float. It interpolates the guess values across the phase's domain for a given variable, be it a control or a state variable. The interpolation is performed between -1 and 1 (representing the normalized phase time domain), using the numpy linspace function. The result of this method is a single value or an array of interpolated values that can be used to seed the optimization problem with initial guesses. Parameters ---------- val : float or list/array of floats The initial guess value(s) for a particular variable. key : str The key identifying the variable for which the initial guess is provided. phase : Phase The phase for which the variable is being set. Returns ------- val : float or array of floats The processed guess value(s) to be used in the optimization problem. """ # Check if val is not a single float if not isinstance(val, float): # If val is an array of values if len(val) > 1: # Get the shape of the val array shape = np.shape(val) # Generate an array of evenly spaced values between -1 and 1, # reshaping to match the shape of the val array xs = np.linspace(-1, 1, # Check if the key indicates a control or state variable if "controls:" in key or "states:" in key: # If so, strip the first part of the key to match the variable name # in phase stripped_key = ":".join(key.split(":")[1:]) # Interpolate the initial guess values across the phase's domain val = phase.interp(stripped_key, xs=xs, ys=val) else: # If not a control or state variable, interpolate the initial guess # values directly val = phase.interp(key, xs=xs, ys=val) # Return the processed guess value(s) return val def _add_subsystem_guesses(self, phase_name, phase, setvalprob, parent_prefix): """ Adds the initial guesses for each subsystem of a given phase to the problem. This method first fetches all subsystems associated with the given phase. It then loops over each subsystem and fetches its initial guesses. For each guess, it identifies whether the guess corresponds to a state or a control variable and then processes the guess variable. After this, the initial guess is set in the problem using the `set_val` method. Parameters ---------- phase_name : str The name of the phase for which the subsystem guesses are being added. phase : Phase The phase object for which the subsystem guesses are being added. """ # Get all subsystems associated with the phase all_subsystems = self._get_all_subsystems( self.phase_info[phase_name]['external_subsystems']) # Loop over each subsystem for subsystem in all_subsystems: # Fetch the initial guesses for the subsystem initial_guesses = subsystem.get_initial_guesses() # Loop over each guess for key, val in initial_guesses.items(): # Identify the type of the guess (state or control) type = val.pop('type') if 'state' in type: path_string = 'states' elif 'control' in type: path_string = 'controls' # Process the guess variable (handles array interpolation) val['val'] = self._process_guess_var(val['val'], key, phase) # Set the initial guess in the problem setvalprob.set_val( parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.{path_string}:{key}', **val) def _add_guesses(self, phase_name, phase, guesses, setvalprob, parent_prefix): """ Adds the initial guesses for each variable of a given phase to the problem. This method sets the initial guesses for time, control, state, and problem-specific variables for a given phase. If using the GASP model, it also handles some special cases that are not covered in the `phase_info` object. These include initial guesses for mass, time, and distance, which are determined based on the phase name and other mission-related variables. Parameters ---------- phase_name : str The name of the phase for which the guesses are being added. phase : Phase The phase object for which the guesses are being added. guesses : dict A dictionary containing the initial guesses for the phase. """ # If using the GASP model, set initial guesses for the rotation mass and # flight duration if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: rotation_mass = self.initialization_guesses['rotation_mass'] flight_duration = self.initialization_guesses['flight_duration'] if self.mission_method in (HEIGHT_ENERGY, SOLVED_2DOF): control_keys = ["mach", "altitude"] state_keys = ["mass", Dynamic.Mission.DISTANCE] else: control_keys = ["velocity_rate", "throttle"] state_keys = [ "altitude", "mass", Dynamic.Mission.DISTANCE, Dynamic.Mission.VELOCITY, "flight_path_angle", Dynamic.Vehicle.ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, ] if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM and phase_name == 'ascent': # Alpha is a control for ascent. control_keys.append(Dynamic.Vehicle.ANGLE_OF_ATTACK) prob_keys = ["tau_gear", "tau_flaps"] # for the simple mission method, use the provided initial and final mach # and altitude values from phase_info if self.mission_method in (HEIGHT_ENERGY, SOLVED_2DOF): initial_altitude = wrapped_convert_units( self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options']['initial_altitude'], 'ft') final_altitude = wrapped_convert_units( self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options']['final_altitude'], 'ft') initial_mach = self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options']['initial_mach'] final_mach = self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options']['final_mach'] guesses["mach"] = ([initial_mach[0], final_mach[0]], "unitless") guesses["altitude"] = ([initial_altitude, final_altitude], 'ft') if self.mission_method is HEIGHT_ENERGY: # if time not in initial guesses, set it to the average of the # initial_bounds and the duration_bounds if 'time' not in guesses: initial_bounds = wrapped_convert_units( self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options']['initial_bounds'], 's') duration_bounds = wrapped_convert_units( self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options']['duration_bounds'], 's') guesses["time"] = ([np.mean(initial_bounds[0]), np.mean( duration_bounds[0])], 's') # if time not in initial guesses, set it to the average of the # initial_bounds and the duration_bounds if 'time' not in guesses: initial_bounds = self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options'][ 'initial_bounds'] duration_bounds = self.phase_info[phase_name]['user_options'][ 'duration_bounds'] # Add a check for the initial and duration bounds, raise an error if they # are not consistent if initial_bounds[1] != duration_bounds[1]: raise ValueError( f"Initial and duration bounds for {phase_name} " "are not consistent." ) guesses["time"] = ([np.mean(initial_bounds[0]), np.mean( duration_bounds[0])], initial_bounds[1]) for guess_key, guess_data in guesses.items(): val, units = guess_data # Set initial guess for time variables if 'time' == guess_key and self.mission_method is not SOLVED_2DOF: setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.t_initial', val[0], units=units) setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.t_duration', val[1], units=units) else: # Set initial guess for control variables if guess_key in control_keys: try: setvalprob.set_val( parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.controls:{guess_key}', self._process_guess_var(val, guess_key, phase), units=units) except KeyError: try: setvalprob.set_val( parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.polynomial_controls:{guess_key}', self._process_guess_var(val, guess_key, phase), units=units) except KeyError: setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.bspline_controls:', {guess_key}, self._process_guess_var( val, guess_key, phase), units=units) if self.mission_method is SOLVED_2DOF: continue if guess_key in control_keys: pass # Set initial guess for state variables elif guess_key in state_keys: setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.states:{guess_key}', self. _process_guess_var(val, guess_key, phase), units=units) elif guess_key in prob_keys: setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + guess_key, val, units=units) elif ":" in guess_key: setvalprob.set_val( parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.{guess_key}', self._process_guess_var( val, guess_key, phase), units=units) else: # raise error if the guess key is not recognized raise ValueError( f"Initial guess key {guess_key} in {phase_name} is not " "recognized." ) if self.mission_method is SOLVED_2DOF: return # We need some special logic for these following variables because GASP computes # initial guesses using some knowledge of the mission duration and other variables # that are only available after calling `create_vehicle`. Thus these initial guess # values are not included in the `phase_info` object. if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: base_phase = phase_name.removeprefix('reserve_') else: base_phase = phase_name if 'mass' not in guesses: if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: # Determine a mass guess depending on the phase name if base_phase in ["groundroll", "rotation", "ascent", "accel", "climb1"]: mass_guess = rotation_mass elif base_phase == "climb2": mass_guess = 0.99 * rotation_mass elif "desc" in base_phase: mass_guess = 0.9 * self.cruise_mass_final else: mass_guess = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Mission.Design.GROSS_MASS, units='lbm') # Set the mass guess as the initial value for the mass state variable setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + f'traj.{phase_name}.states:mass', mass_guess, units='lbm') if 'time' not in guesses: # Determine initial time and duration guesses depending on the phase name if 'desc1' == base_phase: t_initial = flight_duration * .9 t_duration = flight_duration * .04 elif 'desc2' in base_phase: t_initial = flight_duration * .94 t_duration = 5000 # Set the time guesses as the initial values for the time-related # trajectory variables setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + f"traj.{phase_name}.t_initial", t_initial, units='s') setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + f"traj.{phase_name}.t_duration", t_duration, units='s') if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: if 'distance' not in guesses: # Determine initial distance guesses depending on the phase name if 'desc1' == base_phase: ys = [self.target_range * .97, self.target_range * .99] elif 'desc2' in base_phase: ys = [self.target_range * .99, self.target_range] # Set the distance guesses as the initial values for the distance state # variable setvalprob.set_val(parent_prefix + f"traj.{phase_name}.states:distance", phase.interp( Dynamic.Mission.DISTANCE, ys=ys) )
[docs] def run_aviary_problem(self, record_filename="problem_history.db", optimization_history_filename=None, restart_filename=None, suppress_solver_print=True, run_driver=True, simulate=False, make_plots=True): """ This function actually runs the Aviary problem, which could be a simulation, optimization, or a driver execution, depending on the arguments provided. Parameters ---------- record_filename : str, optional The name of the database file where the solutions are to be recorded. The default is "problem_history.db". optimization_history_filename : str, None The name of the database file where the driver iterations are to be recorded. The default is None. restart_filename : str, optional The name of the file that contains previously computed solutions which are to be used as starting points for this run. If it is None (default), no restart file will be used. suppress_solver_print : bool, optional If True (default), all solvers' print statements will be suppressed. Useful for deeply nested models with multiple solvers so the print statements don't overwhelm the output. run_driver : bool, optional If True (default), the driver (aka optimizer) will be executed. If False, the problem will be run through one pass -- equivalent to OpenMDAO's `run_model` behavior. simulate : bool, optional If True, an explicit Dymos simulation will be performed. The default is False. make_plots : bool, optional If True (default), Dymos html plots will be generated as part of the output. """ if self.aviary_inputs.get_val(Settings.VERBOSITY).value >= 2: self.final_setup() with open('input_list.txt', 'w') as outfile: self.model.list_inputs(out_stream=outfile) if suppress_solver_print: self.set_solver_print(level=0) if optimization_history_filename: recorder = om.SqliteRecorder(optimization_history_filename) self.driver.add_recorder(recorder) # and run mission, and dynamics if run_driver: failed = dm.run_problem( self, run_driver=run_driver, simulate=simulate, make_plots=make_plots, solution_record_file=record_filename, restart=restart_filename) else: # prevent UserWarning that is displayed when an event is triggered warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning) failed = self.run_model() warnings.filterwarnings('default', category=UserWarning) # update n2 diagram after run. outdir = Path(self.get_reports_dir(force=True)) outfile = os.path.join(outdir, "n2.html") om.n2( self, outfile=outfile, show_browser=False, ) if self.aviary_inputs.get_val(Settings.VERBOSITY).value >= 2: with open('output_list.txt', 'w') as outfile: self.model.list_outputs(out_stream=outfile) self.problem_ran_successfully = not failed
[docs] def alternate_mission(self, run_mission=True, json_filename='sizing_problem.json', num_first=None, num_business=None, num_tourist=None, num_pax=None, wing_cargo=None, misc_cargo=None, cargo_mass=None, mission_range=None, phase_info=None, verbosity=Verbosity.BRIEF): """ This function runs an alternate mission based on a sizing mission output. Parameters ---------- run_mission : bool Flag to determine whether to run the mission before returning the problem object. json_filename : str Name of the file that the sizing mission has been saved to. mission_range : float, optional Target range for the fallout mission. payload_mass : float, optional Mass of the payload for the mission. phase_info : dict, optional Dictionary containing the phases and their required parameters. verbosity : Verbosity or list, optional If Verbosity.DEBUG, debug print options ['desvars','ln_cons','nl_cons','objs'] will be set. If a list is provided, it will be used as the debug print options. """ mass_method = self.aviary_inputs.get_val(Settings.MASS_METHOD) if mass_method == LegacyCode.FLOPS: if num_first is None or num_business is None or num_tourist is None: print('Incomplete PAX numbers for FLOPS fallout - assume same as design') num_first = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.Design.NUM_FIRST_CLASS) num_business = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.Design.NUM_BUSINESS_CLASS) num_tourist = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.Design.NUM_TOURIST_CLASS) if wing_cargo is None or misc_cargo is None: print('Incomplete Cargo masses for FLOPS fallout - assume same as design') wing_cargo = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.WING_CARGO, 'lbm') misc_cargo = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.MISC_CARGO, 'lbm') num_pax = cargo_mass = 0 elif mass_method == LegacyCode.GASP: if num_pax is None: print('Unspecifed PAX number for GASP fallout - assume same as design') num_pax = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.Design.NUM_PASSENGERS) if cargo_mass is None: print('Unspecifed Cargo mass for GASP fallout - assume same as design') cargo_mass = self.get_val(Aircraft.CrewPayload.CARGO_MASS, 'lbm') num_first = num_business = num_tourist = wing_cargo = misc_cargo = 0 if phase_info is None: phase_info = self.phase_info if mission_range is None: mission_range = self.get_val(Mission.Design.RANGE) mission_mass = self.get_val(Mission.Design.GROSS_MASS) optimizer = self.driver.options["optimizer"] prob_alternate = _load_off_design(json_filename, ProblemType.ALTERNATE, mass_method, phase_info, num_first, num_business, num_tourist, num_pax, wing_cargo, misc_cargo, cargo_mass, mission_range, mission_mass) prob_alternate.check_and_preprocess_inputs() prob_alternate.add_pre_mission_systems() prob_alternate.add_phases() prob_alternate.add_post_mission_systems() prob_alternate.link_phases() prob_alternate.add_driver(optimizer, verbosity=verbosity) prob_alternate.add_design_variables() prob_alternate.add_objective() prob_alternate.setup() prob_alternate.set_initial_guesses() if run_mission: prob_alternate.run_aviary_problem( record_filename='alternate_problem_history.db') return prob_alternate
[docs] def fallout_mission(self, run_mission=True, json_filename='sizing_problem.json', num_first=None, num_business=None, num_tourist=None, num_pax=None, wing_cargo=None, misc_cargo=None, cargo_mass=None, mission_mass=None, phase_info=None, verbosity=Verbosity.BRIEF): """ This function runs a fallout mission based on a sizing mission output. Parameters ---------- run_mission : bool Flag to determine whether to run the mission before returning the problem object. json_filename : str Name of the file that the sizing mission has been saved to. mission_mass : float, optional Takeoff mass for the fallout mission. payload_mass : float, optional Mass of the payload for the mission. phase_info : dict, optional Dictionary containing the phases and their required parameters. verbosity : Verbosity or list, optional If Verbosity.DEBUG, debug print options ['desvars','ln_cons','nl_cons','objs'] will be set. If a list is provided, it will be used as the debug print options. """ mass_method = self.aviary_inputs.get_val(Settings.MASS_METHOD) if mass_method == LegacyCode.FLOPS: if num_first is None or num_business is None or num_tourist is None: print('Incomplete PAX numbers for FLOPS fallout - assume same as design') num_first = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.Design.NUM_FIRST_CLASS) num_business = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.Design.NUM_BUSINESS_CLASS) num_tourist = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.Design.NUM_TOURIST_CLASS) if wing_cargo is None or misc_cargo is None: print('Incomplete Cargo masses for FLOPS fallout - assume same as design') wing_cargo = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.WING_CARGO, 'lbm') misc_cargo = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.MISC_CARGO, 'lbm') num_pax = cargo_mass = 0 elif mass_method == LegacyCode.GASP: if num_pax is None: print('Unspecifed PAX number for GASP fallout - assume same as design') num_pax = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.Design.NUM_PASSENGERS) if cargo_mass is None: print('Unspecifed Cargo mass for GASP fallout - assume same as design') cargo_mass = self.get_val(Aircraft.CrewPayload.CARGO_MASS, 'lbm') num_first = num_business = num_tourist = wing_cargo = misc_cargo = 0 if phase_info is None: phase_info = self.phase_info if mission_mass is None: mission_mass = self.get_val(Mission.Design.GROSS_MASS) optimizer = self.driver.options["optimizer"] prob_fallout = _load_off_design(json_filename, ProblemType.FALLOUT, mass_method, phase_info, num_first, num_business, num_tourist, num_pax, wing_cargo, misc_cargo, cargo_mass, None, mission_mass) prob_fallout.check_and_preprocess_inputs() prob_fallout.add_pre_mission_systems() prob_fallout.add_phases() prob_fallout.add_post_mission_systems() prob_fallout.link_phases() prob_fallout.add_driver(optimizer, verbosity=verbosity) prob_fallout.add_design_variables() prob_fallout.add_objective() prob_fallout.setup() prob_fallout.set_initial_guesses() if run_mission: prob_fallout.run_aviary_problem(record_filename='fallout_problem_history.db') return prob_fallout
[docs] def save_sizing_to_json(self, json_filename='sizing_problem.json'): """ This function saves an aviary problem object into a json file. Parameters ---------- aviary_problem: OpenMDAO Aviary Problem Aviary problem object optimized for the aircraft design/sizing mission. Assumed to contain aviary_inputs and Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS json_filename: string User specified name and relative path of json file to save the data into. """ aviary_input_list = [] with open(json_filename, 'w') as jsonfile: # Loop through aviary input datastructure and create a list for data in self.aviary_inputs: (name, (value, units)) = data type_value = type(value) # Get the gross mass value from the sizing problem and add it to input # list if name == Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS or name == Mission.Design.GROSS_MASS: Mission_Summary_GROSS_MASS_val = self.get_val( Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS, units=units) Mission_Summary_GROSS_MASS_val_list = Mission_Summary_GROSS_MASS_val.tolist() value = Mission_Summary_GROSS_MASS_val_list[0] else: # there are different data types we need to handle for conversion to json format # int, bool, float doesn't need anything special # Convert numpy arrays to lists if type_value == np.ndarray: value = value.tolist() # Lists are fine except if they contain enums if type_value == list: if isinstance(value[0], enum.Enum): for i in range(len(value)): value[i] = str([value[i]]) # Enums need converting to a string if isinstance(value, enum.Enum): value = str([value]) # Append the data to the list aviary_input_list.append([name, value, units, str(type_value)]) # Write the list to a json file json.dump(aviary_input_list, jsonfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) jsonfile.close()
def _add_hybrid_objective(self, phase_info): phases = list(phase_info.keys()) takeoff_mass = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Mission.Design.GROSS_MASS, units='lbm') obj_comp = om.ExecComp(f"obj = -final_mass / {takeoff_mass} + final_time / 5.", final_mass={"units": "lbm"}, final_time={"units": "h"}) self.model.add_subsystem("obj_comp", obj_comp) final_phase_name = phases[-1] self.model.connect(f"traj.{final_phase_name}.timeseries.mass", "obj_comp.final_mass", src_indices=[-1]) self.model.connect(f"traj.{final_phase_name}.timeseries.time", "obj_comp.final_time", src_indices=[-1]) def _add_vrotate_comp(self): self.model.add_subsystem("vrot_comp", VRotateComp()) self.model.connect('traj.groundroll.states:mass', 'vrot_comp.mass', src_indices=om.slicer[0, ...]) vrot_eq_comp = self.model.add_subsystem("vrot_eq_comp", om.EQConstraintComp()) vrot_eq_comp.add_eq_output( "v_rotate_error", eq_units="kn", lhs_name="v_rot_computed", rhs_name="groundroll_v_final", add_constraint=True) self.model.connect('vrot_comp.Vrot', 'vrot_eq_comp.v_rot_computed') self.model.connect( 'traj.groundroll.timeseries.velocity', 'vrot_eq_comp.groundroll_v_final', src_indices=om.slicer[-1, ...]) def _save_to_csv_file(self, filename): with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['name', 'value', 'units'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) for name, value_units in sorted(self.aviary_inputs): value, units = value_units writer.writerow({'name': name, 'value': value, 'units': units}) def _get_all_subsystems(self, external_subsystems=None): all_subsystems = [] if external_subsystems is None: all_subsystems.extend(self.pre_mission_info['external_subsystems']) else: all_subsystems.extend(external_subsystems) all_subsystems.append(self.core_subsystems['aerodynamics']) all_subsystems.append(self.core_subsystems['propulsion']) return all_subsystems def _add_height_energy_landing_systems(self): landing_options = Landing( ref_wing_area=self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.Wing.AREA, units='ft**2'), Cl_max_ldg=self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Mission.Landing.LIFT_COEFFICIENT_MAX) # no units ) landing = landing_options.build_phase(False) self.model.add_subsystem( 'landing', landing, promotes_inputs=['aircraft:*', 'mission:*'], promotes_outputs=['mission:*']) last_flight_phase_name = list(self.phase_info.keys())[-1] control_type_string = 'control_values' if self.phase_info[last_flight_phase_name]['user_options'].get( 'use_polynomial_control', True): if not use_new_dymos_syntax: control_type_string = 'polynomial_control_values' last_regular_phase = self.regular_phases[-1] self.model.connect(f'traj.{last_regular_phase}.states:mass', Mission.Landing.TOUCHDOWN_MASS, src_indices=[-1]) self.model.connect(f'traj.{last_regular_phase}.{control_type_string}:altitude', Mission.Landing.INITIAL_ALTITUDE, src_indices=[0]) def _add_post_mission_takeoff_systems(self): first_flight_phase_name = list(self.phase_info.keys())[0] connect_takeoff_to_climb = not self.phase_info[first_flight_phase_name][ 'user_options'].get('add_initial_mass_constraint', True) if connect_takeoff_to_climb: self.model.connect(Mission.Takeoff.FINAL_MASS, f'traj.{first_flight_phase_name}.initial_states:mass') self.model.connect(Mission.Takeoff.GROUND_DISTANCE, f'traj.{first_flight_phase_name}.initial_states:distance') control_type_string = 'control_values' if self.phase_info[first_flight_phase_name]['user_options'].get( 'use_polynomial_control', True): if not use_new_dymos_syntax: control_type_string = 'polynomial_control_values' if self.phase_info[first_flight_phase_name]['user_options'].get( 'optimize_mach', False): # Create an ExecComp to compute the difference in mach mach_diff_comp = om.ExecComp( 'mach_resid_for_connecting_takeoff = final_mach - initial_mach') self.model.add_subsystem('mach_diff_comp', mach_diff_comp) # Connect the inputs to the mach difference component self.model.connect(Mission.Takeoff.FINAL_MACH, 'mach_diff_comp.final_mach') self.model.connect( f'traj.{first_flight_phase_name}.{control_type_string}:mach', 'mach_diff_comp.initial_mach', src_indices=[0]) # Add constraint for mach difference self.model.add_constraint( 'mach_diff_comp.mach_resid_for_connecting_takeoff', equals=0.0) if self.phase_info[first_flight_phase_name]['user_options'].get( 'optimize_altitude', False): # Similar steps for altitude difference alt_diff_comp = om.ExecComp( 'altitude_resid_for_connecting_takeoff = final_altitude - initial_altitude', units='ft') self.model.add_subsystem('alt_diff_comp', alt_diff_comp) self.model.connect(Mission.Takeoff.FINAL_ALTITUDE, 'alt_diff_comp.final_altitude') self.model.connect( f'traj.{first_flight_phase_name}.{control_type_string}:altitude', 'alt_diff_comp.initial_altitude', src_indices=[0]) self.model.add_constraint( 'alt_diff_comp.altitude_resid_for_connecting_takeoff', equals=0.0) def _add_two_dof_landing_systems(self): self.model.add_subsystem( "landing", LandingSegment( **(self.ode_args)), promotes_inputs=['aircraft:*', 'mission:*', (Dynamic.Vehicle.MASS, Mission.Landing.TOUCHDOWN_MASS)], promotes_outputs=['mission:*'], ) self.model.connect( 'pre_mission.interference_independent_of_shielded_area', 'landing.interference_independent_of_shielded_area') self.model.connect( 'pre_mission.drag_loss_due_to_shielded_wing_area', 'landing.drag_loss_due_to_shielded_wing_area') def _add_objectives(self): "add objectives and some constraints" self.model.add_subsystem( "fuel_obj", om.ExecComp( "reg_objective = overall_fuel/10000 + ascent_duration/30.", reg_objective={"val": 0.0, "units": "unitless"}, ascent_duration={"units": "s", "shape": 1}, overall_fuel={"units": "lbm"}, ), promotes_inputs=[ ("ascent_duration", Mission.Takeoff.ASCENT_DURATION), ("overall_fuel", Mission.Summary.TOTAL_FUEL_MASS), ], promotes_outputs=[("reg_objective", Mission.Objectives.FUEL)], ) self.model.add_subsystem( "range_obj", om.ExecComp( "reg_objective = -actual_range/1000 + ascent_duration/30.", reg_objective={"val": 0.0, "units": "unitless"}, ascent_duration={"units": "s", "shape": 1}, actual_range={ "val": self.target_range, "units": "NM"}, ), promotes_inputs=[ ("actual_range", Mission.Summary.RANGE), ("ascent_duration", Mission.Takeoff.ASCENT_DURATION), ], promotes_outputs=[("reg_objective", Mission.Objectives.RANGE)], ) if self.analysis_scheme is AnalysisScheme.COLLOCATION: if self.mission_method is TWO_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM: ascent_phase = getattr(self.traj.phases, 'ascent') ascent_tx = ascent_phase.options["transcription"] ascent_num_nodes = ascent_tx.grid_data.num_nodes self.model.add_subsystem( "h_fit", PolynomialFit(N_cp=ascent_num_nodes), promotes_inputs=["t_init_gear", "t_init_flaps"], ) self.model.add_subsystem( "range_constraint", om.ExecComp( "range_resid = target_range - actual_range", target_range={"val": self.target_range, "units": "NM"}, actual_range={"val": self.target_range, "units": "NM"}, range_resid={"val": 30, "units": "NM"}, ), promotes_inputs=[ ("actual_range", Mission.Summary.RANGE), "target_range", ], promotes_outputs=[ ("range_resid", Mission.Constraints.RANGE_RESIDUAL)], ) def _add_fuel_reserve_component(self, post_mission=True, reserves_name=Mission.Design.RESERVE_FUEL): if post_mission: reserve_calc_location = self.post_mission else: reserve_calc_location = self.model RESERVE_FUEL_FRACTION = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.Design.RESERVE_FUEL_FRACTION, units='unitless') if RESERVE_FUEL_FRACTION != 0: reserve_fuel_frac = om.ExecComp( 'reserve_fuel_frac_mass = reserve_fuel_fraction * (takeoff_mass - final_mass)', reserve_fuel_frac_mass={ "units": "lbm"}, reserve_fuel_fraction={ "units": "unitless", "val": RESERVE_FUEL_FRACTION}, final_mass={ "units": "lbm"}, takeoff_mass={ "units": "lbm"}) reserve_calc_location.add_subsystem( "reserve_fuel_frac", reserve_fuel_frac, promotes_inputs=[("takeoff_mass", Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS), ("final_mass", Mission.Landing.TOUCHDOWN_MASS), ("reserve_fuel_fraction", Aircraft.Design. RESERVE_FUEL_FRACTION)], promotes_outputs=["reserve_fuel_frac_mass"]) RESERVE_FUEL_ADDITIONAL = self.aviary_inputs.get_val( Aircraft.Design.RESERVE_FUEL_ADDITIONAL, units='lbm') reserve_fuel = om.ExecComp( 'reserve_fuel = reserve_fuel_frac_mass + reserve_fuel_additional + reserve_fuel_burned', reserve_fuel={"units": "lbm", 'shape': 1}, reserve_fuel_frac_mass={"units": "lbm", "val": 0}, reserve_fuel_additional={"units": "lbm", "val": RESERVE_FUEL_ADDITIONAL}, reserve_fuel_burned={"units": "lbm", "val": 0}) reserve_calc_location.add_subsystem( "reserve_fuel", reserve_fuel, promotes_inputs=[ "reserve_fuel_frac_mass", ("reserve_fuel_additional", Aircraft.Design.RESERVE_FUEL_ADDITIONAL), ("reserve_fuel_burned", Mission.Summary.RESERVE_FUEL_BURNED)], promotes_outputs=[ ("reserve_fuel", reserves_name)])
def _read_sizing_json(aviary_problem, json_filename): """ This function reads in an aviary problem object from a json file. Parameters ---------- aviary_problem: OpenMDAO Aviary Problem Aviary problem object optimized for the aircraft design/sizing mission. Assumed to contain aviary_inputs and Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS json_filename: string User specified name and relative path of json file to save the data into Returns ---------- Aviary Problem object with updated input values from json file """ # load saved input list from json file with open(json_filename) as json_data_file: loaded_aviary_input_list = json.load(json_data_file) json_data_file.close() # Loop over input list and assign aviary problem input values counter = 0 # list index tracker for inputs in loaded_aviary_input_list: [var_name, var_values, var_units, var_type] = inputs # Initialize some flags to idetify arrays and enums is_array = False is_enum = False if var_type == "<class 'numpy.ndarray'>": is_array = True elif var_type == "<class 'list'>": # check if the list contains enums for i in range(len(var_values)): if isinstance(var_values[i], str): if var_values[i].find("<") != -1: # Found a list of enums: set the flag is_enum = True # Manipulate the string to find the value tmp_var_values = var_values[i].split(':')[-1] var_values[i] = tmp_var_values.replace(">", "").replace( "]", "").replace("'", "").replace(" ", "") if is_enum: var_values = convert_strings_to_data(var_values) else: var_values = [var_values] elif var_type.find("<enum") != -1: # Identify enums and manipulate the string to find the value tmp_var_values = var_values.split(':')[-1] var_values = tmp_var_values.replace(">", "").replace( "]", "").replace("'", "").replace(" ", "") var_values = convert_strings_to_data([var_values]) else: # values are expected to be parsed as a list to set_value function var_values = [var_values] # Check if the variable is in meta data if var_name in BaseMetaData.keys(): try: aviary_problem.aviary_inputs = set_value( var_name, var_values, aviary_problem.aviary_inputs, units=var_units, is_array=is_array, meta_data=BaseMetaData) except BaseException: # Print helpful error print( "FAILURE: list_num = ", counter, "Input String = ", inputs, "Attempted to set_value(", var_name, ",", var_values, ",", var_units, ")") else: # Not in the MetaData print( "Name not found in MetaData: list_num =", counter, "Input String =", inputs, "Attempted set_value(", var_name, ",", var_values, ",", var_units, ")") counter = counter + 1 # increment index tracker return aviary_problem def _load_off_design(json_filename, ProblemType, Mass_Method, phase_info, num_first, num_business, num_tourist, num_pax, wing_cargo, misc_cargo, cargo_mass, mission_range=None, mission_gross_mass=None): """ This function loads a sized aircraft, and sets up an aviary problem for a specified off design mission. Parameters ---------- json_filename: string User specified name and relative path of json file containing the sized aircraft data ProblemType: enum Alternate or Fallout. Alternate requires mission_range input and fallout requires mission_fuel input MassMethod: enum FLOPS or GASP. FLOPS requires num_first, num_business, num_tourist, wing_cargo and misc cargo inputs. GASP requires num_pax and cargo_mass inputs phase_info: phase_info dictionary for off design mission num_first: integer (FLOPS only) num_business: integer (FLOPS only) num_tourist: integer (FLOPS only) num_pax: integer Aircraft.CrewPayload.NUM_PASSENGERS (GASP only) wing_cargo: float (FLOPS only) misc_cargo: float (FLOPS only) cargo_mass: float Aircraft.CrewPayload.CARGO_MASS (GASP only) mission_range float Mission.Summary.RANGE 'NM' mission_gross_mass float Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS 'lbm' Returns ---------- Aviary Problem object with completed load_inputs() for specified off design mission """ # Initialize a new aviary problem and aviary_input data structure prob = AviaryProblem() prob.aviary_inputs = AviaryValues() prob = _read_sizing_json(prob, json_filename) # Update problem type prob.problem_type = ProblemType prob.aviary_inputs.set_val('settings:problem_type', ProblemType, units='unitless') # Setup Payload if Mass_Method == LegacyCode.FLOPS: prob.aviary_inputs.set_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.NUM_FIRST_CLASS, num_first, units='unitless') prob.aviary_inputs.set_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.NUM_BUSINESS_CLASS, num_business, units='unitless') prob.aviary_inputs.set_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.NUM_TOURIST_CLASS, num_tourist, units='unitless') num_pax = num_first + num_business + num_tourist prob.aviary_inputs.set_val(Aircraft.CrewPayload.MISC_CARGO, misc_cargo, 'lbm') prob.aviary_inputs.set_val(Aircraft.CrewPayload.WING_CARGO, wing_cargo, 'lbm') cargo_mass = misc_cargo + wing_cargo prob.aviary_inputs.set_val( Aircraft.CrewPayload.NUM_PASSENGERS, num_pax, units='unitless') prob.aviary_inputs.set_val(Aircraft.CrewPayload.CARGO_MASS, cargo_mass, 'lbm') if ProblemType == ProblemType.ALTERNATE: # Set mission range, aviary will calculate required fuel if mission_range is None: print( 'ERROR in _load_off_design - Alternate problem type requested with no specified Range') else: prob.aviary_inputs.set_val(Mission.Design.RANGE, mission_range, units='NM') prob.aviary_inputs.set_val(Mission.Summary.RANGE, mission_range, units='NM') try: target_range = phase_info['post_mission']['target_range'] phase_info['post_mission']['target_range'] = (mission_range, 'nmi') except KeyError: print('no target range to update') elif ProblemType == ProblemType.FALLOUT: # Set mission fuel and calculate gross weight, aviary will calculate range if mission_gross_mass is None: print( 'Error in _load_off_design - Fallout problem type requested with no specified Gross Mass') else: prob.aviary_inputs.set_val( Mission.Summary.GROSS_MASS, mission_gross_mass, units='lbm') # Load inputs prob.load_inputs(prob.aviary_inputs, phase_info) return prob