Source code for aviary.utils.fortran_to_aviary

""" is used to read in Fortran based vehicle decks and convert them to Aviary decks.

FLOPS, GASP, or Aviary names can be used for variables (Ex WG or Mission:Design:GROSS_MASS)
When specifying variables from FORTRAN, they should be in the appropriate NAMELIST.
Aviary variable names should be specified outside any NAMELISTS.
Names are not case-sensitive.
Units can be specified using any of the openMDAO valid units.
Comments can be added using !
Lists can be entered by separating values with commas.
Individual list elements can be specified by adding an index after the variable name.
(NOTE: 1 indexing is used inside NAMELISTS, while 0 indexing is used outside NAMELISTS)

Example inputs:
aircraft:fuselage:pressure_differential = .5, atm !DELP in GASP, but using atmospheres instead of psi
ARNGE(1) = 3600 !target range in nautical miles

import csv
import re
import getpass

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from openmdao.utils.units import valid_units

from aviary.utils.functions import convert_strings_to_data
from aviary.utils.named_values import NamedValues, get_items
from aviary.variable_info.variable_meta_data import _MetaData
from aviary.variable_info.variables import Aircraft, Mission, Settings
from aviary.variable_info.enums import LegacyCode, Verbosity, ProblemType
from aviary.utils.functions import get_path
from aviary.utils.legacy_code_data.flops_defaults import (
from aviary.utils.legacy_code_data.gasp_defaults import (

FLOPS = LegacyCode.FLOPS
GASP = LegacyCode.GASP

[docs] def fortran_to_aviary( fortran_deck: str, legacy_code=None, out_file=None, force=False, verbosity=Verbosity.BRIEF, ): ''' Create an Aviary CSV file from a Fortran input deck Required input is the filepath to the input deck and legacy code. Optionally, a deck of default values can be specified, this is useful if an input deck assumes certain values for any unspecified variables If an invalid filepath is given, pre-packaged resources will be checked for input decks with a matching name. ''' # compatibility with being passed int for verbosity verbosity = Verbosity(verbosity) # TODO generate both an Aviary input file and a phase_info file vehicle_data = { 'input_values': NamedValues(), 'unused_values': NamedValues(), 'initialization_guesses': initialization_guesses, } fortran_deck: Path = get_path(fortran_deck, verbose=False) timestamp ='%m/%d/%y at %H:%M') user = getpass.getuser() comments = [] comments.append(f'# created {timestamp} by {user}') comments.append( f'# {legacy_code.value}-derived aircraft input deck converted from ' f'{}' ) if out_file: out_file = Path(out_file) else: name = fortran_deck.stem out_file: Path = fortran_deck.parent.resolve().joinpath(name + '_converted.csv') # create dictionary to convert legacy code variables to Aviary variables # key: variable name, value: either None or relevant historical_name aviary_variable_dict = generate_aviary_names(legacy_code.value) # Get legacy-code based depreciated variable list and set vehicle data to defaults if legacy_code is GASP: default_values = gasp_default_values deprecated_vars = gasp_deprecated_vars elif legacy_code is FLOPS: default_values = flops_default_values deprecated_vars = flops_deprecated_vars # Convert default data to Aviary names, add to vehicle_data for item in default_values: name = item[0].split('.') val = str(item[1][0]) vehicle_data = process_and_store_data( data=val, var_name=name[1], legacy_code=legacy_code, current_namelist=name[0], alternate_names=aviary_variable_dict, default_values=default_values, vehicle_data=vehicle_data, unused_vars=deprecated_vars, verbosity=verbosity, ) # read in and convert input file vehicle_data = parse_input_file( fortran_deck, vehicle_data, aviary_variable_dict, default_values, deprecated_vars, legacy_code, verbosity, ) # Postprocessing step to handle special cases for conversion (not 1-to-1 match), # per legacy code. if legacy_code is GASP: vehicle_data = update_gasp_options(vehicle_data) elif legacy_code is FLOPS: vehicle_data = update_flops_options(vehicle_data) vehicle_data = update_aviary_options(vehicle_data) # Add settings if legacy_code is FLOPS: eom = ['height_energy'] mass = ['FLOPS'] if legacy_code is GASP: eom = ['2DOF'] mass = ['GASP'] vehicle_data['input_values'].set_val(Settings.EQUATIONS_OF_MOTION, eom) vehicle_data['input_values'].set_val(Settings.MASS_METHOD, mass) if not out_file.is_file(): # default outputted file to be in same directory as input out_file = fortran_deck.parent / out_file if out_file.is_file(): if not force: raise RuntimeError( f'{out_file} already exists. Choose a new name or enable ' '--force' ) elif verbosity >= Verbosity.BRIEF: print(f'Overwriting existing file: {}') else: # create any directories defined by the new filename if they don't already exist out_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if verbosity >= Verbosity.VERBOSE: print('Writing to:', out_file) # TODO Use the existing utilities to write this input file? It will be much more # human-readable # open the file in write mode with open(out_file, 'w', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) # Write header info and comments for comment in comments: writer.writerow([comment]) writer.writerow([]) # Values that have been successfully translated to Aviary variables writer.writerow(['# Input Values']) for var, (val, units) in sorted(vehicle_data['input_values']): writer.writerow([var] + val + [units]) if legacy_code is GASP: # Values used in initial guessing of the trajectory writer.writerow([]) writer.writerow(['# Initialization Guesses']) for var_name in sorted(vehicle_data['initialization_guesses']): row = [var_name, vehicle_data['initialization_guesses'][var_name]] writer.writerow(row) # Values that were not successfully converted writer.writerow([]) writer.writerow(['# Unconverted Values']) for var, (val, _) in sorted(vehicle_data['unused_values']): writer.writerow([var] + val)
[docs] def parse_input_file( fortran_deck, vehicle_data, alternate_names, default_values, unused_vars, legacy_code, verbosity=Verbosity.BRIEF, ): ''' parse_input_file reads the data in fortran_deck and adds it to vehicle_data. Lines are read one by one, comments are removed, and namelists are tracked. Lines with multiple variable-data pairs are supported, but the last value per variable must be followed by a trailing comma. ''' input_data = NamedValues() with open(fortran_deck, 'r') as f_in: current_namelist = current_tag = '' for line in f_in: terminate_namelist = False tmp = [*line.split('!', 1), ''] line, comment = tmp[0], tmp[1] # anything after the first ! is a comment # remove all white space and trailing commas line = ''.join(line.split()).rstrip(',') if len(line.split()) == 0: continue # skip line if it contains only white space # Track when namelists are opened and closed if (line.lstrip()[0] in ['$', '&']) and current_tag == '': current_tag = line.lstrip()[0] current_namelist = line.split(current_tag)[1].split()[0] elif (line.lstrip()[0] == current_tag) or (line.rstrip()[-1] == '/'): line = line.replace('/', '') terminate_namelist = True number_of_variables = line.count('=') if number_of_variables == 1: # get the first element and remove white space var_name = ''.join(line.split('=')[0].split()) # everything after the = is the data data = line.split('=')[1] try: vehicle_data = process_and_store_data( data, var_name, legacy_code, current_namelist, alternate_names, default_values, vehicle_data, unused_vars, comment, verbosity, ) except Exception as err: if current_namelist == '': raise RuntimeError( line + ' could not be parsed successfully.' '\nIf this was intended as a comment, ' 'add an "!" at the beginning of the line.' ) from err else: raise err elif number_of_variables > 1: sub_line = line.split('=') # split the line at each = var_name = sub_line[0] # the first element is the first name for ii in range(number_of_variables): # Each of the following elements contains all of the data for the current variable # and the last element is the name of the next variable sub_list = sub_line[ii + 1].split(',') if ii + 1 < number_of_variables: next_var_name = sub_list.pop() if not next_var_name[0].isalpha(): index = next( (i for i, c in enumerate(next_var_name) if c.isalpha()), len(next_var_name), ) sub_list.append(next_var_name[:index]) next_var_name = next_var_name[index:] data = ','.join(sub_list) try: vehicle_data = process_and_store_data( data, var_name, legacy_code, current_namelist, alternate_names, default_values, vehicle_data, unused_vars, comment, verbosity, ) except Exception as err: if current_namelist == '': raise RuntimeError( line + ' could not be parsed successfully.' '\nIf this was intended as a comment, ' 'add an "!" at the beginning of the line.' ) from err else: raise err var_name = next_var_name if terminate_namelist: current_namelist = current_tag = '' return vehicle_data
[docs] def process_and_store_data( data, var_name, legacy_code, current_namelist, alternate_names, default_values, vehicle_data, unused_vars, comment='', verbosity=Verbosity.BRIEF, ): ''' process_and_store_data takes in a string that contains the data, the current variable's name and namelist, the dictionary of alternate names, and the current vehicle data. It will convert the string of data into a list, get units, check whether the data specified is part of a list or a single element, and update the current name to it's equivalent Aviary name. The variables are also sorted based on whether they will set an Aviary variable or they are for initial guessing ''' guess_names = list(initialization_guesses.keys()) var_ind = data_units = None skip_variable = False # skip any variables that shouldn't get converted if + '.' + var_name, str(unused_vars), re.IGNORECASE): return vehicle_data # remove any elements that are empty (caused by trailing commas or extra commas) data_list = [dat for dat in data.split(',') if dat != ''] if len(data_list) > 0: if valid_units(data_list[-1]): # if the last element is a unit, remove it from the list and update the # variable's units data_units = data_list.pop() var_values = convert_strings_to_data(data_list) else: skip_variable = True var_values = [] list_of_equivalent_aviary_names, var_ind = update_name( alternate_names, current_namelist + '.' + var_name, verbosity ) # Fortran uses 1 indexing, Python uses 0 indexing fortran_offset = 1 if current_namelist else 0 if var_ind is not None: var_ind -= fortran_offset # Aviary has a reduction gearbox which is 1/gear ratio of GASP gearbox if current_namelist + '.' + var_name == 'INPROP.GR': var_values = [1 / var for var in var_values] vehicle_data['input_values'] = set_value( Aircraft.Engine.Gearbox.GEAR_RATIO, var_values, vehicle_data['input_values'], var_ind=var_ind, units=data_units, ) for name in list_of_equivalent_aviary_names: if not skip_variable: if name in guess_names and legacy_code is GASP: # all initial guesses take only a single value vehicle_data['initialization_guesses'][name] = float(var_values[0]) continue elif name in _MetaData: if current_namelist + '.' + var_name in default_values: data_units = default_values.get_item( current_namelist + '.' + var_name )[1] else: data_units = None vehicle_data['input_values'] = set_value( name, var_values, data_units, vehicle_data['input_values'], var_ind=var_ind, ) continue vehicle_data['unused_values'] = set_value( name, var_values, data_units, vehicle_data['unused_values'], var_ind=var_ind, ) if verbosity >= Verbosity.VERBOSE: print('Unused:', name, var_values, comment) return vehicle_data
[docs] def set_value( var_name, var_value, units=None, value_dict: NamedValues = None, var_ind=None ): ''' set_value will update the current value of a variable in a value dictionary that contains a value and it's associated units. If units are specified for the new value, they will be used, otherwise the current units in the value dictionary or the default units from _MetaData are used. If the new variable is part of a list, the current list will be extended if needed. ''' if var_name in value_dict: current_value, units = value_dict.get_item(var_name) else: current_value = None if var_name in _MetaData: if not units: units = _MetaData[var_name]['units'] if not units: units = 'unitless' if var_ind is not None: # if an index is specified, use it, otherwise store the input as the whole value if isinstance(current_value, list): max_ind = len(current_value) - 1 if var_ind > max_ind: current_value.extend((var_ind - max_ind) * [0]) else: current_value = [current_value] + [0] * var_ind current_value[var_ind] = var_value[0] value_dict.set_val(var_name, current_value, units) else: if current_value is not None and isinstance(current_value[0], bool): # if a variable is defined as boolean but is read in as number, set as # boolean if var_value[0] == 1: var_value = ['True'] elif var_value[0] == 0: var_value = ['False'] else: ValueError(f"{var_name} allows 0 and 1 only, but it is {var_value[0]}") value_dict.set_val(var_name, var_value, units) return value_dict
[docs] def generate_aviary_names(legacy_code): ''' Create a dictionary that maps the specified Fortran code to Aviary variable names. Each Aviary variable will have a list of matching Fortran names ''' alternate_names = {} for key in _MetaData.keys(): historical_dict = _MetaData[key]['historical_name'] if historical_dict and legacy_code in historical_dict: alt_name = _MetaData[key]['historical_name'][legacy_code] if isinstance(alt_name, str): alt_name = [alt_name] alternate_names[key] = alt_name return alternate_names
[docs] def update_name(alternate_names, var_name, verbosity=Verbosity.BRIEF): '''update_name will convert a Fortran name to a list of equivalent Aviary names.''' if '(' in var_name: # some GASP lists are given as individual elements # get the target index var_ind = int(var_name.split('(')[1].split(')')[0]) var_name = var_name.split('(')[0] # remove the index formatting else: var_ind = None all_equivalent_names = [] for key, list_of_names in alternate_names.items(): if list_of_names is not None: for altname in list_of_names: altname = altname.lower() if altname.endswith(var_name.lower()): all_equivalent_names.append(key) continue elif var_ind is not None and altname.endswith( f'{var_name.lower()}({var_ind})' ): all_equivalent_names.append(key) var_ind = None continue # if there are no equivalent variable names, return the original name if len(all_equivalent_names) == 0: if verbosity >= Verbosity.VERBOSE: print('passing: ', var_name) all_equivalent_names = [var_name] return all_equivalent_names, var_ind
[docs] def update_gasp_options(vehicle_data): """ Handles variables that are affected by the values of others """ input_values: NamedValues = vehicle_data['input_values'] for var_name in gasp_scaler_variables: update_gasp_scaler_variables(var_name, input_values) flap_types = [ "plain", "split", "single_slotted", "double_slotted", "triple_slotted", "fowler", "double_slotted_fowler", ] ## PROBLEM TYPE ## # if multiple values of target_range are specified, use the one that # corresponds to the problem_type design_range, distance_units = input_values.get_item(Mission.Design.RANGE) try: problem_type = input_values.get_val(Settings.PROBLEM_TYPE)[0] except KeyError: problem_type = 'sizing' if isinstance(design_range, list): # if the design range target_range value is 0, set the problem_type to fallout if design_range[0] == 0: problem_type = 'fallout' input_values.set_val(Settings.PROBLEM_TYPE, [problem_type]) design_range = 0 if problem_type == 'sizing': design_range = design_range[0] elif problem_type == 'alternate': design_range = design_range[2] elif problem_type == 'fallout': design_range = 0 else: if design_range == 0: input_values.set_val(Settings.PROBLEM_TYPE, ['fallout']) input_values.set_val(Mission.Design.RANGE, [design_range], distance_units) ## STRUT AND FOLD ## strut_loc = input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Strut.ATTACHMENT_LOCATION, 'ft')[0] folded_span = input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Wing.FOLDED_SPAN, 'ft')[0] if strut_loc == 0: input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Wing.HAS_STRUT, [False], 'unitless') else: input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Wing.HAS_STRUT, [True], 'unitless') if folded_span == 0: input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Wing.HAS_FOLD, [False], 'unitless') else: input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Wing.HAS_FOLD, [True], 'unitless') if strut_loc < 0: input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Wing.HAS_FOLD, [True], 'unitless') input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Wing.CHOOSE_FOLD_LOCATION, [False], 'unitless') strut_loc = abs(strut_loc) if strut_loc < 1: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Strut.ATTACHMENT_LOCATION_DIMENSIONLESS, [strut_loc], 'unitless' ) input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Strut.DIMENSIONAL_LOCATION_SPECIFIED, [False], 'unitless' ) else: input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Strut.ATTACHMENT_LOCATION, [strut_loc], 'ft') input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Strut.DIMENSIONAL_LOCATION_SPECIFIED, [True], 'unitless' ) if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Wing.HAS_FOLD)[0]: if not input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Wing.CHOOSE_FOLD_LOCATION)[0]: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Wing.FOLD_DIMENSIONAL_LOCATION_SPECIFIED, [True], 'unitless' ) else: if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Wing.FOLDED_SPAN, 'ft')[0] > 1: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Wing.FOLD_DIMENSIONAL_LOCATION_SPECIFIED, [True], 'unitless', ) else: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Wing.FOLD_DIMENSIONAL_LOCATION_SPECIFIED, [False], 'unitless', ) else: input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Wing.CHOOSE_FOLD_LOCATION, [True], 'unitless') input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Wing.FOLD_DIMENSIONAL_LOCATION_SPECIFIED, [False], 'unitless' ) ## FLAPS ## flap_type = input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Wing.FLAP_TYPE)[0] if not isinstance(flap_type, str): flap_type = flap_types[flap_type - 1] input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Wing.FLAP_TYPE, [flap_type]) flap_ind = flap_types.index(flap_type) if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Wing.HIGH_LIFT_MASS_COEFFICIENT)[0] <= 0: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Wing.HIGH_LIFT_MASS_COEFFICIENT, [[0.62, 1.0, 0.733, 1.2, 1.32, 0.633, 0.678][flap_ind]], ) if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Wing.OPTIMUM_FLAP_DEFLECTION, 'deg')[0] == 0: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Wing.OPTIMUM_FLAP_DEFLECTION, [[60, 60, 40, 55, 55, 30, 30][flap_ind]], 'deg', ) if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Wing.FLAP_LIFT_INCREMENT_OPTIMUM)[0] == 0: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Wing.FLAP_LIFT_INCREMENT_OPTIMUM, [[0.9, 0.8, 1.18, 1.4, 1.6, 1.67, 2.25][flap_ind]], ) if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Wing.FLAP_DRAG_INCREMENT_OPTIMUM)[0] == 0: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Wing.FLAP_DRAG_INCREMENT_OPTIMUM, [[0.12, 0.23, 0.13, 0.23, 0.23, 0.1, 0.15][flap_ind]], ) reserve_fuel_additional = input_values.get_val( Aircraft.Design.RESERVE_FUEL_ADDITIONAL, units='lbm' )[0] if reserve_fuel_additional <= 0: input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Design.RESERVE_FUEL_ADDITIONAL, [0], units='lbm') input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Design.RESERVE_FUEL_FRACTION, [-reserve_fuel_additional], units='unitless', ) elif reserve_fuel_additional >= 10: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Design.RESERVE_FUEL_FRACTION, [0], units='unitless' ) else: ValueError('"FRESF" is not valid between 0 and 10.') # if the value is negative, we are asking the code to calculate it # if it is positive, then we are going to use it as an override if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Wing.FORM_FACTOR)[0] < 0: input_values.delete(Aircraft.Wing.FORM_FACTOR) if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.HorizontalTail.FORM_FACTOR)[0] < 0: input_values.delete(Aircraft.HorizontalTail.FORM_FACTOR) if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.VerticalTail.FORM_FACTOR)[0] < 0: input_values.delete(Aircraft.VerticalTail.FORM_FACTOR) if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Fuselage.FORM_FACTOR)[0] < 0: input_values.delete(Aircraft.Fuselage.FORM_FACTOR) if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Nacelle.FORM_FACTOR)[0] < 0: input_values.delete(Aircraft.Nacelle.FORM_FACTOR) if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Strut.FUSELAGE_INTERFERENCE_FACTOR)[0] < 0: input_values.delete(Aircraft.Strut.FUSELAGE_INTERFERENCE_FACTOR) # GASP-converted engine decks have uneven throttle ranges, which require the enabling # of global throttle range. This will result in extrapolation of the engine deck, # but provides closer matches to legacy results. To remove use of global throttle # (and therefore eliminate extrapolation), a T4 limit needs to be manually set for # the mission input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Engine.GLOBAL_THROTTLE, [True]) # GEARBOX # Aviary has a reduction gearbox which is 1/gear ratio of GASP gearbox if Aircraft.Engine.Gearbox.GEAR_RATIO in input_values: ratios = input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Engine.Gearbox.GEAR_RATIO) ratios = [1 / val for val in ratios] input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Engine.Gearbox.GEAR_RATIO, ratios, units='unitless' ) vehicle_data['input_values'] = input_values return vehicle_data
[docs] def update_flops_options(vehicle_data): """ Handles variables that are affected by the values of others """ input_values: NamedValues = vehicle_data['input_values'] for var_name in flops_scaler_variables: update_flops_scaler_variables(var_name, input_values) # TWR <= 0 is not valid in Aviary (parametric variation) if Aircraft.Design.THRUST_TO_WEIGHT_RATIO in input_values: if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Design.THRUST_TO_WEIGHT_RATIO)[0] <= 0: input_values.delete(Aircraft.Design.THRUST_TO_WEIGHT_RATIO) # WSR # Additional mass fraction scaler set to zero to not add mass twice if Aircraft.Engine.ADDITIONAL_MASS_FRACTION in input_values: if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Engine.ADDITIONAL_MASS_FRACTION)[0] >= 1: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Engine.ADDITIONAL_MASS, input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Engine.ADDITIONAL_MASS_FRACTION), 'lbm', ) input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Engine.ADDITIONAL_MASS_FRACTION, [0.0]) # Miscellaneous propulsion mass trigger point 1 instead of 5 if Aircraft.Propulsion.MISC_MASS_SCALER in input_values: if input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Propulsion.MISC_MASS_SCALER)[0] >= 1: input_values.set_val( Aircraft.Propulsion.TOTAL_MISC_MASS, input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Propulsion.MISC_MASS_SCALER), 'lbm', ) input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Propulsion.MISC_MASS_SCALER, [0.0]) vehicle_data['input_values'] = input_values return vehicle_data
[docs] def update_aviary_options(vehicle_data): """ Special handling for variables that occurs for either legacy code """ input_values: NamedValues = vehicle_data['input_values'] # if reference + scaled thrust both provided, set scale factor try: ref_thrust = input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Engine.REFERENCE_SLS_THRUST, 'lbf')[ 0 ] scaled_thrust = input_values.get_val(Aircraft.Engine.SCALED_SLS_THRUST, 'lbf')[ 0 ] except KeyError: pass else: scale_factor = scaled_thrust / ref_thrust input_values.set_val(Aircraft.Engine.SCALE_FACTOR, [scale_factor]) vehicle_data['input_values'] = input_values return vehicle_data
[docs] def update_flops_scaler_variables(var_name, input_values: NamedValues): """ The following parameters are used to modify or override internally computed weights and areas for various components as follows: < 0., negative of starting weight which will be modified as appropriate during optimization or parametric variation, lb or ft**2 = 0., no weight for that component > 0. but < 5., scale factor applied to internally computed weight or area > 5., actual fixed weight for component, lb or ft**2 Same rules also applied to various other FLOPS scaler parameters """ scaler_name = var_name + '_scaler' if scaler_name not in input_values: return scaler_value = input_values.get_val(scaler_name)[0] if scaler_value <= 0: input_values.delete(scaler_name) elif scaler_value < 5: return elif scaler_value > 5: if "area" in var_name.lower(): input_values.set_val(var_name, [scaler_value], 'ft**2') else: input_values.set_val(var_name, [scaler_value], 'lbm') input_values.delete(scaler_name)
[docs] def update_gasp_scaler_variables(var_name, input_values: NamedValues): """ The following parameters are used to modify or override internally computed weights and areas for various components as follows: < 0., negative of starting weight which will be modified as appropriate during optimization or parametric variation, lb or ft**2 = 0., no weight/area for that component > 0. but < 10., scale factor applied to internally computed weight > 10., actual fixed weight for component, lb or ft**2 Same rules also applied to various other FLOPS scaler parameters """ scaler_name = var_name + '_scaler' if scaler_name not in input_values: return scaler_value = input_values.get_val(scaler_name)[0] if scaler_value <= 0: input_values.delete(scaler_name) elif scaler_value < 10: return elif scaler_value > 10: if "area" in var_name.lower(): input_values.set_val(var_name, [scaler_value], 'ft**2') else: input_values.set_val(var_name, [scaler_value], 'lbm') input_values.delete(scaler_name)
# list storing information on Aviary variables that are split from single # FLOPS variables that use the same value-based branching behavior flops_scaler_variables = [ Aircraft.AirConditioning.MASS, Aircraft.AntiIcing.MASS, Aircraft.APU.MASS, Aircraft.Avionics.MASS, Aircraft.Canard.MASS, Aircraft.Canard.WETTED_AREA, Aircraft.CrewPayload.CARGO_CONTAINER_MASS, Aircraft.CrewPayload.FLIGHT_CREW_MASS, Aircraft.CrewPayload.NON_FLIGHT_CREW_MASS, Aircraft.CrewPayload.PASSENGER_SERVICE_MASS, Aircraft.Design.EMPTY_MASS_MARGIN, Aircraft.Electrical.MASS, Aircraft.Engine.THRUST_REVERSERS_MASS, Aircraft.Fins.MASS, Aircraft.Fuel.FUEL_SYSTEM_MASS, Aircraft.Fuel.UNUSABLE_FUEL_MASS, Aircraft.Furnishings.MASS, Aircraft.Fuselage.MASS, Aircraft.Fuselage.WETTED_AREA, Aircraft.HorizontalTail.MASS, Aircraft.HorizontalTail.WETTED_AREA, Aircraft.Hydraulics.MASS, Aircraft.Instruments.MASS, Aircraft.LandingGear.MAIN_GEAR_MASS, Aircraft.LandingGear.NOSE_GEAR_MASS, Aircraft.Nacelle.MASS, Aircraft.Nacelle.WETTED_AREA, Aircraft.Propulsion.TOTAL_ENGINE_OIL_MASS, Aircraft.VerticalTail.MASS_SCALER, Aircraft.VerticalTail.WETTED_AREA, Aircraft.Wing.MASS, Aircraft.Wing.SHEAR_CONTROL_MASS, Aircraft.Wing.SURFACE_CONTROL_MASS, Aircraft.Wing.WETTED_AREA, ] # GASP variables that use the same value-based branching behavior gasp_scaler_variables = [ Aircraft.Fuselage.WETTED_AREA, ] initialization_guesses = { # initialization_guesses is a dictionary that contains values used to # initialize the trajectory 'actual_takeoff_mass': 0, 'rotation_mass': 0, 'fuel_burn_per_passenger_mile': 0, 'cruise_mass_final': 0, 'flight_duration': 0, 'time_to_climb': 0, 'climb_range': 0, 'reserves': 0, } def _setup_F2A_parser(parser): ''' Set up the subparser for the Fortran_to_aviary tool. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse subparser The parser we're adding options to. ''' parser.add_argument( "input_deck", type=str, nargs=1, help="Filename of vehicle input deck, including partial or complete path.", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--out_file", default=None, help="Filename for converted input deck, including partial or complete path.", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--legacy_code", type=LegacyCode, help="Name of the legacy code the deck originated from", choices=set(LegacyCode), required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--force", action="store_true", help="Allow overwriting existing output files", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbosity", type=int, choices=Verbosity.values(), default=1, help="Set level of print statements", ) def _exec_F2A(args, user_args): # check if args.input_deck is a list, if so, use the first element if isinstance(args.input_deck, list): args.input_deck = args.input_deck[0] filepath = args.input_deck # convert verbosity from int to enum verbosity = Verbosity(args.verbosity) fortran_to_aviary(filepath, args.legacy_code, args.out_file, args.force, verbosity)