Source code for aviary.utils.compare_hierarchies

from aviary.variable_info.variables import Aircraft as _Aircraft
from aviary.variable_info.variables import Mission as _Mission

[docs] def compare_inner_classes(class1, class2, show_all=False): """ Compare two nested class hierarchies and return a set of shared inner-classes. Summary: This function takes in two classes that both are part of variable hierarchies and may contain inner-classes or variables with string-named values. This function compares those two classes and returns a set of inner classes that have the same name in both inputted classes. It will throw an error if the two classes have the same variable with a different string-named value. Parameters ---------- class1 : class A class that is all or part of a variable hierarchy. This can be the top-level class in the hierarchy, or any inner class nested at any depth within that top-level class. class2 : class A class that is all or part of a variable hierarchy. This can be the top-level class in the hierarchy, or any inner class nested at any depth within that top-level class. show_all : bool, optional Flag to tell the function to return the sets of variables and inner classes for each provided class. Returns ------- overlapping_inner_classes : set of strings A set of string names of all the inner classes which are common between the two input classes. class1_vars_set : set of strings, optional Set of string names of the variables belonging to class1, optional return based on show_all flag. class2_vars_set : set of strings, optional Set of string names of the variables belonging to class2, optional return based on show_all flag. class1_inner_classes_set : set of strings, optional Set of the string names of inner classes belonging to class1, optional return based on show_all flag. class2_inner_classes_set : set of strings, optional Set of the string names of inner classes belonging to class2, optional return based on show_all flag. Raises ------ ValueError If the two input classes both have a variable with the same variable name but different string-named value. """ class1_vars_inner_classes = vars(class1) class2_vars_inner_classes = vars(class2) class1_vars = [] class1_inner_classes = [] class2_vars = [] class2_inner_classes = [] # separate out a list of string names of the variables belonging to class1, and the inner classes belonging to class1 for key in class1_vars_inner_classes.keys(): # just checks if it is a class if type(class1_vars_inner_classes[key]) == type(class1): class1_inner_classes.append(key) elif (type(class1_vars_inner_classes[key]) == str) and not (key == '__module__') and not (key == '__doc__'): class1_vars.append(key) # separate out a list of string names of the variables belonging to class2, and the inner classes belonging to class2 for key in class2_vars_inner_classes.keys(): if type(class2_vars_inner_classes[key]) == type(class2): class2_inner_classes.append(key) elif (type(class2_vars_inner_classes[key]) == str) and not (key == '__module__') and not (key == '__doc__'): class2_vars.append(key) class1_vars_set = set(class1_vars) class2_vars_set = set(class2_vars) # get set of the variables in the provided classes that have the same name overlapping_vars = class1_vars_set & class2_vars_set for var in overlapping_vars: # go through overlapping variables and check that they have the same value associated with them value1 = getattr(class1, var) # value of the variable in the first class value2 = getattr(class2, var) # value of the variable in the second class if value1 != value2: raise ValueError( f"You have attempted to merge two variable hierarchies together that have the same variable with a different string name associated to it. The offending variable is '{var}'. In '{class1.__qualname__}' it has a value of '{value1}' and in '{class2.__qualname__}' it has a value of '{value2}'.") class1_inner_classes_set = set(class1_inner_classes) class2_inner_classes_set = set(class2_inner_classes) overlapping_inner_classes = class1_inner_classes_set & class2_inner_classes_set if show_all: return (overlapping_inner_classes, class1_vars_set, class2_vars_set, class1_inner_classes_set, class2_inner_classes_set) else: return (overlapping_inner_classes)
[docs] def recursive_comparison(overlapping_inner_classes, outer_class_a, outer_class_b): """ Recursively compares all inner classes to an infinite depth and identifies mismatched string-named values. For all of the inner class names provided in overlapping_inner_classes this function calls compare_inner_classes and compares those inner classes recursively until it reaches the full depth to which outer_class_a and outer_class_b have any inner classes in common. Parameters ---------- overlapping_inner_classes : set of strings This is a set of strings where each string is the name of an inner class that outer_class_a and outer_class_b have in common. outer_class_a : class A class that is all or part of a variable hierarchy. This can be the top-level class in the hierarchy, or any inner class nested at any depth within that top-level class. outer_class_b : class A class that is all or part of a variable hierarchy. This can be the top-level class in the hierarchy, or any inner class nested at any depth within that top-level class. Returns ------- None Exceptions ---------- No exceptions explicitly raised by this function, although called functions may raise exceptions. """ for overlapping_class_name in overlapping_inner_classes: overlapping_inner_class_a = getattr(outer_class_a, overlapping_class_name) overlapping_inner_class_b = getattr(outer_class_b, overlapping_class_name) overlapping_second_inner_classes = compare_inner_classes( overlapping_inner_class_a, overlapping_inner_class_b) recursive_comparison(overlapping_second_inner_classes, overlapping_inner_class_a, overlapping_inner_class_b)
[docs] def compare_hierarchies_to_merge(hierarchies_to_merge): """ Compares variable hierarchies to ensure there are no string-valued variable conflicts. For all the variable hierarchies provided in hierarchies_to_merge this function compares each hierarchy with every other hierarchy as well as the Aviary core aircraft and mission hierarchies to ensure there are no string-valued variable conflicts within the same class or inner class to and infinite depth. Parameters ---------- hierarchies_to_merge : list of classes This is a list of variable hierarchy classes which will be compared for merge compatibility with one another. Returns ------- None Raises ------ No explicit exceptions are raised by this function, although called functions may raise exceptions. """ for hierarchy in hierarchies_to_merge: # check if hierarchy has developed conflicts with original hierarchy if issubclass(hierarchy, _Aircraft): overlap = compare_inner_classes(hierarchy, _Aircraft) recursive_comparison(overlap, hierarchy, _Aircraft) # check if hierarchy has developed conflicts with original hierarchy if issubclass(hierarchy, _Mission): overlap = compare_inner_classes(hierarchy, _Mission) recursive_comparison(overlap, hierarchy, _Mission) for hierarchy2 in hierarchies_to_merge: if hierarchy != hierarchy2: overlap = compare_inner_classes(hierarchy, hierarchy2) recursive_comparison(overlap, hierarchy, hierarchy2)