Source code for aviary.utils.propeller_map_conversion

import argparse
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum

from aviary.utils.conversion_utils import _rep, _parse, _read_map
from aviary.api import NamedValues
from aviary.utils.csv_data_file import write_data_file
from aviary.utils.functions import get_path
from aviary.subsystems.propulsion.utils import PropellerModelVariables, default_propeller_units

[docs] class PropMapType(Enum): GASP = 'GASP' def __str__(self): return self.value
HELICAL_MACH = PropellerModelVariables.HELICAL_MACH MACH = PropellerModelVariables.MACH CP = PropellerModelVariables.CP CT = PropellerModelVariables.CT J = PropellerModelVariables.J
[docs] def PropDataConverter(input_file, output_file, data_format: PropMapType): """ This is a utility class to convert a propeller map file to Aviary format. Currently, there is only one option: from GASP format to Aviary format. As an Aviary command, the usage is: aviary convert_prop_table -f GASP input_file output_file """ timestamp ='%m/%d/%y at %H:%M') comments = [] header = {} data = {} data_file = get_path(input_file) comments.append(f'# created {timestamp}') comments.append(f'# {data_format} propeller map converted from {input_file}') if data_format is PropMapType.GASP: scalars, tables, fields = _read_gasp_propeller(data_file, comments) data[J] = tables['thrust_coefficient'][:, 2] if scalars['iread'] == 1: data[HELICAL_MACH] = tables['thrust_coefficient'][:, 0] else: data[MACH] = tables['thrust_coefficient'][:, 0] data[CP] = tables['thrust_coefficient'][:, 1] data[CT] = tables['thrust_coefficient'][:, 3] # data needs to be string so column length can be easily found later for var in data: data[var] = np.array([str(item) for item in data[var]]) else: quit("Invalid propeller map format provided") # store formatted data into NamedValues object write_data = NamedValues() for key in data: write_data.set_val(key.value, data[key], default_propeller_units[key]) if output_file is None: sfx = data_file.suffix if sfx == '.prop': ext = '_aviary.prop' else: ext = '.prop' output_file = data_file.stem + ext write_data_file(output_file, write_data, comments, include_timestamp=False)
def _read_gasp_propeller(fp, cmts): """Read a GASP propeller map file and parse its scalars and tabular data. Data table is returned as a dictionary. The table consists of both the independent variables and the dependent variable for the corresponding field. The table is a "tidy format" 2D array where the first three columns are the independent varaiables (Advance ratio, Mach number, and power coefficient) and the final column is the dependent variable thrust coefficient. """ with open(fp, "r") as f: table_types = ["thrust_coefficient",] scalars = _read_pm_header(f) if scalars['iread'] == 1: cmts.append('# CT = f(Helical Mach at 75% Radius, Adv ratio & CP)') cmts.append('# mach_type = helical_mach') elif scalars['iread'] == 2: cmts.append('Propfan format - CT = f(Mach, Adv Ratio & CP)') cmts.append('# mach_type = mach') else: raise RuntimeError(f"IREAD = 1 or 2 expected, got {scalars['iread']}") tables = {k: _read_pm_table(f, cmts) for k in table_types} return scalars, tables, table_types def _read_pm_header(f): """Read GASP propeller map header (first line), returning the propeller scalars in a dict parameter 1 is Mach type. It is either 1 or 2. parameter 2 is IPRINT in GASP and is ignored in Aviary """ iread, _ = _parse(f, [*_rep(2, (int, 5))]) return { "iread": iread, } def _read_pm_table(f, cmts): """Read an entire table from a GASP propeller map file. The table data is returned as a "tidy format" array with three columns for the independent variables (advanced ratio (J), Mach number and power coefficient) and the final column for thrust coefficient. """ tab_data = None is_turbo_prop = True # table title title = f.readline().strip() cmts.append(f'# {title}') # number of maps in the table (nmaps,) = _parse(f, [(int, 5)]) # blank line f.readline() for i in range(nmaps): map_data = _read_map(f, is_turbo_prop) # blank line following all but the last map in the table if i < nmaps - 1: f.readline() if tab_data is None: tab_data = map_data else: tab_data = np.r_[tab_data, map_data] return tab_data def _setup_PMC_parser(parser): parser.add_argument('input_file', type=str, help='path to propeller map file to be converted') parser.add_argument('output_file', type=str, nargs='?', help='path to file where new converted data will be written') parser.add_argument('-f', '--data_format', type=PropMapType, choices=list(PropMapType), nargs='?', default='GASP', help='data format used by input_file') def _exec_PMC(args, user_args): PropDataConverter( input_file=args.input_file, output_file=args.output_file, data_format=args.data_format ) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Converts GASP-formatted ' 'propeller map files into Aviary csv format.\n') _setup_PMC_parser(parser) args = parser.parse_args() _exec_PMC(args, None)