Source code for aviary.utils.options

from openmdao.core.system import System

from aviary.utils.aviary_values import AviaryValues, get_keys

[docs] def list_options(model: System, aviary_keys: list = None): """ Lists all option values in the provided model. All top-level option values will be listed, and items in model.options['aviary_options'] will also be listed. A list of keys may be provided to limit the list of items in aviary_options. Parameters ---------- model : System A model. aviary_keys: iter of str List of aviary_options keys whose values will be looked up and listed in the options printout. If None, all items in model.options['aviary_options'] will be listed. """ print('\nOptions:\n') for subsystem in model.system_iter(): if == '_auto_ivc': continue print( for (key, obj) in subsystem.options.items(): if isinstance(obj, AviaryValues): aviary_options = obj print(' aviary_options:') if isinstance(aviary_keys, list): keys = aviary_keys else: keys = get_keys(aviary_options) for key in keys: (val, units) = aviary_options.get_item(key) if units == 'unitless': print(f' {key} = {val}') else: print(f' {key} = {val} {units}') else: print(f' {key} = {str(obj)[0:80]}') print()